| - When Batman and Robin were about to purchase a car from Honest Al's Used Car Dealer, Batman tells him they should check to make sure the vehicle is safe first. Robin then says: "Holy Ralph Nader!" Ralph Nader also appeared in a commercial informing the public to "know your Kryptonite." He informed the public about certain things to observe when purchasing kryptonite, and when such things are not observed, you should take your business elsewhere.
- Ralph Nader (born February 27, 1934) is an American attorney, author, lecturer, political activist, and independent candidate for President of the United States in 2004 and 2008 as well as a Green Party candidate in 1996 and 2000, with his role in the 2000 election in particular being subject to much debate. Areas of particular concern to Nader include consumer protection, humanitarianism, environmentalism, and democratic government. Nader is both the first Arab American and Lebanese American presidential candidate in the U.S.
- After the death of Al-Qaeda terriost Osama bin Laden A 2002 interview between Bill O'Reilly & Nader talking about what he (Nader) would have done after 9/11 if he were President at that time was uncovered.
- Ralph Nader 2.png Ralph Nader (1934-) is an activist and presidential canidate. He made one apperence on SNL.
- Ralph Nader is a political activist, author, lecturer and attorney.
- Is Chuck Norris he was sent to earth in 1922 to defeat the sasquatch and control the flow of tasty taters cuz they are made of crack he doesnt like crack His job was completed in 1911 as he travels time with his nader powers Nader Powers include Nader vision Nader Strength Ninja skills God skills ETC He cannot be defeated he even beat his other identity Chuck freackin Norris He also owns Jose in everything eat it you dirty crotch pheasant He also thinks brodie is very gay Number of times he did your mom since u started readind{Counter}
- The Bush Administration and the Democratic Party, in varying extremes, are putting the interests of their corporate paymasters before the interests of the people. In the Nader Campaign the PEOPLE RULE. Mr. Nader takes seriously a government "of, by and for the people" within a deliberative democratic society. Also, see Ralph Nader's correspondence with Senator Kerry and President Bush concerning important issues of the day. To the left is a growing list of issue statements, click on an Issue category at left or below for the full issue statement.
- -During the 1960’s, the use of electrical medical devices began to increase rapidly. By the early 1970’s, electrical safety in hospitals was in serious doubt. An article in Ladies Home Journal, by Ralph Nader talked about unsafe hospitals, and the danger of Micro-shock. They even quoted some experts estimating over 5000 undetected electrocutions in hospitals every year. These articles and some legitimate research spurred the creation of standards for electrical safety in hospitals.
- Can you believe it!? Ralph Nader is running for President! OMGWTFBBQM8!!! Whoudda tahunk it? Ralph Nader is the Ross Perot of the filthy, filthy liberals. Nader is such a watermelon that he is green - as in leader of the Green Party. In 2000, he lead the Green Party to an amazing two percent of the general vote! It is obvious this man must be stopped, unless his candidacy siphons votes away from the Democrats, in which case he should be supported whole-heartedly. Otherwise the Democrats have no scapegoat for their consistant failings.
- Ralph Nader (b. 1934) is a consumer advocate who ran for President of the United States in 2000. He sang a version of "The People in Your Neighborhood" on The Sesame Street Special with Bob, and also appeared on Sesame Street to advise Big Bird on how to seek a more comfortable nest.
- Ralph Nader (born February 27, 1934) is an American political activist, as well as an author, lecturer, and attorney. Areas of particular concern to Nader include consumer protection, humanitarianism, environmentalism, and democratic government. Nader came to prominence in 1965 with the publication of his book Unsafe at Any Speed, a critique of the safety record of American automobile manufacturers in general, and most famously the Chevrolet Corvair. In 1999, an NYU panel of journalists ranked Unsafe at Any Speed 38th among the top 100 pieces of journalism of the 20th century. Nader is a six-time candidate for President of the United States, having run as a write-in candidate in the 1992 New Hampshire Democratic primary, as the Green Party nominee in 1996 and 2000, and as an independent ca
- Ralph Nader has no friends. He is a political activist who pulled his way up from the east side projects of Winsted, Connecticut to become a prominent right-wing politician. Known for his Machiavellian treachery, he runs as an extreme leftist in order to draw votes away from more moderate liberal candidates, thus sabotaging their campaigns.