| - Mr. T is best none for his pimping mohawk and gold chains. He is currently the world's second Best Human after Chuck Norris.
- Mr. T first appeared in the episode, "Ike's Wee Wee", as his character B.A. Baracus from The A-Team.
- Born on the south side of the planet of Boz Pityfoo, Mr. T grew up hanging around a bunch of guys who called themselves the A-Squad. He was constantly fixing things and blowing them up again. Mr. T was also a champion wrestler/boxer, taking on galactic heavy-weights such as Stony Bal-anaconda and James T. Kirk. He is often mistaken for a vagina due to his name accidentally being pronounced "PUSS-T." File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Mr. T Real Name Unknown Job Titles Voice Actor First publication Unknown
- Shizzle ma nizzle it's MR T. everybody! Do that dance you do! You goddamn whore. Fuck you, bitch. Now you gonna do the fucking dance or what? For fuck's sake. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- I really pity the foo, the foo is a bitch. And also a niggerfaggot.
- Mr. T is a guest star is the voice of Howcome
- Mr. T (born Laurence Tureaud on May 21, 1952) appeared as B.A. Baracus on the NBC-TV series The A-Team. Mr. T is also well known for his role as boxer Clubber Lang in the 1982 film Rocky III, and for his appearances as a professional wrestler. Mr. T is known for his trademark African Mandinka warrior hairstyle, his gold jewelry, and his tough-guy image. In 2006 he starred in the reality show I Pity the Fool, shown on TV Land, the title of which comes from the catchphrase of his Lang character.
- Lawrence Tureaud, (nacido en Chicago, Illinois - Estados Unidos el 21 de mayo de 1952) más thumb|250px|left|Mr T. conocido como Mr.T , es un actor estadounidense, conocido por su rol como el sargento M.A. Baracus en la serie televisiva El equipo A (conocida en la mayor parte de Hispanoamérica como Los Magnificos y en Argentina como Brigada A) entre 1983 hasta 1987.
- Chuck Norris pities MR. T When Chuck Norris and Mr. T walk into a room, that room explodes, because no one room can hold that much awesome.
- Mr. T (born Laurence Tureaud on May 21, 1952) is an American actor known for his roles as B. A. Baracus in the 1980s television series The A-Team, as boxer Clubber Lang in the 1982 film Rocky III, and for his appearances as a professional wrestler. Mr. T is also well-known for his distinctive mohawk hairstyle, for wearing large amounts of gold jewelry, and for his tough guy image. He starred in the reality show I Pity the Fool, shown on TV Land, the title of which comes from his catchphrase from Rocky III.
- Mr. T was born some years after Chuck Norris, cause H wanted other awesome people. They soon began fighting, but it was too awesome for the UnUniverse.
- Mr. T (born Laurence Tureaud; May 21, 1952) is an American actor known for his roles as B. A. Baracus in the 1980s television series The A-Team, as boxer Clubber Lang in the 1982 film Rocky III, and for his appearances as a professional wrestler. Mr. T is known for his trademark African Mandinka warrior hairstyle, his gold jewelry, and his tough-guy image. In 2006 he starred in the reality show I Pity the Fool, shown on TV Land, the title of which comes from the catchphrase of his Lang character.
- Mr. T will soon guest star as Joseph Johnson, the boss of Plumbing State Headquarters in the 2013 remake of The Super Mario Bros. Super Show.
- May have been one of the mercenaries. But not a stupid one. A cool one.
- Mr. T is a Memetic Badass. In Chapter 20 of Hottie 3: The Best Fan Fic in the World, Mr. T, along with Chuck Norris, Segata Sanshiro, the Angry Video Game Nerd and Axe Cop With Lemon, combined their Spiral Energy with Robynne AKA Hottie II, as Super Hottie 3, so that she can transform into Super Hottie Goddess. He later does the same to the 1st Hottie. In Chapter 59, he fuses with Super Hottie Goddess, Axe Cop With Lemon, Ballistamon, the Angry Video Game Nerd (while in his Super NES AVGN form) and Segata Sanshiro to form "Axe Hottie X5".
