| - The following is a song performed by Three Days Grace.
- "Pain" is the seventeenth episode of the first season of Stargate Universe.
- Pain is the third thing that Chactross felt. The first thing was existence. The second, was Fire. The third was Pain.
- Pain is the 143rd episode of Encantadia produced by GMA Network. It continues from Chapter 34. The official hashtag is #EncantadiaPain.
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* Scrutinizing a random weapons rack will deliver Tolapmuj with who you must speak with to attack Pain and Suffering.
* Frontal AE with 100% power drain and mental damage
- Fichier:Pain.jpg La base d'un petit déjeuner nourrissant. Énergie vitale: +10 Valeur en or: 20 Peut servir pour: Recette de la tourte à la viande Catégorie:L'inventaire Catégorie:Alchimie Catégorie:Sources d'énergie vitale Catégorie:Ingrédients de recette
- Since pain interrupts shooting, it is a useful tactic to quickly spray bullets back and forth between enemies in a room, keeping them all constantly stunned. They will be unable to shoot you, so you escape major damage, though possibly at the cost of ammunition.
- Name: Pain Run Time: 4:33 Year: 1981
- Pain is a recruit in Fallout Tactics.
- Le pain est un aliment à base de farine, d'eau, de sel et de levure ou de levain. Mais le pain est beaucoup plus qu'une simple galette qu'on aurait fait lever : il est l'essence même du peuple français et l'histoire de la nation est indissociable de celle du pain.
- Well, I mean "ouch!". Really painful. I feel pain.
- Pain is a critical effect with the following characteristics:
* Slows movement and attack speed.
* Reduces chance of dodging and parrying opponent attacks.
* The pain animation provides a visual stop to opponents attacking as they suffer the effect.
- Pain was a Mastery 1 maho spell which allowed the Maho-tsukai to rack the target with terrible pain.
- Pain is a song from Xenosaga Episode I. It is track 42 on the Xenosaga Episode I Original Soundtrack, and is sung by Joanne Hogg. The song plays during the cutscene after the final boss.
- Pain (ペイン, Pein) is the leader of the Akatsuki, who is partnered with Konan.
- Pain (ペイン) is Dark Magic from Romancing SaGa 2. It does damage and can stun the target. When the player fights Kujinshi's 2nd and 3rd forms (Rematch at Somon), he uses this spell as part of his set of attacks and magic.
- The Vulcan nerve pinch was a pain-inducing technique most commonly carried out by Vulcans or the select few who had mastered it. One of the symptoms of the life prolongation project virus was great pain in the extremities. (TOS: "Miri" ) Victims of Kodos the Executioner's massacre died quickly without pain. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King" )
- Pain is a Terrible Terror that Snotlout 'trained' in the episode Worst in Show. He is considered to be the second dragon that Snotlout has officially trained in the series.
- Pain is a skill in the Hell Fire skill tree of the Mage class. It fears the enemy for 6 seconds (similar to Shadow of Fear but single target), and additionally curses it for 20 seconds. The DOT damages the enemy every 4 seconds, each time about 140% of max magic attack. Remember that Aura of Darkness will overwrite it's effect since their nature is the same. By MHellFire, 6 October 2010
- Full: Create a level 1...10 spirit. This spirit's attacks deal 5...25 damage. This spirit dies after 30...126 seconds. Concise: Creates a level 1...10 spirit (30...126 second lifespan). Its attacks deal 5...25 damage. __TOC__
- Clay Edward Pawntane, aka Pain was a mob-thug who worked for Ironik. He was later a test-subject for stolen Venom, but this Venom was unstable, so Clay became a brainless strong-man who worked only for Ironik and his gang, The King Kards.
- pain is weak not capable of wielding the rinnegan only true uchiha.
- Pain was a tracked robot that entered the second series of Robot Wars. "Saw the first series trailed on the Beeb and thought "Fun" - I'd decided I wanted a go about half way through episode 1." — Jon Witte on entering Robot Wars However, it did not enjoy great success, breaking down before its Gauntlet run, and was eliminated when it failed to move at all on its second attempt and the team could not repair it again in the allotted time. It was also 1.5kg over the Heavyweight limit at the time.
