The Brilliant Guardian, originally known as the Black Fist was an Imperial Star Destroyer. It was originally constructed by the Galactic Empire and served in the Imperial Navy, gaining notoriety in the rim worlds before being reassigned as part of Azure Hammer Command, and fulfilling specialist black-ops duties for the Empire. Following an incident where a Relativistic shield failure caused the vessel to travel over forty years into the future, it would end up under the banner of the Yavin 4 Defence Force and it's successor, the Jedi Peacekeeping Taskforce, becoming the flagship of Battlegroup Guardian and one of the most significant ships of it's class in the Galaxy.
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| - The Brilliant Guardian, originally known as the Black Fist was an Imperial Star Destroyer. It was originally constructed by the Galactic Empire and served in the Imperial Navy, gaining notoriety in the rim worlds before being reassigned as part of Azure Hammer Command, and fulfilling specialist black-ops duties for the Empire. Following an incident where a Relativistic shield failure caused the vessel to travel over forty years into the future, it would end up under the banner of the Yavin 4 Defence Force and it's successor, the Jedi Peacekeeping Taskforce, becoming the flagship of Battlegroup Guardian and one of the most significant ships of it's class in the Galaxy.
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| - The Brilliant Guardian, originally known as the Black Fist was an Imperial Star Destroyer. It was originally constructed by the Galactic Empire and served in the Imperial Navy, gaining notoriety in the rim worlds before being reassigned as part of Azure Hammer Command, and fulfilling specialist black-ops duties for the Empire. Following an incident where a Relativistic shield failure caused the vessel to travel over forty years into the future, it would end up under the banner of the Yavin 4 Defence Force and it's successor, the Jedi Peacekeeping Taskforce, becoming the flagship of Battlegroup Guardian and one of the most significant ships of it's class in the Galaxy.