| - Lee Kuan était un despote terrien.
- Lee Kuan was a noted Human historical political despot on Earth during the early-to-mid 21st Century, who ultimately failed at his goals of conquest and absolute power. The book Federation: The First 150 Years gives the spelling of Kuan's family name as "Le". American forces destroyed the ECON's governing palace, killing Lee, in 2053. (ST reference: Federation: The First 150 Years) Spock mentioned Lee along with Ramses II, Julius Caesar, Alexander, Napoléon Bonaparte, and Adolf Hitler to show that Earth history is full of men seeking absolute power. (TOS episode: "Patterns of Force")
- Lee Kuan was a noted Human historical political despot on Earth sometime between the mid-20th and the 23rd century, who ultimately failed at his goals of conquest and absolute power. Spock described him as being on par with Ramses, Julius Caesar, Alexander, Napoléon Bonaparte, and Hitler to show that Earth history is full of men seeking absolute power. (TOS: "Patterns of Force" )
- Lee Kuan ist ein Mensch und Staatsmann. Er ist bekannt dafür, sich als Alleinherrscher gegen die Demokratie gewandt zu haben. 2268 nennt Commander Spock eine Reihe von Menschen, die demonstrieren, dass das Führerprinzip schlecht ist und absolute Macht den Charakter verdirbt. Er nennt, neben Ramses, Alexander, Caesar, Napoléon und Hitler, auch Lee Kuan. (TOS: )
| - Lee Kuan ist ein Mensch und Staatsmann. Er ist bekannt dafür, sich als Alleinherrscher gegen die Demokratie gewandt zu haben. 2268 nennt Commander Spock eine Reihe von Menschen, die demonstrieren, dass das Führerprinzip schlecht ist und absolute Macht den Charakter verdirbt. Er nennt, neben Ramses, Alexander, Caesar, Napoléon und Hitler, auch Lee Kuan. (TOS: ) 2269 will Garth von Izar die absolute Macht übernehmen und König des Universums werden. Dabei denkt er, dass er erfolgreich sein kann, wo alle anderen vor ihm gescheitert sind. Als Beispiel für erfolglose Vorgänger nennt er unter anderem auch erneut Lee Kuan. (TOS: ). Im englischsprachigen Original nennt Garth hier Alexander, Caesar, Napoléon, Hitler, Lee Kuan und Krotus. In der deutschen Übersetzung sind es dagegen Alexander, Caesar, Napoléon, Hitler und dann Dschingis Khan und Nero statt Lee Kuan und Krotus.
- Lee Kuan était un despote terrien.
- Lee Kuan was a noted Human historical political despot on Earth sometime between the mid-20th and the 23rd century, who ultimately failed at his goals of conquest and absolute power. Spock described him as being on par with Ramses, Julius Caesar, Alexander, Napoléon Bonaparte, and Hitler to show that Earth history is full of men seeking absolute power. (TOS: "Patterns of Force" ) Fleet Captain Garth of Izar boasted to Captain James T. Kirk that as Master of the Universe, he would go much farther and have more success than other previous despots such as Lee Kuan, Alexander, Caesar, Napoléon, Hitler, and Krotus. (TOS: "Whom Gods Destroy" ) This character was only mentioned in dialogue. Lee Kuan shares naming elements with Lee Kuan Yew, the first Prime Minister of the newly independent Singapore in the 1960s. Lee established a hybrid form of governance with democratic and authoritarian elements. In Federation: The First 150 Years, Lee Kuan is depicted as the founder of the Eastern Coalition, a military dictator with the rank of general. Lee is killed during World War III when his governing palace is destroyed.
- Lee Kuan was a noted Human historical political despot on Earth during the early-to-mid 21st Century, who ultimately failed at his goals of conquest and absolute power. The book Federation: The First 150 Years gives the spelling of Kuan's family name as "Le". In the year 2031, Lee helped to strengthen the Eastern Coalition (also known as the ECON), an alliance of Asian nations politically opposed to the United States and its allies. By 2051, Lee held the rank of general in the ECON armed forces, at which point he overthrew the emerging democracy. He launched an attack on the Americas, joined by the Pacific nations. (TLE novel: The Sundered; TOS novel: Dreadnought!, ST reference: Federation: The First 150 Years) The TOS novel The Rings of Time establish that the Eastern Coalition had been around in some form since at least the year 2020; which conflicts with other, later sources. It is possible that it was restructured into its final configuration circa 2031 by Lee Kuan, leading into the events of World War III some 24 years later, which would be more consistent with canon-based historical facts. American forces destroyed the ECON's governing palace, killing Lee, in 2053. (ST reference: Federation: The First 150 Years) Spock mentioned Lee along with Ramses II, Julius Caesar, Alexander, Napoléon Bonaparte, and Adolf Hitler to show that Earth history is full of men seeking absolute power. (TOS episode: "Patterns of Force") Fleet Captain Garth of Izar boasted to Captain James T. Kirk that as Master of the Universe, he would go much farther, and have more success then other previous despots, such as Lee Kuan, Alexander the Great, Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, and Krotus. (TOS episode: "Whom Gods Destroy")