| - She once said that, without him, her voice would be empty. (VOY: "The Killing Game")
- Claude a feleségével, Marie-vel együtt Magnus-t szolgálták, abban az időben, amikor az Párizsban lakott. Magnus szerint mindketten remekül értettek a munkájukhoz. Amikor Magnus magára haragította a párizsi vámpírklán fejét, Marcel-t, a vámpír bosszúból feldúlta Magnus párizsi otthonát és az emberei magukkal hurcolták a házaspárt. Marcel egyik alattvalója szerint, Claude és Marie a vámpírok áldozatai lettek, ami valószínűsiti, hogy mindkettejüket megölték.
- He reappears in the 100th episode, Delicious Dynasty, costumed with different outfit (as The Monkey King) and skin colour.
- Nel 1992 è proprietario del Garage di Doherty, un garage abbandonato. Entra nel giro delle gare clandestine e qui conosce la colombiana Catalina, cugina dell'altrettanto corridore clandestino Cesar Vialpando, cognato di Carl Johnson. Dopo una sconfitta proprio con Carl, fuggirà assieme a Catalina per tutta l'America, lasciando come premio a Carl proprio il suo garage. Passerà nove anni in giro per l'america tra furti e rapine.
- The Claude is a scorpion-like enemy in the Arcade Creator currently only available in the Cave World. It takes two magic spells to defeat.
- Claude was the coachman to Lady Marie DeValle on the night Francois told her he was the Chartreuse Fox.
- Claude (クロード, Kurōdo) is a character introduced in Samurai Shodown Sen. __TOC__
- He wears a green shorts and green diving fin.He has purple eyes,his Chitin Exoskeleton is red.
- Claude – protagonista GTA III. Wbrew powszechnej opinii Claude to nie Claude Speed (GTA 2), tylko inna postać. Według graczy GTA III jest największym gangsta w całym GTA. Ubiera się stylowo: wieśniackie oliwkowe jeansy, brudna, pikselowata kurtka i trampki z Leclerca za 3.99.
- Aunque vive en el pueblo, trabaja todo el día en la ciudad dejando a Enja sola. Su mujer es una famosa diseñadora de moda en la ciudad, por lo que no puede vivir con ellos. Él te dará los regalos cuando ganes algún festival o los títulos de bazar.
- Claude was a Human raised in France on Earth in the early 24th century, a childhood friend of Robert and Jean-Luc Picard. (TNG novel: Perchance to Dream) Claude's last name is unknown.
- Claude is one of Queen Regina's knights who was killed by Captain Hook and whose body was used to help his killer make it to Wonderland and back. __TOC__
- Chef du village d'Hameau d'Arktuis à Willieoseu.thumb Catégorie:PNJ
- Claude era un mundano que vivía en París.
- Claude (ビネガー, Vinegar) est un lapin apparaissant comme villageois dans Animal Crossing sur GameCube. Il est également apparu dans Animal Forest, Dōbutsu no Mori + et Dōbutsu no Mori e+ qui sont trois versions exclusivement japonaises. Il réapparaît dans Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer en tant que DLC.
- Claude could refer to :
* Gō Koga, a Bount who went under the name of Claude Gaugain at some point in the 1800s.
* Kurōdo, a modified soul created by Kisuke Urahara as a Bount detector
- '''Claude ist eine verrückte Bandit-Bohne aus Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, der auch einen Auftritt in Mario & Luigi Dream Team Bros. hatte. Er hält sich für einen Meisterdieb, ist jedoch wohl meistens erfolglos.
- Claude is the Gray Fairy Ranger in Fairy Strikers. He is handsome, popular idol, and he is the most powerful & strongest ranger in the team.
- Claude est un personnage de la série Grand Theft Auto. Apparaissant comme le protagoniste dans Grand Theft Auto III (2001) et comme personnage mineur dans Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (1992). Il n'y a pas de doubleur pour Claude et il ne parle pas durant ces deux apparitions. Il est impossible de savoir si Claude de l'univers 3D est le même que Claude Speed, le protagoniste de Grand Theft Auto 2.
- Claude – główny bohater Grand Theft Auto III, chłopak Cataliny (1992-2001), członek Kartelu Kolumbijskiego (do 2001). Claude występuje także epizodycznie w Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Prawdopodobnie jest niemy – w czasie akcji tych dwóch gier nie wypowiada ani jednego słowa, a w GTA III jedynie krzyczy z bólu.
- Claude is a character in the Grand Theft Auto series who appears as the protagonist of Grand Theft Auto III, and a minor character in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Claude does not speak in any of his appearances.
- Czy chodziło ci o...
* Gō Koga – Bount, który kiedyś, przez pewien okres w 1800 roku podróżował pod imieniem Claude Gaugain.
* Kurōdo – zmodyfikowana dusza stworzona przez Kisuke Uraharę jako wykrywacz Bount.
- Tiberius Claudius Drusus, en français Claude, fut empereur romain de 41 à 54 apr. J.-C.
- Claude is an antagonist from Pokemon time he is a member of Team Bashem a rival to the 10 shadows.He takes orders from Gonzap the current leader of Team Bashem. Pokemon L59 Drapion-Taunt,Fling,Cross Poison,Faint Attack L63 Seviper-Wring Out,Aqua Tail,X-Scissor,Swagger
- Clause is a small crab that resembles a Sidestepper. His first and only appearance so far is in [[Quest for The Godhand]]. Claude is somewhat smart and very friendly. At night, he went to the nearby school and library and read several books, gaining his intelligence. Other than that, he kept himself in the sand or swam in the nearby ocean.
