Aviendha (ah-vee-EHN-dah) was a Far Dareis Mai of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel until she discovered that she could channel. At that point, she was required to give up her identity as Far Dareis Mai to apprentice with and become a Wise One. A major supporting character in the series, she is first-sister to Elayne Trakand and lover to Rand al'Thor.
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- Aviendha
- Aviendha
| - Aviendha (ah-vee-EHN-dah) was a Far Dareis Mai of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel until she discovered that she could channel. At that point, she was required to give up her identity as Far Dareis Mai to apprentice with and become a Wise One. A major supporting character in the series, she is first-sister to Elayne Trakand and lover to Rand al'Thor.
- Aviendha stammt aus der Neun Täler-Septime der Taardad Aiel. Sie war eine Far Dareis Mai, bis sie entdeckte, dass sie die Macht lenken kann. An diesem Punkt wurde von ihr erwartet, ihre Identität als Tochter des Speers aufzugeben, um ein Lehrling der Weisen Frauen zu werden. Sie ist Erst-Schwester von Elayne Trakand und zusammen mit dieser und Min Farshaw die Geliebte von Rand al'Thor. Kategorie:Person Kategorie:Weiblich Kategorie:Aiel (Person) Kategorie:Far Dareis Mai Kategorie:Weise Frau Lehrling Kategorie:Taardad (Person) Kategorie:POV Kategorie:Aviendha
- Aviendha è una delle protagoniste della saga fantasy La Ruota del Tempo dello scrittore statunitense Robert Jordan. È una giovane donna della setta delle Nove Valli degli Aiel Taardad; ha circa vent’anni, di statura alta, con gli occhi verdi ed i capelli rossi, inizialmente corti con una piccola coda alla base del capo e successivamente lasciati crescere sulle spalle.
- She was forced to leave the Maidens to become a Wise One in SR 24. In FOH 4 she returns to Rand after ten days away, still teaching him Aiel ways and probably spying on him for the Wise Ones. She still claims to hate Rand violently, and she flees from him in her dreams, but she still cherishes the ivory bracelet he gave her.
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| - Far Dareis Mai inzialmente, poi Sapiente Aiel
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| - She was forced to leave the Maidens to become a Wise One in SR 24. In FOH 4 she returns to Rand after ten days away, still teaching him Aiel ways and probably spying on him for the Wise Ones. She still claims to hate Rand violently, and she flees from him in her dreams, but she still cherishes the ivory bracelet he gave her. In POD 1, Aviendha is in Ebou Dar with Nynaeve, Lan, Elayne and Birgitte. They gather up representatives of the Sea Folk and the Kin, and leave Ebou Dar by a gateway. After they are all through, Aviendha picks apart the weave to keep anyone from finding where they have gone.
- Aviendha (ah-vee-EHN-dah) was a Far Dareis Mai of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel until she discovered that she could channel. At that point, she was required to give up her identity as Far Dareis Mai to apprentice with and become a Wise One. A major supporting character in the series, she is first-sister to Elayne Trakand and lover to Rand al'Thor.
- Aviendha stammt aus der Neun Täler-Septime der Taardad Aiel. Sie war eine Far Dareis Mai, bis sie entdeckte, dass sie die Macht lenken kann. An diesem Punkt wurde von ihr erwartet, ihre Identität als Tochter des Speers aufzugeben, um ein Lehrling der Weisen Frauen zu werden. Sie ist Erst-Schwester von Elayne Trakand und zusammen mit dieser und Min Farshaw die Geliebte von Rand al'Thor. Kategorie:Person Kategorie:Weiblich Kategorie:Aiel (Person) Kategorie:Far Dareis Mai Kategorie:Weise Frau Lehrling Kategorie:Taardad (Person) Kategorie:POV Kategorie:Aviendha
- Aviendha è una delle protagoniste della saga fantasy La Ruota del Tempo dello scrittore statunitense Robert Jordan. È una giovane donna della setta delle Nove Valli degli Aiel Taardad; ha circa vent’anni, di statura alta, con gli occhi verdi ed i capelli rossi, inizialmente corti con una piccola coda alla base del capo e successivamente lasciati crescere sulle spalle.