| - The Galactic Republic or Grand Republic, or simply the Republic was a massive government that controlled most of the Galaxy. The Republic was formed from an alliance between the planet Krist'ri and several of the surrounding systems in the year 86,218 BKR. As time progressed many other systems joined willingly with the Republic. In the first century, the Republic grew from the area around Krist'ri to most of the Eastern Core Worlds. After the collapse of the New Commonwealth in 84,943, the Republic gained most of the remaining Core Worlds. Throughout the centuries following the collapse, the Republic began multiple military campaigns against the First Xalicean Empire, which had caused the collapse of the Commonwealth. With these campaigns, the Republic became the prominent government of th
| - The Galactic Republic or Grand Republic, or simply the Republic was a massive government that controlled most of the Galaxy. The Republic was formed from an alliance between the planet Krist'ri and several of the surrounding systems in the year 86,218 BKR. As time progressed many other systems joined willingly with the Republic. In the first century, the Republic grew from the area around Krist'ri to most of the Eastern Core Worlds. After the collapse of the New Commonwealth in 84,943, the Republic gained most of the remaining Core Worlds. Throughout the centuries following the collapse, the Republic began multiple military campaigns against the First Xalicean Empire, which had caused the collapse of the Commonwealth. With these campaigns, the Republic became the prominent government of the Galaxy. The Republic experienced a Golden Era following the supposed destruction of the Empire that lasted until 71,756 BKR. In this year a resurgent Imperial territory began to attack Republic fringes. This sparked a war that lasted four years. During this, the Senate of the Galactic Republic imposed several reforms that attempted to protect the stability of the government. Unfortunately, this actually destabilized the government and sent it into a horrid depression era that lasted for almost a thousand years. At the end of this period, another war with the Empire began to devastate the Republic. The Senate attempted more reforms in 70,749 to help revive the Republic. Unlike the previous these reforms worked and restored the Republic to a new glory. Despite the new found prosperity, the Republic would again enter a declining period in 69,950. This would mark the final thousand years of the Republic. After numerous internal struggles, the Republic would split during its only Civil War. The True Republic would be victorious, but the resulting chaos destroyed the Republic, which finally collapsed in 68,864.