| - The Way to Your Heart is a ongoing Web Comic created by Emily Muto (née Wilcken) in 2003. Taking place in Japan, the story follows Naive Everygirl Yumi Takahashi, a transfer student to the prestigious St. Othello Academy, a private school heralded for both its academics and elite music program. St. Othello is also home to Orochi, an up-and-coming indie visual-kei band consisting of School Idols Miyabi Otosuki (vocals), Akito Yamashita (guitar), Shuya Katsumura (bass), and Toshio Matsumoto (drums). Hosted on Muto's own website, the comic updates every Monday and Friday.
| - The Way to Your Heart is a ongoing Web Comic created by Emily Muto (née Wilcken) in 2003. Taking place in Japan, the story follows Naive Everygirl Yumi Takahashi, a transfer student to the prestigious St. Othello Academy, a private school heralded for both its academics and elite music program. St. Othello is also home to Orochi, an up-and-coming indie visual-kei band consisting of School Idols Miyabi Otosuki (vocals), Akito Yamashita (guitar), Shuya Katsumura (bass), and Toshio Matsumoto (drums). Upon Yumi's first day of school, she accidentally incurs the wrath of Miyabi. Both quickly dislike the other, and every day, Yumi suffers constant abuse from him, causing her to gain sympathy from Toshio. As the two bond, Yumi decides to attend one of Orochi's lives on her accord, her rock-gal guise attracts Miyabi's attention and causes him to fall in love with her without knowing who she truly is! Hosted on Muto's own website, the comic updates every Monday and Friday.