| - Kÿra was born somewhere in Darkshore, most probably in or around Auberdine, only 22 years ago, making her extremely youn for a Kal'dorei. The names of her parents are unkown, as are those of any siblings. All that is known about her family is that her father was a respected Druid of Darnassus, having served many years in the war with the Horde. When she was six years old, the part of Darkshore in which she lived became the target of a Scourge incursion. To this day, it is not known why the Scourge would attack an area of no use to them. Whatever the reason, the Scourge overwhelmed the few defenders quickly, slaughtering all in their path. Kÿra's mother was killed before her very eyes as she hid underneath a table. The Scourge attack was led by a powerful Death Knight named Vexus. He directed the Scourge under his command to leave nothing in the area alive. At the sight of her dead mother, the young Elf found that her fear had evaporated. She took a piece of broken glass and charged towards the Death Knight. Before he could react, Kÿra managed to wound his right thigh with the glass, though she was quickly pulled away by Vexus' guards. As they moved to slaughter the child, Vexus halted them. He dismounted his skeletal horse and examined the child, still being held by his guards. He placed his hand, covered by a rotting-plate gauntlet, on her face. The young Elf was taken by the Scourge. She spent the next fifteen years in service to the Lich King. Serving under the direct command of Vexus, the Knight who abducted and twisted her, she quickly grew into one of the most dangerous minions of Arthas. Learning carefully from her master, she became skilled in the Unholy arts of a Death Knight, as Vexus had been. Kÿra was immensely loyal to her commander. Whether she accepted her fate and served the man who was responsible for her mother's death or she simply could no longer remember is unknown. What is known is that Vexus' legion of Scourge was responsible for numerous attacks on Elven lands. He continually tested his servant to see if she would kill her own, which she did without hesitation.