- Claude was an elderly mundane who lived in Paris with his wife, Marie.
- thumb|Das Hologramm Claude Das Hologramm Claude ist 2374 Teil der Simulation des Etablissements von Katrine. Er spielt Piano, während Mademoiselle de Neuf singt. Nachdem diese ihr Lied beendet hat, bittet sie auch um Applaus für ihren Pianisten, ohne den ihre Stimme nichts wäre. (VOY: ) Von wem Claude gespielt wurde, ist unbekannt.
- Claude ist ein männlicher Hase. Er hat am 3. Dezember Geburtstag und ist ein bequemer Dorfbewohner.
- Claude – strażnik kopalni, występujący w modyfikacji Mroczne Tajemnice.
- frame|Claudethumb|Artwork of Claudethumb|Claude Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas'daClaude Grand Theft Auto dizisinde yinelenen bir karakterdir.Grand Theft Auto III'de baş aktör,Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas'da ise küçük bir rol alır.Claude'yi seslendiren hiçbir aktör yoktur, çünkü dizideki oyunlarda hiç konuşmamıştır.Konuşmamasının nedeni Rockstar Games yapımcılarının o zamanki düşüncesi karakter oyunu domine etmesin oyuncu karakterle daha fazla bütünleşsin diye böyle bir yola başvurmuşlardır. Lakabı SessizYılan'dır ayrıca Grand Theft Auto IV da Playboy X i öldürmeyi seçerseniz onun evinde Claudenun kıyafetlerini giyebilirsiniz.Claude San Fierro doğumludur.1992'de San Fierro'da tanıştığı kız arkadaşı Catalina ile Liberty City'e göç etmiştir.
- The role of Claude is played by Jacques Tourangeau in the Season Three episode "Outside the Lines".
- Claude was not mentioned prior to reaching the Shiverpeaks. From his dialogue, he has lost all his loved ones during the Searing, and has turned from the worship of life to the worship of death. He is available for hire starting from Yak's Bend until replaced by Eve from the Thunderhead Keep mission onwards.
- Claude, known as Nakajima in the Japanese version, is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V anime. He works for Declan Akaba at Leo Corporation.
- Claude is a character in Dark Cloud. He is a resident of Norune Village, and enjoys eating and sleeping.
- Claude (クロード Claude) is a character in the Original Series, consisting of Beyblade: G-Revolution. He is member of Barthez Battalion.
- Claude (クロード) is one of the supporting characters in the Nisekoi series. He is a member of the Bee Hive Gang, and cares for Chitoge Kirisaki deeply, threatening Raku Ichijō constantly. He is also one of the few characters that deeply believes that Raku's and Chitoge's relationship is fake. He trained Tsugumi to be a hitwoman, naming her Seishirō (a boy's name), being clueless to her real gender.
- According to Jayson Thiessen, "The puppeteer's design was inspired by the voice. When I heard the audition I just had to draw a sketch #MLPSeason4". According to Jim Miller on July 13, 2015, Claude and Snips aren't father and son. On March 31, 2016, Nick Confalone jokingly tweeted about Claude and The Gift of the Maud Pie. Claude shares his body style and eye color with Stinky Bottom, Coriander Cumin, "Leadnail McColt", "Mint Condition", S06E03 Unnamed Unicorn Stallion #1, S05E06 Unnamed Earth Stallion #21, and S06E03 Unnamed Earth Stallion #4.
- Claude on GTA III:sen protagonisti. Hän esiintyy kahdessa GTA III- aikakauden pelissä (GTA III ja GTA San Andreas). Kummassakaan esiintymisessään Claude ei sano sanaakaan, mistä pelaajien keskuudessa on noussut puhetta, että hän olisi mykkä, mutta radiokeskustelu GTA III:sen radiokanava Chatterbox FM:ssä Lazlow:n ja Marian välillä paljastaa, että Claude ei puhu paljon.Clauden oletetaan syntyneen vuosien 1968-1972 välillä.
- >"Watch out Spyro, the Gnorcs in these bogs have discovered the power of electricity, and it really stings." —Claude Claude is a Beast Makers dragon who first appeared in Spyro the Dragon.
- Name: Claude Chastel Race: Forsaken Age: 47 at time of death. Class: Rogue Professions: Mining/Skinning Height: 6'1" Weight: 130 lbs Appearance:
- Claude är huvudkaraktären i Grand Theft Auto III men har också en liten roll i Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Claude bör inte förväxlas med Claude Speed som är huvudkaraktären i Grand Theft Auto 2. Claude säger inte ett ord i något av spelen, utan nickar bara för att visa att han förstår. Anledningen till att han inte pratar vet ingen; han kanske är stum eller så beror det på att Rockstar inte orkade att spela in en röst åt honom av någon anledning. Det kan även vara så att Rockstar ville göra huvudkaraktären i stil med Gordon Freeman i Half-Life serien, d.v.s. att han inte pratar eftersom karaktärens personlighet är avsedd att vara din egen - DU är Claude och ska därför inte uppleva att en röstskådespelare ger honom en personlighet. Att han inte kan prata är en av de saker som Claude är k
- Claude lived in the courier quarters in the chateau that served as the 2nd Army Headquarters in Souilly, along with Henri Defense (Indiana Jones), Alex, and Rocco. The evening after Jones' first trip to the trenches, they all enjoyed a meal in the dark kitchen, where Claude remarked on the unpleasantness of trench warfare. Jones explained how he had gotten involved in the war as a Belgian soldier, and Jean Marc gave Jones a quick history lesson of how all of Europe got entangled in the war.