| - The investigation of an impregnated 12-year-old girl leads to a religious cult led by a con-artist.
- Charisma (カリスマ Karisuma) is a 1999 Japanese film written and directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa.
- Die Fertigkeit "Charisma" beschreibt die Fähigkeit eines Charakters auf rhetorischer Ebene zu punkten, geht allerdings auch mit dem Sympathiewert des jeweiligen Spielers einher. Mit einem hohen Wert auf diesem Gebiet besteht die Möglichkeit auch friedlich, also diplomatisch Feinde wie Freunde zu überreden und zu überzeugen.
- Charisma ist eine der sieben Primären Statistiken im SPEZIAL Charaktersystem. Vorgefertigte Charaktere mit hohem Charisma sind Albert in Fallout 1 und Chitsa in Fallout 2.
- Raises likelihood of being targetted by the enemy; MP -0;
- Charisma, abbreviated as Chr, is a character attribute in Planescape: Torment.
- Charisma ('Karizma') az egyike az Elsődleges statiszikáknak a SPECIAL rendszerben. Meghatározza a megjelenést és a sármot. A magas karizma azoknak a karaktereknek fontos, akik szavakkal szeretnék befolyásolni a az embereket. Módosítja az NJK-k reakcióit, és a Cserekereskedelem árait. módosítja: Beszéd és Cserekereskedelem készségeket, NPC reakciókat, csapatlétszám limit-et.
- Charisma ist eine Fähigkeit aus Die Sims 3
- Charisma is one of the main attributes in ADOM, the sixth value displayed to the right of your character's name. Its abbreviation is Ch.
- Charisma bezeichnet die Wirkung einer Person auf andere Personen. Benjamin Sisko schlägt Michael Webb als denjenigen vor, der beim Bell-Aufstand seine Geschichte an die Öffentlichkeit bringt, da er nicht so leicht abgewimmelt wird, wie er oder Biddle Coleridge. Zudem hat er Charisma und eine Familie. (DS9: )
- Charisma er en av de primær statistikkene i SPECIAL-systemet. Det representerer en kombinasjon av utseende og sjarm. En høy Charisma er viktig for karakterer som vil gjøre inntrykk på folk med ord. Det modifiserer NPCers reaksjoner og priser, i sammenheng med Barter. Modifiserer: Speech og Barter skills. NPCers disposisjon, størrelse på gruppe.
- Charisma allows the guild master to gain charisma through this skill. Guild members near the guild master gain increased HIT and FLEE rate. NOTE: This skill is currently unimplemented.
- Charisma (or sex appeal) is one of the main 10 stats in Princess Maker 2.
- Charisma is an interest in MySims Agents. This interest is likely based off the interests fun, and possibly Tasty and Cute. It is represented by a white magnet in a red circle. Charismatic Sims are often enthusiastic, excitable, active and mix with other sims well. Charismatic elements are often more interactable, and often pair up with interests Athletic and Smarts. The objects you place add to the interest percentage of the area, which helps with dispatch missions involving Charisma. Charismatic objects consist of objects like turntables, hot tubs, TV's, cooking appliances, and more.
- Charisma is a stat gained by eating fruit and vegetables. Charisma is used to determine purchases made on the market. If two players place a bid on the market at the same time, the player with the highest charisma makes the purchase. The same method is used when applying for a posted job and when selling items on the market.
- Charisma bepaalt hoe overtuigend je bent.thumb|400px Je kan je charismapunten verhogen door groenten en fruit te eten. Charisma beïnvloedt volgende handelingen:
* Hoe meer charisma, hoe meer kans je een bestelling op de Markt kan kopen bij verschillende kopers.
* Hoe meer charisma, hoe meer kans je een vacature in het stadhuis kan verkrijgen bij verschillende sollicitanten.
- Charisma is charm and force of personality. Characters with charisma are likeable, persuasive, and inspiring. Alternate terms: Charm, Presence, Personality In Dungeons & Dragons, Charisma is used for sorcery and bardic magic.
