| - Tiedosto:Wild pie.gif Wild pie on piirakka jonka voi valmistaa keittämistaidolla kun olet tasolla 85. Se parantaa 220 elämänpistettä. Se on kallis, sillä se maksaa noin 10k. Luokka:Ruoka Luokka:Tavarat en:Wild pie
- To make a wild pie, players must in order add raw bear meat, raw chompy, and raw rabbit into a pie shell, then cook it. All three types of meat can be obtained by killing the monsters that drop them (bears, Chompy birds, and rabbits). Alternatively, Raw bear meat can be purchased from Rufus in Canifis. Raw rabbit can be purchased from Trader Stan's Trading Post.
- To make a wild pie, players must in order add raw bear meat, raw chompy, and raw rabbit into a pie shell, then cook it. All three types of meat can be obtained by killing the monsters that drop them (bears, Chompy birds, and rabbits). Alternatively, Raw bear meat can be purchased from Rufus in Canifis, or Chargurr in Oo'glog. Raw rabbit can be purchased from Trader Stan's Trading Post, or from Chargurr. NPC stores no longer sell Chompy meat. variables=skillstat_Constitution_level calchealing| let(base,85) let(hp,skillstat_Constitution_level) if(hp < base){ let(heal,hp*25) }{let(heal,base*25)
- To make a wild pie, players must in order add raw bear meat, raw chompy, and raw rabbit into a pie shell, then cook it. All three types of meat can be obtained by killing the monsters that drop them (bears, Chompy birds, and rabbits). Alternatively, Raw bear meat can be purchased from Rufus in Canifis, or Chargurr in Oo'glog. Raw rabbit can be purchased from Trader Stan's Trading Post, or from Chargurr. NPC stores no longer sell Chompy meat. The minimum Constitution level to receive the full amount of healing from this food is 85. }{let(heal,base*25)