Shelbyville Martin is an unnamed boy who lives in Shelbyville. His friends are Shelby, Milhouse, the first, second and third unnamed boy. He is like his Springfield counterpart, Martin Prince, in many ways. His haircut is similar to Martin's and they both wear the same T-shirt and shorts. However, the Shelbyvillian Martin is bigger, fatter and also seems to be less intelligent than Martin.
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| - Shelbyville Martin
- Shelbyville Martin
| - Shelbyville Martin ist ein namenloser Junge, der in Shelbyville lebt. Seine Freunde sind Shelby, Milhouse, die erste, zweite und dritte unbenannte Junge. Er ist wie seine Springfield Gegenstück, Martin Prince, in vielerlei Hinsicht. Sein Haarschnitt ist ähnlich wie Martin und beide tragen die gleiche T-Shirt und Shorts. Allerdings ist Shelbyvillian Martin größer, fetter und scheint auch zu sein, weniger intelligent als Martin.
- Shelbyville Martin is an unnamed boy who lives in Shelbyville. His friends are Shelby, Milhouse, the first, second and third unnamed boy. He is like his Springfield counterpart, Martin Prince, in many ways. His haircut is similar to Martin's and they both wear the same T-shirt and shorts. However, the Shelbyvillian Martin is bigger, fatter and also seems to be less intelligent than Martin.
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| - Shelbyville Martin
- Shelbyville Martin
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| - Shelbyville Martin ist ein namenloser Junge, der in Shelbyville lebt. Seine Freunde sind Shelby, Milhouse, die erste, zweite und dritte unbenannte Junge. Er ist wie seine Springfield Gegenstück, Martin Prince, in vielerlei Hinsicht. Sein Haarschnitt ist ähnlich wie Martin und beide tragen die gleiche T-Shirt und Shorts. Allerdings ist Shelbyvillian Martin größer, fetter und scheint auch zu sein, weniger intelligent als Martin.
- Shelbyville Martin is an unnamed boy who lives in Shelbyville. His friends are Shelby, Milhouse, the first, second and third unnamed boy. He is like his Springfield counterpart, Martin Prince, in many ways. His haircut is similar to Martin's and they both wear the same T-shirt and shorts. However, the Shelbyvillian Martin is bigger, fatter and also seems to be less intelligent than Martin.
is main character(s)
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