- Being the sum of a person's personality and charm, the Charisma of a Character affects his or her ability to persuade others, and also determines the maximum number of Non-playing Characters who will follow him or her willingly. The abbreviation for Charisma is given as "CH". As with other primary stats, there is a special bonus for gaining a Charisma value of 20 or higher. Your followers will not leave the party any more if the player's actions and decisions conflict with their morals. A note in an interview mentioned that followers is determined by CH/4, plus 2.
- Charisma is a measure of your aptitude for enticing and fascinating others. It is a sum of the character's bearing, charm, and power of influence. Charisma reflects your power to convince others to put their faith in you.
- A character's attractiveness to others. A high charisma attribute helps in all dealings with NPCs.
- Charisma is one of the seven primary statistics in the SPECIAL character system.
- Charisma is one of the six ability scores, a minimum natural score of 15 or 17 is required for druid and shadowdancer dual-class combinations. Charisma, alongside with reputation, adjusts reaction – which influences interactions with NPCs, as well as modifying the purchase prices in stores. This score will also be checked (not shown in-game) during certain dialogues for various effects.
- AE: (MU + IN + CH) / 2 ± Charakter-Modifikationen + Steigerung Jeder Punkt Charisma erhöht damit die Astralenergie durchschnittlich um 0,5 Punkte.
- Wearing The Highlord's Mask will increase a character's Charisma by 3. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Charisma checks occur more often in graveyards and swamps. For Warlocks and Warlords, your Charisma modifier contributes to your Attack Bonus.
- Charisma is a mental, mundane advantage, described in Basic Set, p. 41, and referenced in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 2: Dungeons™, p. 5, on finding a sponsor, p. 10, on negotiating with monsters, and p. 15, on selling loot; and GURPS Space, p. 219, on applying Charisma to alien species.
- Charisma (カリスマ Karisuma) is a Type used exclusively for the "Charisma Token" from V Jump. It is not an official Type, as noted in the card's lore itself, and is used solely as a joke.
- Charisma (CHR): This attribute lets you know how likeable or persuasive a character is. Although it may seem like a trivial trait. it might well make the difference between life and death as you try to convince someone that you're trustworthy. Charisma also affects how an NPC will react to you when you want to hire him or trade equipment. Source: Wasteland manual
- Charisma is one of the six character abilities. It influences interactions with NPC's and it determines the prices of items in stores. The party member who leads the party determines the charisma of the party and thus all NPC reactions. It's an important character ability for bards, druids and paladins.
- Charisma (Greek "kharisma," meaning "gift," "of/from/favored by God/the divine") is a trait found in persons whose personalities are characterized by a personal charm and magnetism (attractiveness), along with innate and powerfully sophisticated abilities of interpersonal communication and persuasion. One who is charismatic is said to be capable of using their personal being, rather than just speech or logic alone, to interface with other human beings in a personal and direct manner, and effectively communicate an argument or concept to them.
- Image:Icon-charisma.gif Charisma affects how well you get along with people. Game-wise, it affects prices, performance and prostitution income, and the number of pets who can accompany you. Every character may have at least 2 pets, plus one more pet for every five charisma starting from 10, up to a maximum total of fifteen pets. Pets assigned as shopkeepers, breeders, told to stay at your house (including maids), and pets waiting in town, all count towards this total. Companions gained in escort quests count towards this total, so if your party is full, you can not do these quests.
- Charisma points are primarily gained by talking to oneself in the mirror. In The Sims 3, Charisma can also be gained by talking and interacting with other Sims, as well as reading Charisma skill books. File:Charisma skill icon.png In The Sims 3, certain interactions and rewards increase starting relationships, such as a Celebrity using a Charming Introduction will instantly have a new friend. Charisma skill-building requires friends and relationships to progress. Charismatic Sims learn the skill faster.
- de:CHR Abbreviation: CHR Charisma is a stat that helps determine the effectiveness of:
* Bard
* The success rate of a Beastmaster's Charm Job Ability
* The strength of a Dancer's Curing Waltz.