- "I Pity The Foo" Mr. T Gender Unknown Voiced by Unknown Episodes Unknown First Appearance Episode Occupation(s) Unknown
- Mr. T is a talking turkey. He joined the Jukebox Band a couple of times.
- Mr. T (born Laurence Tureaud, May 21, 1952) is an actor mostly known for his roles in the 1980s television series The A-Team and as boxer Clubber Lang in the 1982 film Rocky III.
- Laurence Tureaud, better known as Mr. T is an American actor best known for playing the character B.A.Baracus in the 1980s TV show The A-Team and Clubber Lang in the 1982 movie Rocky III. He has made several appearances, mostly voiced by Hank Azaria. He made one appearance as part of Krusty's bar mitzma, when he voiced himself. He is a member of the Stonecutters World Council. He appeared on stage as part of a show in Branson, Missouri.
- Lawrence Tureaud, known professionally as Mr. T, is a celebrity from season 24 of Dancing with the Stars.
- Mr. T (born Laurence Tureaud; May 21, 1952) is an American actor known for his roles as B. A. Baracus in the 1980s television series The A-Team, boxer Clubber Lang in the 1982 film Rocky III, and for his appearances as a professional wrestler, most notably at the first two Wrestlemanias. Mr. T is known for his trademark African Mandinka warrior hairstyle, his gold jewellery, and his tough-guy image. In 2006 he starred in the reality show I Pity the Fool, shown on TV Land, the title of which comes from the catchphrase of his Lang character.
- He was interviewed in the Fall 1984 issue of Muppet Magazine, and appeared on the cover. He also appeared on The Nick and Jessica Variety Hour, a special which featured cameos by Kermit, Miss Piggy, and Pepe the King Prawn.
- Mr. T appears as one of the celebrity robots in "Tearjerker".
- Mr. T is known for his trademark African Mandinka warrior hairstyle, his gold jewelry, and his tough-guy image. In 2006 he starred in the reality show I Pity the Fool, shown on TV Land, the title of which comes from the catchphrase of his Clubber Lang character in Rocky III.
- The Op-Yop was a toy marketed in the 1960's by a company based in Royal Oak, Michigan called Kramer Designs. The company's original location was an office on Adams in the neighboring community of Birmingham. The history we could find was based on a Time Magazine article in 1968 where it was stated that a million of the Op-Yops had been sold and another million were expected to sell by Christmas. In my travels, I have found some additional information including an internal memo relating to some six months worth of advertising that was done on the Soupy Sales Show with Soupy doing the commercials shot in Detroit. There were also memo's to retailers advising them to stock up on the toy to be in sync with the Soupy Sales ads. I tracked down the original molder who made the parts and talked to
- Describe Mr. T here, fool! Mr. T (first name Mister, middle name Period, last name T; birth name Laurence Turead) is an American actor known for his roles as B. A. Baracus in the 1980s television series The A-Team, as boxer Clubber Lang in the 1982 film Rocky III, and for his appearances as a professional wrestler. Mr. T is also well-known for his distinctive mohawk hairstyle, for wearing large amounts of gold jewelry, and for his tough guy image. He starred in the reality show I Pity the Fool, shown on TV Land, the title of which comes from his catchphrase from Rocky III. Recently seen as Officer Earl Devereaux in Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. He's also starred in a few commercials for World of Warcraft and Snickers, and even got his own animated TV show. And he's a big Momma's Boy.
