| - Petey (2007) is a short documentary created by Sarah Ballman, Heidi Gustad, Kaitlyn Rich and Madeline Schichtel.
- Petey is Mrs. Ramsey's pet pig and mastermind from Lab Rats. He has intelligence no other animals have.
- Petey is one of Manny's imaginary friends. It is unknown if he gets Manny extra dessert or is a trouble maker (probably since those are the only two known advantages the imaginary friends give Manny). Not much is known about him.
- Petey is the name of a former restaurant employee who came back to shoot his former boss at the restaurant and later at Seattle Grace Hospital.
- Petey (voiced by Frank Welker) is Mrs. Wilson's pet canary who tried to get Garfield in trouble by coaxing him to eat him. He eventually escaped by pretending Garfield was about to eat him, and flying through an open window.
- Petey was a teenager who worked at Hooper's Store during Sesame Street Season 16 and Season 17. Petey was also an adept break dancer, and in Episode 2059, he taught Bob some tips for impressing Linda.
- Petey is a member of the Pirelli Crime Family.
- Petey is one of the snow implings that belong to the Snow imp in the 2012 Christmas event. Giving him back to your Snow imp will add bonus Hunter experience in a similar manner to the Festival of the Dead bonus experience. Each impling returned will grant a bonus of 50,000 Hunter experience. Petey and the other implings can be received through the Gift of Giving or by hunting snow implings.
- Detective Petey worked for the New York City Police Department. Petey briefed Detectives Mike Logan and Megan Wheeler about Meena Hasni's murder. Petey's badge number was 4117. (CI:"World's Fair")
- Petey is the newsman in the series. File:Maurice.jpg Oh no! This plant is too short and it is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Petey is a dark grey Schnauzer in Nintendogs. He can be found on walks and in the park. He wears a Red Polka Dot Ribbon and his owner is Maria.
- Petey and the other implings can be received through the Gift of Giving or by hunting snow implings.
- Petey is a character in the Grand Theft Auto series who appears as a minor character in The Lost and Damned.
- Petey was Dr. Dilbert Dinkle's evil sidekick in Super Diaper Baby 2: Invasion of the Potty Snatchers until Petey betrayed him.
- Petey wins records #10, #8 (though he didn't guess it; it was because Osborn had stolen the record), #7, #5, and (with Osborn's permission) #1. Of course, he does guess the meaning of #9, but Osborn got the record because the latter had confessed to have broken off the doorknob and having lied about it, as, according to Little David, who had sung that song about lying, understanding a commandment comes from the mind, while practicing it comes from the heart.
- appearance Latest appearance General information Nicknames Family members Alignment Status Physical information Species Gender Eye color Hair color Additional information Portrayed by Petey is the Benson's family dog in the book Welcome to Dead House.
- File:Petey2.gif Write the text of your article here!
- Petey was to be a drug addict in the Den in 2241, who begs for money from the people he runs into. Tubby and Flick both feed his habit.
- Petey is a former caller to The Best Show on WFMU who began calling as a young child and continued to affect a high-pitched, child-like voice for his calls well into his teenage years. Petey continues to listen to WFMU, but now belongs to the Thursday night program Night People.