Professor Valeria Myriadd was a witch and Head of Gryffindor House during her life. After she died, numerous portraits were hung of her at Hogwarts Castle.
Valeria Myriadd — czarownica nieznanego statusu krwi i opiekunka Gryffindoru w czasie swojego życia. Po śmierci powieszono jej wiele portretów w Szkole Magii i Czarodziejstwa w Hogwarcie.
Professor Valeria Myriadd was a witch and Head of Gryffindor House during her life. After she died, numerous portraits were hung of her at Hogwarts Castle.
La profesora Valeria Myriadd fue una bruja y Jefa de la Casa Gryffindor durante su vida. Después de su muerte, se colgaron varios retratos suyos en el Castillo Hogwarts.