- thumb|left|200px|Mr. T, ein Gegner der vierten Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Staffel Mr. T ist ein Bösewicht der vierten Yu-Gi-Oh! GX-Staffel. Er enstand aus der Dunkelheit, die speziellen Karten entwich, die nicht mehr auf der Duel-Disk funktionierten. Er ist sehr bösartig und seine einzige Emotion ist Schadenfreude. Er duellierte sich einmal mit Jaden und verlor. Dann tauchte er erneut auf und maß sich mit Jaden im Duell, aber sein Versuch war wieder nicht von Erfolg gekrönt. Es scheinen mehrere Mr. Ts gleichzeitig zu existieren, die immer einen der ihren aussenden, um Jaden zu besiegen. Als sie erfahren, dass Yubels guter Teil in Jadens Körper lebt, vereinen sich fünf Mr. Ts zu einem viel gefährlicheren und fordern Jaden zum Duell heraus. Zwar verwenden sie den Fünf Götter-Drachen, doch Jaden zwingt sie
- Mr. T aka B.A. Baracus (ur. 21 maja 1952 w Chicago) – Wielki Przedwieczny oraz członek Drużyny A, a także jeden z przywódców anarchistów. Znany również pod pseudonimem Czarna śmierć. Mr. T jest wielkim autorytetem w świecie nauki i sztuki, idolem milionów i filantropem. Laureat ponad 350 nagród Nobla w każdej możliwej dziedzinie. Jest także twórcą idei Wiki oraz takich dzieł sztuki jak: Mona Lisa, Ostatnia wieczerza, Dawid Michała Anioła (proszę nie dać się zwieść nazwie, tak na prawdę to właśnie Mr. T wyrzeźbił to dzieło sztuki). Stworzył także wielkie dzieła architektury tj.: Krzywa wieża w Pizzy, Wieża Eiffel'a, Statua Wolności, Łuk Triumfalny. Dzięki swojej nadprzyrodzonej sile stworzył także Wodospad Niagara, całe Himalaje i Księżyc.
- Mr. T was born from the ashes of Black Jesus on February 31, 1387 in the desert of Sahara. It is widely believed that a cult was responsible for his creation. His birth was heralded by miraculous signs heralding joyous times, including the appearance of a new star in the sky, rain falling upon the Sahara desert for the first time in a century. (Can't Touch that, Kim Jong Il)
- left|thumb|150px|Mr T., ayant pitié de nous. Remarquez la clé d'oreille des plus créatives Mr. T, (le T signifie sûrement "Teyeeigyee", prononcé "Tee") est l'une des personnalités publiques les plus touche-à-tout de tout l'univers et sans conteste la plus mortelle de toutes. Il peut tuer des fleurs simplement en pensant au jour où il pourrait lever le sourcil gauche (ce qui aurait pour effet de tuer la fleur). Il pourrait tuer tous les membres de ta famille (dont ta mère) rien qu'en les regardant. La plupart des scientifiques croient en fait que lorsque Dieu a dit "que la lumière soit !", il parlait à Mr. T, qui lança alors ses chaînes en or dans le ciel pour former le soleil. Mr. T a ensuite quitté la terre jusqu'à tout récemment pour contrer le travail de Bouddha et tuer tous les martien
- thumb|left| Mr. T wurde am 21. Mai 1952 in einer rauen Gegend im Süden von Chicago geboren. Um es genau zu nehmen, es war ein Ghetto. Wie schon oben erwähnt, ist er das zweitjüngste von 12 Kindern. Sein Vater verließ die Familie als der kleine Lawrence noch 5 Jahre alt war. So kam es, dass seine Mutter ihn und seine Geschwister mit 87 Dollar im Monat (Sozialhilfe) in einer 3-Raumwohnung großziehen musste. Mr. T's Brüder ermutigten ihn schon sehr früh etwas für seinen Körper zu tun, sprich sich ein paar Muskeln anzutrainieren, um in der rauen Gegend zu überleben. Sein Kommentar dazu: "Wenn ihr jetzt denkt, ich sei schon "groß", dann solltet ihr meine Brüder sehen!" Wenn es brenzlich wurde, schob er also auch schon mal seine Brüder vor.