| - The Coelacanth (pronounced: "See-luh-canth") is a very rare deep-sea fish.
- Coelacanth is an enemy in MARDEK.
- Coelacanths.
- 一億年の 言葉の地層に 狂い泳げ シーラカンス シーラカンス 石の棺の 水門よ開け 石の棺の 水門よ開け シーラカンス シーラカンス 系譜の河に 渦を起こせ 名付け親の 口を閉ざせ シーラカンス シーラカンス
- The Coelacanth is an ancient fish that was once deemed extinct since the end of the cretaceous period until one was caught off the coast of South Africa in 1938. It thrived in the oceans 400 million years ago but todays numbers make it critically endangered. File:Latimeria 1.jpg
- Coelacanth has a cartilaginous structures such as the hands and feet in the pectoral fins and belly, so nisa crawling and moving on the seabed.
- Coelacanth is the common name for an order of fish that includes the oldest living lineage of gnathostomata known to date. The coelacanths, which are related to lungfishes and tetrapods, were believed to have been extinct since the end of the Cretaceous period, until the first Latimeria specimen was found off the east coast of South Africa, off the Chalumna River in 1938. They are, therefore, a Lazarus taxon.
- The Coelacanth is an enemy from Grandia. It can be found in the Icarian City. Coelacanth may appear alongside Dragonoids, Liliths and Skeletons and have the ability to cast Hoparound.
- The Coelacanth is a special fish that can only be caught by fishing in the pond while wearing all three pieces of the Pro Fishing Gear. This fish sells for 4 coins and recycles for 30 recycle points. Like all fish, it cannot be gifted. It can be displayed using an aquarium.
- Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategoriiCoelacanth – ryba występująca w The Elder Scrolls Online. Można ją znaleźć w Shadowfen.
- Coelacanth is a rare fish in Online. It can be obtained through fishing in Shadowfen.
- The Coelacanth is one of the many artifacts found in Conduit 2's story mode, it can be found in GLOMAR Oil Rig. It is a real life fish, and was discovered during 1938 off the coast of Madagascar. This creature was thought to have gone extinct with the dinosaurs, but this has proven false.
- The Coelacanth is a boss from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates. The Coelacanth spends most of its time diving underwater, making it difficult to approach and attack. Its blue breath attacks is able to deal three consecutive hits, deal Stun status and flip enemies over. It also drops a platform in hopes of drowning characters (dealing 15 to 25 HP of damage). It fires a crimson ray that is swift, inflicts Stun, and very devastating at this point (often dealing 63 HP of damage). It fires three bubbles capable of reaching under platforms and stun enemies if it pops under or over them three times.