| - Special platforms that amplify the use of kinesis and stasis are scattered throughout the machine and are particularly situated before doors that require the decryption of the modified language used by the aliens to bar or allow entrance to certain areas. The "promenade" in particular is an area surrounded by an arch; situated before large doors and monoliths that require the manipulation to successfully activate the kinesis boost that will launch the traveler across great distances in a short amount of time. Opening all pathways allows easier access to the machine. Eroded by the passage of time, when the city is rediscovered by the Sovereign Colonies, its pathways are obstructed by thick and sticky webbing, the possible remains of the Corruption created by the Necromorph life form. Years later, in 2514, remnants of the deep dig team's work, scaffolding, construction material and generators, still remain scattered throughout the massive structure, a sign of their incomplete work. After the Convergence Event that wiped out the aliens, the Machine was hidden underneath a huge mountain. The Sovereign Colonies set up a huge base right underneath the mountain as well as on top of the mountain peak. A huge wall was set up around the perimeter. A lift system was built on the mountain side to allow travel between the mountain and the colony below, as well as an underground "tram" system to allow an easy and quick travel of men and supplies. However, as the cleanse order was executed, the base was abandoned with the lifts and tram system cut off, until 2514.