| - You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Starspan/preload editintro=Starspan/editintro width=25 Starspan is a project for a space empire-building Turn-based strategy game that Chibiabos has had in mind for some time. Its most basic premise is similar to the Master_of_Orion and Galactic Civilizations games with the principles:
* eXplore
* eXpand
* eXploit
* eXterminate I have what I hope are some original ideas that will increase playability in a variety of areas to bring the 4X into balance. I have a lot of ideas I need to organize, and intend to take a page from the Age of Empires and Civilization series that I have not previously seen in a space empire TBS: the notion of . The gameplay will change significantly between each Age, and there is a long road between ages. I intend for the game to apply a single, simple engine that powers all facets of creating things for your empire, whether those things are buildings, spacecraft, scientific research, intelligence, etc. For lack of a better term, I call it Material->Tool->Product. By intertwining simple these elements, I think a great gameplay complexity can be achieved that might make the game more fun to play and achieve a more epic feel. I certainly hope to hear input from others, but please realize this is still just a far-off dream I want to sketch out. Please don't ask when the game is coming out ... it may well never get made! Hopefully one or two people with actual skills (like, gee, or !) might come across it. Thanks for visiting my fledgeling Wikia upstart, and I hope you at least find my idea mildly interesting! --Chibiabos 04:10, 29 August 2006 (UTC)