| - Im Really glad this was made, though i have some issue. First off I feel I.P's shouldn't be treated the same way as editors as most of the time a vandal is assigned a new IP and a innocent user is affected. Also I have a problem with "cool down blocks". Though i feel that these are a good idea they should ALWAYS be enacted by a uninvolved administrator. RoyalOrleans 21:12, 20 May 2008 (UTC) Who the hell decided on these. Before we implement this kind of thing the community needs to discuss this. Until then these rules should not be in effect.--Bigm279321:15, 20 May 2008 (UTC) Well though i am not a huge fan of these particular rules, we really needed a blocking policy. Think of this as a "Interm" policy before we get are actual one up. Also i really dont think you alone can declare something invalid RoyalOrleans 21:23, 20 May 2008 (UTC) I know we need a blocking policy but since this one is still being worked out we don't follow it. The community needs to perfect the rules before we can put them into use.--Bigm279321:26, 20 May 2008 (UTC) Seriously it is only a interim solution. As a Admin and me a normal editor we(i presume) have completely different views on the blocks of admins. It makes me feel better (as a normal editor) to see some set rules for admins. A Gennerally bland policy is better then nothing. RoyalOrleans 21:31, 20 May 2008 (UTC) I also want to see set rules for admins but obviously we don't have any so therefore this is incomplete and should be considered as so.--Bigm279321:36, 20 May 2008 (UTC) I created these quickly as a rough and it will be changed. Chia, Bigm and Me and possibly Bones or Jack. Also, Bones , I want you to get Rollback powers. Do not modify the page from the orginal, only change it if you think the rule could be reworded. Dont get angry, they will be changed in the upcoming days.ErrettungRetiredMod23:50, 20 May 2008 (UTC) I wont nor was i angry i was just trying to empasise my point. Also i really have little intrest in rollback powers, I have them on wikipedia and find them to be of little use RoyalOrleans 01:37, 21 May 2008 (UTC) I know you both wernt angry, I meant that you didnt think they were the best, I should have worded it better ErrettungRetiredMod11:01, 21 May 2008 (UTC)