| - The Community Site was a support site for HabitRPG (now known as Habitica). It was a place for members of HabitRPG to meet, receive announcements, post concerns, receive answers to questions, search groups, find help for problems, and talk amongst themselves. (These activities now take place in the Tavern and the Community Site, a.k.a the Courtyard, section of the Habitica Wikia.) The home page of the site was a feed of Lefnire's blog, where users could get daily and weekly updates on the happenings of the game. The last post of the blog is dated December 29, 2013.
| - The Community Site was a support site for HabitRPG (now known as Habitica). It was a place for members of HabitRPG to meet, receive announcements, post concerns, receive answers to questions, search groups, find help for problems, and talk amongst themselves. (These activities now take place in the Tavern and the Community Site, a.k.a the Courtyard, section of the Habitica Wikia.) When it was active, it hosted forums, a Staff listing, a Tumblr feed, and a list of Extensions available for HabitRPG. At the top of the page, under the title of HabitRPG, the tabs to different pages read as follows (from left to right): "Blog", "Forum", "Extensions", and "Trello? Github? Community Site? What goes where?" The home page of the site was a feed of Lefnire's blog, where users could get daily and weekly updates on the happenings of the game. The last post of the blog is dated December 29, 2013. To the right of the home page were navigators, much like regular sites. From top to bottom, the navigators were as follows: "User Login", "Bug and Feature Trackers", "Forum Compass", and "Follow us on:" (links to social media networks). Users had to create a new account (separate from their HabitRPG account) to log into the Community site. Links from the Bug and Feature Trackers, when clicked, would send the user to the HabitRPG Github and Trello pages. Pages were as follows (from top to bottom): HabitRPG.com Feature Tracker, HabitRPG.com Issues, Chrome Extension Issues, and Mobile App Issues. As for the forums (in which, unlike in the Tavern, threads were saved long-term) there were extensive topics and subjects, most of which have already been moved to the Habitica Wiki. Forums were organized with headings as if users lived in a medieval city: "The Forge", "The Castle", and "The Courtyard". Last activity in the forums is dated at January 15th, 2014. As of January 28th, 2014, the top of the page reads "Moving to Wikia[.] If you're looking for LFG (Looking For Group), it's been moved here. This community will be migrated to the Wikia and no longer be supported. Join the conversation on Wikia!" At the bottom of the forum page, one could see currently active users (both members and guests) and statistics for the site: Topics, Posts, and Users. As of January 28th, 2014, Topics were numbered at 452, Posts at 2279, and Users at 4877. The community site was powered by Open Outreach, as seen at the very bottom of all pages.