I'm grateful you made the post. It's celeard the air for me. I'm grateful you made the post. It's celeard the air for me.
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| - Mac OS X
- Mac OS X
- Mac OS X
- Mac OS X
- Mac OS X
- Mac OS X
- Mac OS X
| - Mac OS X Mac OS X è il sistema operativo sviluppato in esclusiva Apple solo per macchine Apple.
- I'm grateful you made the post. It's celeard the air for me. I'm grateful you made the post. It's celeard the air for me.
- OS X is known for its extraordinary level of prettiness and is just the operating system to get if you love amazingly useful features such as smoke blowing across your desktop when you burn a disk. Features such as this are enhanced even more by the fact that you can make the smoke 'waft' across your desktop if you blow in the microphone. Clearly, OSX has been designed from the ground up to enable the most productive and useful experience imaginable.
- Mac OS X is the operating system for Apple computers.
- Mac OS X is a line of graphical operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Apple Inc, the latest of which is pre-loaded on all currently shipping Macintosh computers. Mac OS X is the successor to the original Mac OS, which had been Apple's primary operating system since 1984. Mac OS X is a Unix-based operating system built on technology that had been developed at NeXT through the second half of the 1980s until Apple purchased the company in early 1997. OS X was not the first version of Unix that Apple had sold. Apple had, in fact offered a Unix-based operating system earlier than OS X, called A/UX since the late 80's. Over time, A/UX developed a Mac OS looking user interface, but was never seriously marketed.
- Mac OS X jigùm-dè vörçion wa 10.10.3.
- Mac OS X is a Unix operating system developed by Apple, Inc. for use on their Macintosh line of personal computers. It is the successor of Mac OS 9. Mac OS X is a series of operating systems, and each version is coined a name of a large feline, for example Mac OS X 10.4 was called "Tiger". The current version of this operating system is Mac OS X 10.9, "Mavericks".
- Mac OS X (gesprochen „Mäck Oh Es Ten“ oder deutsch „Mäck Oh Es Zehn“) ist ein modernes Betriebssystem des US-amerikanischen Computerherstellers Apple, das die Leistungsstärke und Stabilität von UNIX mit der Benutzerfreundlichkeit des bisherigen Mac OS verbinden soll, dessen Nachfolger es ist.
- Mac OS X is the latest operating system from Apple Computer, Inc.. It is based upon the FreeBSD OS and is a UNIX operating system at its core. Contents Mac_OS_X#Mac_OS_X_Tips_and_Tricks Mac_OS_X#Imaging_and_Cloning_Macs
- You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Mac OS X/preload editintro=Mac OS X/editintro width=25
- La version originale de Creatures a été éditée pour Windows et Mac. A noter que le jeu ne tourne pas sur les Mac modernes - Pour plus d'information sur la compatibilité OS et l'émulation, voyez la page de discussion Mac.
* Creatures Macintosh
- Mac OS X 使用基于 BSD Unix 的内核,并带来Unix风格的内存管理和抢占式多任务处理 (pre-emptive multitasking)。大大改进内存管理,允许同时运行更多软件,而且实质上消除了一个程序崩溃导致其它程序崩溃的可能性。这也是首个包括“命令行”模式的 Mac OS,除非执行单独的终端工具程序,否则你可能永远也见不到。但是,这些新特征需要更多的系统资源,按官方的说法Mac OS X只能支持G3以上的新处理器 (它在早期的G3处理器上执行起来比较慢)。Mac OS X有一个兼容层负责执行老旧的Mac应用程序,名为 Classic 环境 (也就是程序员所熟知的“蓝盒子”[the blue box])。它把老的 Mac OS 9.x 系统的完整拷贝作为 Mac OS X 里一个程序执行,但执行应用程序的兼容性只能保证程序在写得很好的情况里在当前的硬件下不会产生意外。
- Mac OS X is the operating system for Macintosh computers manufactured by Apple Computer.
- Mac OS X is the current operating system used by personal computers (Macintoshes) from Apple. It is also one of the platforms on which Neverwinter Nights can be run. (The Mac version of the game is published by MacSoft, though, not Atari who published the Windows version.) The expansion packs for Macintoshes are available only as standalone products (there are no compilation editions—Gold, Platinum, or Diamond—for the Mac).
- Mac OS X adalah versi terbaru dari sistem operasi Mac OS untuk komputer Macintosh. Sistem operasi ini pertama kali dikeluarkan pada tahun 2001. Karakter "X" adalah nomor Romawi yang berarti sepuluh, di mana versi ini adalah penerus dari sistem operasi yang digunakan sebelumnya seperti Mac OS 8 dan Mac OS 9. Beberapa orang membacanya sebagai huruf "X" yang terdengar seperti "ex". Salah satu alasan mengapa mereka menafsir sedemikian karena tradisi untuk memberikan nama sistem operasi yang berbasis UNIX dengan akhiran "x" (misalnya AIX, IRIX, Linux, Minix, Ultrix, Xenix).
