| - Wells was a nurse who worked at the clinic that Agents Anthony DiNozzo and Caitlin Todd went undercover to get some blood samples belonging to Ricky Napolitano.
- Initiate Wells is a member of the Brotherhood of Steel in 2197. He informed Dekker of the attack of the Calculator's forces in Bunker Epsilon.
- Wells was a Resistance fighter sent to November 2007 to stop Carl Greenway from destroying the Seranno Point nuclear power plant because of its importance to the Resistance in the War against the Machines.
- Wells was a British commando seen in Medal of Honor: European Assault. He was ordered, along with Harrison, to cover the windows of a building that Holt and the other commandos were exiting.
- In Underground Overground, there are two Wells at the beginning of the level. The bottom one will lead to the rest of the level, but will miss a cave only reachable using the top Well.
- 300px|right|thumb|Rynek w Wells. W tle katedra Wells – miasto w Wielkiej Brytanii, w Anglii, w hrabstwie Somerset, położone w jego środkowej części. W 2001 roku miasto to zamieszkiwało 10 406 osób. Miasto ma od roku 1205 status city i jest najmniejszym miastem z tym statusem w Anglii, choć nie w Wielkiej Brytanii – wyprzedza je St Davids w Walii. Nazwa (ang. wells – studnie) pochodzi od trzech studni św. Andrzeja – w centrum miasta, pałacu biskupim i katedrze.
- Captain Wells was a human male Imperial officer. In 1 BBY, he was in command of the cargo ship designated Freighter 2716, which the Empire used to transport a large kyber crystal to the Tonnis sector.
- Three wells have been shown on the Island, although the Man in Black hinted that there were several more. The wells appear to have been created by an ancient civilization and identify the locations of the Island's energy pockets.
- Szeregowy Wells – dowódca oddziału Rangersów w misji Rosomaki!, której celem była ochrona Raptora. Po przybyciu drużyny Foley'a przenoszą Raptora do Burger Town. W misji może przeżyć lub zginąć.
- LCPL Dr. Wells of the Space Marine Corps was part of the second assault wave in the Stroggos Campaign. He served aboard the USS Hannibal as a physician.
- Wells is a soldier of John Farson. He was part of a group which was supposed to ambush the group of gunslingers led by Steven Deschain when Justus betrayed them. Farson changed his plans and instead had all of his soldiers in the planned ambush killed by the gunslingers. It is assumed Wells doesn't survive.
- <default>Wells</default> BildWiki.png Titel Spitz-/Deckname Geburtstag Terminatorserie Beruf Familie Beziehung Erster Auftritt Letzter Auftritt Schauspieler Synchronsprecher (DE) Wells war ein Widerstandskämpfer, der aus der Zukunft zum November 2007 geschickt wird um Carl Greenway daran zu hindern das Seranno Kernkraftwerk zu zerstören, welches im Krieg gegen die Maschinen für den Widerstand von wichtiger Bedeutung ist.
- Danny was fiercely proud of his wells because he was suffering PTSD from shooting a kid. Eventually he became obsessed with them and didn't notice he'd walked into the middle of the road. He failed to obey the law of SPLINK and was soon squashed into a fine paste by an oncoming car.
- Wells was a Manticoran citizen and a non-commissioned officer of the Royal Manticoran Navy. In 1890 PD, he held the rank of Sergeant and served aboard the heavy cruiser HMS Broadsword. He took part in the rescue operation following the Attica Avalanche on the planet Gryphon. (HHA2.4: THWH)
- Wells was a seaman aboard HMS Indefatigable during Hornblower's tour as midshipman. Wells accompanied Hornblower aboard the jolly boat during the cutting out of the corvette Papillon. Wells was to be the jolly boat's keeper during boarding, but, since Hales was unable to board, Wells was sent in his place.
- Wells made his appearance in the battle and assists Private Peter O'Neal, Corporal Christopher Winter, Lieutenant Lisa Reid and Captain Jeremy Cruz to take out Weyland-Yutani PMCs and destroy the second anti-aircraft gun while Ruiz moved to intercept the Second Acheron Queen.
- Wells are access points to Cyberspace. Many are scattered throughout the 4 levels of the game, and while many are used to move forward in the game, there a number of wells used only for accessing extra equipment/gaining Gamer Points. For those intrepid gamers who find it necessary to locate each and every one, you will be rewarded with both increasingly more valuable weapons and armor, and a decent amount of Gamer Points. After gaining the various cyberspace abilities, more areas of previously opened wells will become accessible. After gaining the Fire cyberspace ability, many regions blocked by the Nidhog become easily removed, making it possible to acquire certain rare items, such as the Seeker and Altruist weapons and armor peices, as well as high-ranking charms and runes. Also, there a
- Wells are interactive environmental features (like a pot/barrel, or an oven) found in both Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age, however, they only ever serve purpose at the Kandorean Temple. Wells can usually be found in any village, and like an oven, when the character approaches them and presses the A button, there will be text displayed, saying a wide range of things. For example: "The bottom of the well is dark. It looks very deep," "There are frogs at the bottom of the well," "It appears to be completly dried up," etc.