| - Ruk was an android built on Exo III half a million years before the 23rd century by the Old Ones. Ruk was tall, broad and immensely strong, capable of lifting a Human male easily with one hand. Despite his size, he could move silently and gracefully, making him an extremely dangerous physical opponent. He could duplicate voices effortlessly – his actual voice was very low-pitched and gravelly. He was discovered in the underground ruins of that planet in 2261, by Dr. Roger Korby, where he was still tending the machinery the Old Ones had left behind. Even he did not remember how many centuries he had been doing this work. Ruk helped Korby learn how to use the ancient machinery, including the android duplicator. With Ruk's help, Korby built other androids, including Brown and Andrea. In 2266, Captain James T. Kirk and Christine Chapel arrived at Exo III in search of Korby. By then, Korby had reprogrammed Ruk to serve him, and had devised a scheme to infiltrate android duplicates into society slowly and carefully. As part of that scheme, Korby and Ruk imprisoned Kirk and Chapel, and built a duplicate of Kirk to take control of the USS Enterprise. Questioned about his origins by Kirk, Ruk remembered that the androids, presumably including himself, had become frustrated by the illogic and inferiority of the Old Ones. In turn, the Old Ones became frightened of their creations, and began turning them off. Their survival at stake, the androids overcame their programming and slew their makers. Once Ruk remembered this, he overcame Korby's programming the same way. No longer able to control Ruk, Korby destroyed him. (TOS: "What Are Little Girls Made Of?" )
- Android Ruk is a character who is only playable from the of the game. Read more about this topic on the Memory-Alpha Wikia.
- Ruk was a hill giant and the origin of the hill giant race.
- thumb|Ruk (2266) Ruk ist ein Bewohner von Exo III. Der Androide gehört zu den noch von den ursprünglichen Ureinwohnern geschaffenen Androiden und überlebt ihren Untergang um Jahrtausende. Obwohl Ruk ein hochentwickelter Androide ist, hat er im Laufe der langen Zeit einige Details seiner Geschichte vergessen. Er folgt dennoch seiner strengen Maschinenlogik. Als die Expedition aus Dr. Roger Korby und Dr. Brown 2261 nach Exo III kommt, finden sie zwar das Höhlensystem, können in der Kälte jedoch nicht lange überleben. Kurz vor seinem Tod wird Korby von Ruk gefunden und gerettet, indem er selbst in einen Androiden umgewandelt wird. Ruk dient Korby im Folgenden und befolgt alle seine Befehle. Er zeigt Korby darüber hinaus die Technologie der Ureinwohner und hilft ihm bei der Erstellung des Androidenduplikats von Dr. Brown und Andrea. Ruk ist jedoch weit höher entwickelt als diese beiden Androiden. Als 2266 die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) auf der Suche nach Korby bei Exo III eintrifft, folgt Ruk seiner wichtigsten Anweisung, die Technologie zu beschützen und tötet die Sicherheitsoffiziere Rayburn und Crewman Mathews, die Captain Kirk und Schwester Chapel begleiten. Kirk und Chapel nimmt er gefangen. Mit seiner enormen körperlichen Stärke kann er Kirk mehrmals im Nahkampf überwältigen. Außerdem nutzt er seine Fähigkeit, jede beliebige Stimme nachahmen zu können, um sich über den Kommunikator gegenüber Commander Spock als Kirk auszugeben und Spock so zu beschwichtigen. Diese Fähigkeit nutzt er auch, als sich Kirk auf einer späteren Flucht im Labyrinth der Höhlen versteckt und Ruk ihn dadurch findet, dass er Chapels Stimme nachahmt. Ruk ist an der Erstellung des Kirk-Androiden beteiligt, er missbilligt jedoch Korbys Plan, mit dessen Hilfe die Enterprise für eine Verlegung seiner Forschungseinrichtung nach Midos V zu nutzen. In einem Gespräch erinnert Kirk Ruk an seine eigene Geschichte, die er schon fast vergessen hat. Ruk berichtet, dass die alten Androiden vor langer Zeit die Ureinwohner getötet haben, als diese aus Furcht vor ihren eigenen Schöpfungen begannen, die Androiden zu deaktivieren. Kirk macht Ruk auch klar, dass Korby genauso handeln könnte und dass Korby mit seinen Plänen die Sicherheit der Einrichtung gefährdet. Als Korby dann auf Ruk trifft hat der sich entschlossen, Korby zu töten. Korby kann ihm jedoch mit Kirks Typ-1-Phaser zuvorkommen und zerstört ihn vollkommen. (TOS: ) Ruk wurde von Ted Cassidy gespielt und von Gernot Duda synchronisiert.
- Ruk was a member of the Chase, a Jheck war band. He was older than the other party members and had "long snow-bright hair".
- Ruk was an ancient android constructed at least one million years ago by the Old Ones on Exo III. He was created in response to The One's sapping of Exo III's primary star. (TNG novel: Q-Strike) He and his fellow androids eventually rebelled against the Old Ones when they realized that they were superior to their creators. The Old Ones began to deactivate the androids but they could not avert their own extermination as the androids overcame their programming and slew their masters. (TOS episode & Star Trek 11 novelization: What Are Little Girls Made Of?) Whilst their creators were dead, the androids developed a degree of paranoia toward all organic life, who they believed were a threat to their existence. As the Old Ones never developed space flight technology, the androids were restricted to Exo III and hoped that another intelligent, organic species would discover them. When such an event occurred, the androids planned to take over the invaders' space craft and use it to escape in order to find a solution to their inherent problem that the Old Ones denied them. Until that time, the androids decided to enter into stasis and left one of their own, Ruk, behind to serve as caretaker as well as watchman, while they were slumbering. Ruk tended to the machines left behind by the Old Ones throughout the intervening millennia. (TNG novel: Immortal Coil) Another account suggested it was the Old Ones themselves who left Ruk on stand-by mode for approximately 500,000 years. (TNG novel: Q-Strike) Ruk was discovered by Doctors Roger Korby and Aaron Brown in 2261. Korby eventually managed to reprogram Ruk, who assisted him in the creation of four additional androids: Andrea, a duplicate of Korby himself and two of Brown after the deaths of their Human bodies. (TOS episode & Star Trek 11 novelization: What Are Little Girls Made Of?, TOS novel: Double, Double) By 2266, Korby had developed a plan to slowly infiltrate android duplicates into society with the end goal of replacing all humanoid lifeforms in the galaxy with androids. When Captain James T. Kirk and Nurse Christine Chapel of the USS Enterprise arrived on Exo III in that year, Ruk imprisoned them on Korby's order and assisted him in the creation of an android duplicate of Kirk. Kirk was able to convince Ruk that his survival was threatened by Korby by reminding him of the rebellion against the Old Ones which had occurred hundreds of thousands of years earlier. Ruk turned against his new master but was almost immediately vaporized by Korby. Ruk described himself as "more complex than Brown. Much superior." He was considerably taller, larger and stronger than most humanoids, being able to effortlessly lift Kirk with one arm. He also had the ability to mimic voices perfectly. (TOS episode & Star Trek 11 novelization: What Are Little Girls Made Of?)