- The X in Mac OS X is the Roman numeral for 10 and it is a prominent part of its brand identity. It is built on technologies developed at NeXT between the second half of the 1980s and Apple's purchase of the company in late 1996. From its sixth release Mac OS X v10.5 "Leopard" and onwards, every release of Mac OS X gained UNIX 03 certification while running on Intel processors. Apple also produces specialized versions of Mac OS X for use on four of its consumer devices: the iOS for the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and the new Apple TV, as well as an unnamed version for the previous Apple TV.
- Mac OS X est un système d'exploitation des ordinateurs Macintosh d'Apple, introduit en 2001. Son noyau Open Source, Darwin, est basé sur un micro-noyau Mach surmonté d'une API de type 4.4 BSD. Une autre partie du système a été développé par Apple sur les bases du défunt système NeXTSTEP. Apple a également intégré au système l'ancienne technologie QuickTime pour gérer une partie de l'affichage. L'interface utilisateur, qui est très proche de celle des systèmes Mac OS 9 et antérieurs, a été revue et améliorée. Ce système était présent en 2003 sur environ 5% des ordinateurs personnels.
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| - Mac OS X branch
- Nextstep branch
- Word 2008 branch
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| - Mac OS X Mac OS X è il sistema operativo sviluppato in esclusiva Apple solo per macchine Apple.
- I'm grateful you made the post. It's celeard the air for me. I'm grateful you made the post. It's celeard the air for me.
- OS X is known for its extraordinary level of prettiness and is just the operating system to get if you love amazingly useful features such as smoke blowing across your desktop when you burn a disk. Features such as this are enhanced even more by the fact that you can make the smoke 'waft' across your desktop if you blow in the microphone. Clearly, OSX has been designed from the ground up to enable the most productive and useful experience imaginable.
- Mac OS X est un système d'exploitation des ordinateurs Macintosh d'Apple, introduit en 2001. Son noyau Open Source, Darwin, est basé sur un micro-noyau Mach surmonté d'une API de type 4.4 BSD. Une autre partie du système a été développé par Apple sur les bases du défunt système NeXTSTEP. Apple a également intégré au système l'ancienne technologie QuickTime pour gérer une partie de l'affichage. L'interface utilisateur, qui est très proche de celle des systèmes Mac OS 9 et antérieurs, a été revue et améliorée. Ce système était présent en 2003 sur environ 5% des ordinateurs personnels. Le principal argument présenté par Apple pour ce sytème est qu'il combine la fiabilité des systèmes UNIX dont il dérive, à la simplicité d'utilisation des systèmes Macintosh.
- Mac OS X is the operating system for Apple computers.
- Mac OS X is a line of graphical operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Apple Inc, the latest of which is pre-loaded on all currently shipping Macintosh computers. Mac OS X is the successor to the original Mac OS, which had been Apple's primary operating system since 1984. Mac OS X is a Unix-based operating system built on technology that had been developed at NeXT through the second half of the 1980s until Apple purchased the company in early 1997. OS X was not the first version of Unix that Apple had sold. Apple had, in fact offered a Unix-based operating system earlier than OS X, called A/UX since the late 80's. Over time, A/UX developed a Mac OS looking user interface, but was never seriously marketed.
- Mac OS X jigùm-dè vörçion wa 10.10.3.
- Mac OS X is a Unix operating system developed by Apple, Inc. for use on their Macintosh line of personal computers. It is the successor of Mac OS 9. Mac OS X is a series of operating systems, and each version is coined a name of a large feline, for example Mac OS X 10.4 was called "Tiger". The current version of this operating system is Mac OS X 10.9, "Mavericks".
- Mac OS X (gesprochen „Mäck Oh Es Ten“ oder deutsch „Mäck Oh Es Zehn“) ist ein modernes Betriebssystem des US-amerikanischen Computerherstellers Apple, das die Leistungsstärke und Stabilität von UNIX mit der Benutzerfreundlichkeit des bisherigen Mac OS verbinden soll, dessen Nachfolger es ist.
- Mac OS X is the latest operating system from Apple Computer, Inc.. It is based upon the FreeBSD OS and is a UNIX operating system at its core. Contents Mac_OS_X#Mac_OS_X_Tips_and_Tricks Mac_OS_X#Imaging_and_Cloning_Macs
- You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Mac OS X/preload editintro=Mac OS X/editintro width=25