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- From the VHS release:
- Defenders must protect the hostage from attackers. The hostage is placed in one of three to five randomized locations throughout the map. In the preparation phase, attackers use drones to seek out the location of the hostage. If the attackers find the hostage in the attack phase, they can hold the action button to begin leading the hostage to the extraction zone. The attacking wins if they successfully extract the hostage or kill the other players within the set amount of time, or if the hostage is killed by the defending team. The defending team wins if the time runs out, the hostage is killed by the attacking team, or if they kill all of the members of the attacking team.
- Hostage is the 18th produced episode and the 17th broadcast episode of the British television series Supercar.
- A hostage was someone who was held by a captor in order to compel another party to act, or refrain from acting, in a particular way, often under threat of serious physical harm to the hostage(s).
- Hostage is a side mission available in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
- The sequel to S.S. Total Drama, the story takes place several months after the crowning of the winner, and follows two losers as they attempt at producing a successful reality show with a rather limited budget, resorting to dubious methods and questionable settings. Written by Mana.
- Hostage is an episode of Wolverine and the X-Men.
- "Hostage" is the fourteenth episode of Season Eleven of Criminal Minds.
- Two suspects take the courtroom hostage, and try to negotiate their way out using members from the DA's Office.
- Much to Clark's surprise, Martha Kent returns to Smallville with her new boyfriend, Perry White in town. Lois and Perry realize they are both working on the same story about the Red Queen, and decide to team up, which ultimately puts them in serious danger. Chloe helps Clark search for the Book of Rao, which they believe contains information on how to stop Zod and his army. Meanwhile, Maxwell Lord kidnaps Tess and holds her hostage.
- Hostage was an episode from Star Wars: The Clone Wars Series The Clone Wars Season 1. Previous episode: Siege of Chandrila, Part 2 Next episode: A New Threat
- Hostage is a woman who appeared in "Fish Out of Water".
- In the time of Forge of Darkness, it was a common Tiste practice for a High House family to guarantee a treaty by holding one or more young hostages from a family of equal status. Victors of a war imposed hostage demands during negotiations to end military hostilities. The procedure was political, and strict rules prevented mistreatment of hostages unless the treaty was violated. Hostages were kept for a specified term lasting several years, and the host families usually regarded them as part of the family.
- A hostage is a type of NPC in the Counter-Strike series.
- Hostage also known as Sarah Hanson (according to the Crysis Prima Games game guide) or Caroline Chang (In the game editor) is a CIA agent sent to work with Dr. David Rosenthal's research team in order to monitor his work. She only appears in Crysis.
- A hostage is a person or an entity that is held by another party. Originally a hostage was a person or entity who was handed over or seized between two parties as a means of providing security for the carrying out of an agreement or as security against one party performing certain acts against another. In modern times, a hostage is often a person seized by a criminal or criminal organization to compel another party to perform certain actions or refrain from performing actions, often under threat of violence to the person being held after a certain amount of time has passed.
- Hostage is the twenty-first episode in the fourth season of CSI: NY.
- Hostage is a 2013 American crime action thriller film, directed by Michael Mann. Starring Mark Wahlberg and Neve Campbell, is about detective's sister who finds herself, she is hostage by a serial killer also he is serial rapist who wanted kill her after he raped, beat and murdered her neice (Lily Collins) and murdered all of her friends for 4 days, she try to escape.
- Hostage es el vigésimo primer y último episodio de la cuarta temporada de CSI: NY. Un hombre toma un puñado de rehenes durante un fallido intento de robo a un banco. El hombre exige un CSI para que entre y probar que no era la persona que disparó fatalmente al gerente del banco. Mac se mete en el banco y el resto del equipo trabaja día y noche tratando de descifrar las claves de Mac es capaz de dar, pero nada es lo que parece.
- Hostage is a 2005 thriller film directed by Florent Emilio Siri and starring Bruce Willis. It is based on the novel of the same name by Robert Crais, to which it is relatively faithful. The film opens with ex-SWAT officer turned Los Angeles hostage negotiator Jeff Talley (Willis) attempting to difuse a situation where a man is holding his wife and son hostage due to the wife cheating on him. Alas, he doesn't act quick enough, and the man shoots the two before shooting himself. The son dies in Jeff's arms. This leaves Jeff unable to endure hostage situations anymore, so he moves with his wife and daughter to the (fictional) peaceful suburban hamlet of Bristo Camino in Ventura County and becomes a police chief. One year later, by which time Jeff's marriage is disintegrating, two teenagers, D
- Stephen Kandel wrote an unused script for a proposed Planet of the Apes TV series episode. The final draft of Hostage, dated April 5, 1974, followed on from the already-written TV series concept, and featured Virdon, Kovak (later renamed 'Burke') and Galen as fugitives from ape leaders Zaius and Ursus (later renamed 'Urko').
- Two Romulan officers were held as exchange hostages aboard the USS Enterprise when Captain Kirk and Spock were beamed over to Sub-Commander Tal's flagship. (TOS: "The Enterprise Incident" ) The Troglyte Vanna was able to take Captain James T. Kirk hostage for a short time and acquired his Starfleet type 2 phaser. (TOS: "The Cloud Minders" ) When the USS Enterprise received no word from Captain Christopher Pike after he was beamed aboard the Narada, acting captain Spock classified him as hostage of the war criminal Nero. (Star Trek)
- A hostage or captive is a member of a noble house that is held against their will by another noble house or organization. Some hostages are imprisoned if considered dangerous or if there is risk that they may escape (with or without outside help). Others are awarded the courtesy and privileges of nobility and given relatively free run of the castles or keeps they are captive in. In the case of children, these hostages often become no different from wards to their captors.