Stitch is the name of the genetic experiment 626, a fictional alien protagonist from the Lilo & Stitch films and television program. Originally created to cause chaos across the galaxy, he is marked by his short temper and mischievous behavior, traits that endear him to his friend Lilo, who adopted him as her puppy dog. He is voiced by his creator and the film's co-director, Chris Sanders.
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| - Stitch is the name of the genetic experiment 626, a fictional alien protagonist from the Lilo & Stitch films and television program. Originally created to cause chaos across the galaxy, he is marked by his short temper and mischievous behavior, traits that endear him to his friend Lilo, who adopted him as her puppy dog. He is voiced by his creator and the film's co-director, Chris Sanders.
- Stitch is Experiment 626. His powers are super strength, immortality and immunity to practically anything that can harm him, the ability to think faster than a super computer, super hearing, and the ability to see in the dark. He also has a romantic relation with Angel.
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| - Stitch is the name of the genetic experiment 626, a fictional alien protagonist from the Lilo & Stitch films and television program. Originally created to cause chaos across the galaxy, he is marked by his short temper and mischievous behavior, traits that endear him to his friend Lilo, who adopted him as her puppy dog. He is voiced by his creator and the film's co-director, Chris Sanders.
- Stitch is Experiment 626. His powers are super strength, immortality and immunity to practically anything that can harm him, the ability to think faster than a super computer, super hearing, and the ability to see in the dark. He also has a romantic relation with Angel.