| - The Diplodocus is a dinosaur that lived 150-145 million years ago during the late Jurassic period. It was a minor character in Disney's 1940 film Fantasia appearing in the Rite of Spring segment.
- Diplodocus was a large diplodocid sauropod dinosaur that lived in America around 170 to 145 mya.
- thumb|400pxFue descubierto por Marsh en el año 1878. Lo más destacable del Diplodocus era su enorme cuello (8 metros) y su cola (14 metros).
- Height: N/A Length: N/A Weight: N/A Origin: Prehistoric Earth
- Diplodocus was seen in the second film in Kenny and the Lost World 2 (released in December 2013).
* One was seen in the swamp eating cycads as Ian shoots it and the long-neck charges at Ian, Ryan Adcock, Nick Mayard, and David Thompson as Carl Denham (Jack Black) and Hilda (Kristy Swanson) come out of nowhere and tells them, as the dinosaur is coming close, David finally guns it down, causing its' tail to twitch.
* Estimated Length: 105-110 ft
* Total Length: 82 ft
- Real Diplodocus were quite long North American sauropods, reaching a length of up to 30 metres.It is thought that Seismosaurus is an especially long Diplodocus. They lived during the Jurassic period, using their whiplike tails and size to defend themselves from predators such as Allosaurus. One crack from the tail of a Diplodocus could badly hurt or kill a meat-eating dinosaur! They used their slender teeth to strip leaves from branches during feeding. Diplodocus was closely related to Apatosaurus, and probably traveled in herds. Its name means "double beam", referring to bones found under its tail.
- thumb|255pxDer Diplodocus war ein Dinosaurier, in der TV-Zeichentrickserie "Godzilla – Der Retter der Erde" wird er wieder lebendig.
- The diplodocus is a fossil made up of five parts that can be donated to the museum in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. This dinosaur is technically the same as the seismosaur, as that is its name in the Japanese version of Animal Crossing: New Leaf (Jump Out) and, scientifically, the names are synonymous. It has had a new part added to its final set (the neck), upping the total amount of fossils to five.
- The Diplodocus was a hologram created as a distraction by a diamond thief.
- Le Diplodocus est un dinosaure qui n'a pas actuellement disparu. C'est un dinosaure qui a pour particularité d'être obèse, d'avoir une très longue queue (L'auteur dans sa modestie inégalable dit : "CMB" ) et un énorme cou qui peut parfois mesurer plusieurs kilomètres.
- Diplodocus was a 30 meter long, 10-20 tonne sauropod dinosaur from the late Jurassic time period (165 - 145 MYA) that lived on the territory of the modern Western United States.
- Among the best-known sauropods, Diplodocus were very large, long-necked,quadrupedal animals, with long, whip-like tails. Their fore limbs were slightly shorter than their hind limbs, resulting in a largely horizontal posture. The skeletal structure of these long-necked, long-tailed animals supported by four sturdy legs have been compared with suspension bridges. In fact, Diplodocus carnegii is currently one of the longest dinosaurs known from a complete skeleton, with a total length of 25 metres (82 ft). Modern mass estimates for Diplodocus carnegii have tended to be in the 10– to 16-tonne) range.
- Diplodocus, is a genus of diplodocid sauropod dinosaur whose fossils were first discovered in 1877 by S. W. Williston. The generic name, coined by Othniel Charles Marsh in 1878, is a Neo-Latin term derived from Greek diploos "double" and dokos "beam", in reference to its double-beamed chevron bones located in the underside of the tail. These bones were initially believed to be unique to Diplodocus; however, they have since then been discovered in other members of the diplodocid family and in non-diplodocid sauropods such as Mamenchisaurus.
- Diplodocus war eine Gattung von Sauropoden, die im Jura in Nordamerika beheimatet war. Der Name "Doppelbalken" bezieht sich auf die V-förmigen Chevron-Knochen auf der Unterseite der Schwanzwirbelsäule, die auch bei anderen Diplodociden entdeckt wurde. Diplodocus zählt zu den bekanntesten Sauropoden und ist eine der am einfachsten zu identifizierenden Dinosauriergattungen. Kategorie:Sauropoden Kategorie:Sauropoda Kategorie:Sauropode Kategorie:Dinosaurier
- One of the best-known sauropods, Diplodocus was a large long-necked four-legged animal, with a long, whip-like tail. Its front limbs were a bit shorter than its hind limbs, which forms a horizontal stance for the most part. The long-necked, long-tailed animal with four sturdy legs has been mechanically compared with a suspension bridge. In fact, Diplodocus is the longest dinosaur known from a complete skeleton. Diplodocus was about 80 ft in length, and weighed 10-14 metric tons.
- Diplodocus was a long-necked, whip-tailed giant, measuring about 27 m long with a 8 m long neck and a 14 m long tail, but its head was less than 2 feet long. It was among the longest land animals ever. Its nostrils were at the top of its head and it had peg-like teeth, but only in the front of the jaws. Its front legs were shorter than its back legs, and all had elephant-like, five-toed feet. One toe on each foot had a thumb claw, probably for protection. A fossilized Diplodocus skin impression reveals that it had a row of spines running down its back. Diplodocus was more lightly built than the other giant sauropods, and may have weighed only about 10 to 20 tons. Its backbone had extra bones underneath it, which had bony protrusions running both forwards and backwards (anvil shaped), a "do
- Diplodocus is a genus of diplodocid sauropod dinosaur whose fossils were first discovered in 1877 by S. W. Williston. The generic name, coined by Othniel Charles Marsh in 1878, is a Neo-Latin term derived from Greek διπλόος (diploos) "double" and δοκός (dokos) "beam", in reference to its double-beamed chevron bones located in the underside of the tail. These bones were initially believed to be unique to Diplodocus; however, they have since then been discovered in other members of the diplodocid family and in non-diplodocid sauropods such as Mamenchisaurus.
- One of the largest dinosaurs ever to be discovered and the longest of all the sauropods, but it was still lightweight compared to some.Its length was boosted by an extraordinary whip-like tail.They lived in herds of 20 or more, which contained only adults or sub-adults.IT had large heavy scales on its back and spines running the length of its entire body.Such a large dinosaur may appeared as though it had nothing to fear, but it did.The Tyrannosaurus and the Allosaurus would attack this giant herds quite usually attack these herds often taking the young, the weak and the wounded.