- Handler: Jyrm Name: Marshall White Nicknames: Pain; X-Cessive Pain Height/Weight: 6'5"/263lbs. Poser: Tyr Anasazi (Keith Hamilton Cobb) Hometown: Kansas City, MO Signature Move: 'Pulverizor' (a bulldogging lariat) Finisher: 'X-Cessive Driver' (aka 'Michinoku Driver'; 'Nail in the Coffin') Promotion: Global Wrestling Alliance
- Crystal Column 3 The tight confines of this hollowed-out column are unfriendly to those who suffer from claustrophobia - and still provide no small amount of discomfort to those without a phobia of cramped spaces. A pale blue light glows from the base of the column. One moment, you're inside the crystalline coffin in the black tower of the Kamir. The next, you are standing in a stark white room with no furniture. A single rectangular door is before you. The door has a glittering gold knob. "I wouldn't want to know," Morden'kamir answers. Morden'kamir shrugs. "Pain."
- Pain is the 134th level in Chip's Challenge 1. Doubtlessly named for the unbelievable amount of time required to play through, and the resultant annoyances, Pain is also a hard puzzle. In order to get any score, some type of guide may be required.
- Pain is a recurring status effect, attribute and spell. Most attacks cause moderate to severe pain, as most lifeforms have evolved this response to physical trauma, but the Pain effect can also be caused by specialized means without the need to inflict physical damage. Like Fear, the effect can be valuable on its own in battle, even if no direct damage is inflicted on the enemy. On its own, the Pain spell has no direct damaging effect, but causes severe pain. Creatures generally have a pain level which is filled up by the pain inflicted by attacks and other effects used upon them, and which slowly empties over time. As a creature's pain level increases, the creature becomes increasingly likely to flinch in pain from additional pain. When this happens, the victims become momentarily stunned
- 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all... Leafpool...She was my second love, and we have kits now, kits I never knew about. After losing Feathertail, I became numb to the world, to every cat near me. I will not do that again. Nothingness is worse than the pain I suffer, every day. Nightcloud is nice enough, but I will never love her like I love Leafpool. I am ashamed I never realized how much Hollyleaf looked like me before she died. Jayfeather, too, though his fur is lighter than mine. He is the medicine cat now, taking after his mother. It seems as if happiness isn't in the path laid out for me.
- Pain is how the body usually registers damage. Pain hurts. Pain is generally bad. Pain is good when brought to Mary-Sues. Or if one is a masochist. Pain may be inflicted with a variety of instruments, including but not limited to:
* Blades (swords, knives, razors, etc.)
* Clubs
* Dendric strikers
* Guns
* Lasers
* Rocks
* Sporks
* Stale cafeteria food
* Tasers
* Vegetables
* Crucio (this particular example is unique to the Harry Potter canon, but equivalents exist in many universes)
- Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensory sensation related to actual or potential tissue damage, or sensation from intense or damaging external stimuli. It is usually related to tissue damage or inflammation of tissue, or potential damage in absence of obvious observation. Pain is transmitted from such tissue through the nervous system to the brain, where it is processed and perceived. Pain can be felt anywhere in the body. In fact, patients have even been known to feel pain in body parts that no longer exist, such as amputated legs.
- Pain. I blinked open my eyes, and felt one thing. Pain. I tried to stand up, but something jolted through my body. Pain. I looked down at myself, noticing my once-sleek pelt was ragged and covered with scratches. Pain. One of them, running down my flank, was especially bad, oozing blood and pus. I flinched at the sight. And the pain. I thought back to that moment, when all the warriors, apprentices, and even elders closed in on me. I remembered brave Robinpaw, ready to stand up for me. But one apprentice versus a whole Clan? Never a chance. He couldn't stop the pain. Pain. Robinpaw. By Wollowmsit.
- Pain (typeset as PAIN) is a musical project from Sweden that mix heavy metal with influences from electronic music and techno. The project started out as a hobby project for front man Peter Tägtgren, whose idea was to fuse heavy metal with 1980s-inspired electro-industrial and techno influences. Tägtgren, who is also the vocalist/guitarist of Hypocrisy and producer of his own The Abyss studios, is the only current member. Pain released their seventh album, You Only Live Twice, on 3 June 2011 via Nuclear Blast.
- An alien from the planet Picta who was part of an attempt to assassinate Bazoo using the special ability of the race: creating curses on those drawn by them by way of drawing implements coated in their own blood, then controlling any calamity that can occur with their "Pain Wave", where they pass over a drawing made with intense emotion with their hand allowing the curse both to appear on the drawing and occur to the person in the drawing in real life. Bazoo allows him out of a space prison under the condition of going to Earth to use his art power to cause chaos and destruction to the humans there. Pain and Shiima use the ability on several boxes of crayons handed out to children, one of which was by a girl who was friends with Shou giving them the chance to attack a Changeman member with