| - Axel versucht vergeblich, die Ankunft seiner Eltern zu verhindern. Als die Verwandtschaft eintrifft, ist die Familie Steinkamp tatsächlich mehr als überrascht. Um die Situation in der WG zu entspannen, zieht Lena in Oliver Wohnung. Trotzdem fühlt sie sich einsam in dem Loft. Dieter beendet die Party und wirft alle Gäste raus. Diana wirft er vor, sich nicht genug um Nina gekümmert zu haben. Dieter droht, Nina mit nach Eisenhüttenstadt zu nehmen. Nina ist schockiert, doch ihr Vater ist zu einer Kompromisslösung bereit...
- El dos cientos setentaidos (272) es el número natural que sigue al 271 y precede al 273. Categoría:Números
- Number 272 was an item on The List that Earl felt he should add after watching a repeat of "Cops" that was filmed in Camden County. The title is never revealed but might have something to do with the cop car he stole ("Our 'Cops' Is On!").
- Flashback, 1949, Collinwood: Jason forces Elizabeth to go into the basement room and look at the spot where he buried Paul and tells her she can just say he ran off. They leave and he hands her the key to the room. Elizabeth finishes her story. Gazing at the key in her hand, she knew from the moment the basement room was locked that she was a prisoner of Collinwood forever.
| - Axel versucht vergeblich, die Ankunft seiner Eltern zu verhindern. Als die Verwandtschaft eintrifft, ist die Familie Steinkamp tatsächlich mehr als überrascht. Um die Situation in der WG zu entspannen, zieht Lena in Oliver Wohnung. Trotzdem fühlt sie sich einsam in dem Loft. Dieter beendet die Party und wirft alle Gäste raus. Diana wirft er vor, sich nicht genug um Nina gekümmert zu haben. Dieter droht, Nina mit nach Eisenhüttenstadt zu nehmen. Nina ist schockiert, doch ihr Vater ist zu einer Kompromisslösung bereit...
- Flashback, 1949, Collinwood: Jason forces Elizabeth to go into the basement room and look at the spot where he buried Paul and tells her she can just say he ran off. They leave and he hands her the key to the room. Elizabeth finishes her story. Gazing at the key in her hand, she knew from the moment the basement room was locked that she was a prisoner of Collinwood forever. Jason insists that the entire tale is a lie, and he claims that there is nothing to be found in the basement. Carolyn breaks down at the thought of her father being buried inside Collinwood. Elizabeth, strengthened and free of Jason's blackmail, prepares to call Sheriff Patterson even as Roger tries to prevent his sister from incriminating herself and going to jail. Jason persists in being innocent and Elizabeth explodes at him. He has been torturing her for eighteen years, and he continues to deny any wrong-doing. As she calls the Sheriff, Jason seizing the opportunity, knocks the gun out of Burke's hand, and runs out the front door. Burke recovers Carolyn's gun, and together with Roger, pursue the fleeing McGuire. Shots are fired in the night. Both Burke and Roger, armed with a rifle, search the woods for Jason, who hides amongst the foliage. McGuire manages to give his pursuers the slip as he heads deeper into the trees. Roger and Burke meet up; trigger-happy Roger is furious over Elizabeth having called the Sheriff as he believes they could have handled the situation in their own way. Burke brings up the last time Roger tried something like that, which resulted in his doing time on a manslaughter charge. The argument over, Roger checks near the road while Burke searches the cliffs. Back at Collinwood, Victoria informs Elizabeth that Sheriff Patterson is en route. Carolyn, in a stunned dazed, can't look at her mother nor talk to her. Tears flow as she recounts how Elizabeth took them into the basement room, and that Carolyn was standing on her father's grave without ever knowing. All her life she's waited and searched for Paul Stoddard, and all the time he's been buried in Collinwood. Elizabeth confesses to all the nights she visited the room, horrified by her actions and sobbing over Paul's grave. She implores Carolyn to look at her, only when she does Carolyn cries out "No!" and races from the Drawing room. Later, Sheriff Patterson has arrived and promises Elizabeth that he and his men will locate Jason; they have roadblocks covering a 20-mile radius. It doesn't really seem to matter to Elizabeth; the Sheriff disagrees and declares McGuire the real criminal. Roger returns and reports no sign of Jason, although Burke is still searching. He learns that Elizabeth has recounted the whole, tragic story to the Sheriff. However, Patterson does not intend to take Elizabeth into custody yet. He's waiting for one of his deputies to arrive in order to dig up the body in the cellar. The Sheriff learns of Jason's denial of there being anything to find. At that moment, a breathless Burke arrives and reports that the authorities think they have McGuire trapped near the highway. Patterson, anxious to end the waiting, requests Burke's help in recovering the body. Elizabeth gives them the key to the basement room. Sheriff Patterson and Burke descend into the cellar carrying flashlights and shovels. The two men unlock the sealed room, and begin to dig beneath the flagstone in the center. Meanwhile, Elizabeth waits in the drawing room with Victoria. She is relieved the torment of eighteen years is finally over, although her worries are entirely for Carolyn now. She asks Victoria to beg Carolyn to speak with her. But Victoria admits that Carolyn has left Collinwood. Back in the basement room, Burke and the Sheriff uncover a buried trunk.
- El dos cientos setentaidos (272) es el número natural que sigue al 271 y precede al 273. Categoría:Números
- Number 272 was an item on The List that Earl felt he should add after watching a repeat of "Cops" that was filmed in Camden County. The title is never revealed but might have something to do with the cop car he stole ("Our 'Cops' Is On!").