* It is rumored to affect a number of other Job Abilities and passive "Killer" Job Traits (e.g. Undead Killer)File:Exclamation.gif.
* CHR increases resistance to Bard songs and Charm. (Source)
* Certain (such as Dancing Edge, Shadowstitch, Primal Rend, and Mordant Rime) and certain (such as Bludgeon and Eyes on Me) are affected by Charisma.
* Reduces Light Maneuver burden if master CHR is higher than automaton CHR.
- Charisma, often abbreviated CHA, is one of the core attributes in the game. It is considered a "mental" attribute, and its effect is among the most intangible in the game - when and if there are NPCs in the game, their general attitude towards the character will be better if the CHA of that character is better.
- -Spin Kick
* Entrance style= Comes out walking slowly staring at the competition while ignoring the crowd knowing she’s better than everyone, enters the ring and poses by the ropes
* Entrance theme= "Comin up from Behind" by Marcy Playground
* Background= A wrestling fan growing up, she decided to join a school to learn moves part-time, after getting the wrestling bug she decided to put in more time to wrestling to learn more moves, and perfect them. She is both a heel and face depending on how people treat her. Sometimes she's too honest for her own good. Charisma prides herself for being one of the original female wrestlers still in the WCSF today. Everything a lady in the WCSF can accomplish Charisma already has, Charisma was a manager, singles competitor, and WCSF Women's C
- |- ! width="50%" align=center style="background:#999; color:#000;"|Charisma ! width="50%" align=center style="background:#999; color:#000;"|Ability Modifier |- ! width="50%" align=center|1 ! width="50%" align=center|-5 |- ! width="50%" align=center|2-3 ! width="50%" align=center| -4 |- ! width="50%" align=center|4-5 ! width="50%" align=center|-3 |- ! width="50%" align=center|6-7 ! width="50%" align=center|-2 |- ! width="50%" align=center|8-9 ! width="50%" align=center| -1 |- ! width="50%" align=center|10 ! width="50%" align=center| 0 |- ! width="50%" align=center|11-12 ! width="50%" align=center|+1 |- ! width="50%" align=center|13-14 ! width="50%" align=center|+2 |- ! width="50%" align=center|15-16 ! width="50%" align=center|+3 |- ! width="50%" align=center|17-18 ! width="50%" align=center
- Charisma measures a character's force of personality, persuasiveness, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and physical attractiveness. This ability represents actual strength of personality, not merely how one is perceived by others in a social setting. Charisma is most important for paladins, favored souls, sorcerers, and bards. It is also important for clerics and blackguards, since it affects their ability to turn undead, and is important for spirit shamans and warlocks as it affect some of their spell DC's. Every creature has a Charisma score. Charisma modifiers are applied to:
- Charisma measures a character’s force of personality, persuasiveness, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and physical attractiveness. This ability represents actual strength of personality, not merely how one is perceived by others in a social setting. Charisma is most important for paladins, sorcerers, and bards. It is also important for clerics, since it affects their ability to turn undead. Every creature has a Charisma score. -Turning checks for clerics and paladins attempting to turn zombies, vampires, and other undead. -A Paladins Divine Grace, or Knights Challenge.
- Charisma (Cha) measures a character's force of personality, persuasiveness, and leadership. Charisma is the key ability for Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Streetwise skill checks. In addition, a character's Charisma modifier or Wisdom modifier, whichever is higher, will contribute to Will defense. Charisma and Wisdom are redundant with each other for the purpose of Will defense, but Wisdom has the additional benefit of improving Perception checks. For this reason, Charisma can be a dump stat for characters who don't depend on Charisma for attack rolls, class features, or skill checks.
- Charisma measures a character's force of personality, persuasiveness, ability to lead, and physical attractiveness. It represents actual personal strength, not merely how one is perceived by others in a social setting. Charisma is most important for paladins, sorcerers, and bards. It is also important for clerics, as it affects their ability to turn undead. All characters benefit from having a high charisma when speaking with others in the world. Charisma affects an NPC's initial reaction to the player and it modifies the player's persuasion skill checks.