| - Tricking someone into drinking a drugged beverage. One of the most common causes of Instant Sedation next to a Tap on the Head. Used to knock out a Mook, or more insidiously, for purposes of date rape. If the other person suspects something, they may discreetly dispose of the drink or attempt a Poisoned Chalice Switcheroo. One of The Oldest Tricks in The Book. To the disappointment of many horny guys, it does not work for that purpose, so you're better not to attempt it. When this is done by adding a lethal drug to outright kill someone, see Tampering with Food and Drink.
| - Tricking someone into drinking a drugged beverage. One of the most common causes of Instant Sedation next to a Tap on the Head. Used to knock out a Mook, or more insidiously, for purposes of date rape. If the other person suspects something, they may discreetly dispose of the drink or attempt a Poisoned Chalice Switcheroo. One of The Oldest Tricks in The Book. To the disappointment of many horny guys, it does not work for that purpose, so you're better not to attempt it. The person doing the drugging may ask Why Can't You Say Good Night?, and the person who's been drugged may have some Parting From Consciousness Words. When this is done by adding a lethal drug to outright kill someone, see Tampering with Food and Drink. Truth in Television: The original Mickey Finn was actually a potent horse laxative. Read all about it on Wikipedia. Has nothing to do whatsoever with a certain Disney mascot. As this is frequently a rape trope, No Real Life Examples, Please Examples of Slipping a Mickey include: