| - Asteroiden sind große Steine, die im Weltall herumschwirren.
- An asteroid was a type of minor planet. There were many different asteroids located in the solar system and the greater galaxy, as well as the rest of outer space. One notable asteroid was the Spacemen Homeworld, which was located a few thousand miles away from Earth.
- thumb|286px|Der Asteroid "157-Golgotha" im BahaksystemAsteroiden können in Mass Effect in Asteroidengürteln innerhalb verschiedener Sonnensysteme gefunden werden. Asteroiden werden manchmal auch als Waffen eingesetzt, insbesondere von den Turianern und den Kroganern. Aus dem Orbit abgeworfen, verursachen sie massiven Schaden, trotz minimalem Aufwand und geringer Kosten. Auch Terroristengruppen nutzen diese Taktik manchmal.
- "Asteroid" is a natural obstacle in Mega Man 5 and Mega Man for the Game Gear. It appears in the first part of Star Man's stage. It crashes down on to the ground. Despite not being robots, these will drop the normal power-ups when shot. Gravity Hold will remove all asteroids on the screen at once, making it a good choice weapon if being overhwhelmed by asteroids.
- Asteroid ist eine Roboterzerstörungs-Karte aus Team Fortress 2. Die von Valve entwickelte Karte wurde am 08. Juli 2014 veröffentlicht und befindet sich derzeit noch in der offenen Beta-Phase, an der alle Spieler von Team Fortress 2 teilnehmen können. Bei Asteroid handelt es sich um die erste Karte, die über den Modus Roboterzerstörung verfügt.
- Asteroids are used mainly for economy because of the two crystals coupled with the fact that Biosphere Modification, Planetary Shields and Planetary Rings cost significantly less than on other astros. They are also used as a Production Base hybrid. Free accounts generally avoid asteroids because of their small area.
- Kada-bada-BOOM-BAM! Everyone's dead! Therefore, no one is writing this article. Therefore, this article must now terminate. Science
- Asteroids will fall down on the ground in Star Man's stage, and it can be destroyed by shots.
- The Asteroid is a decoration on Farmville.
- Asteroids are chunks of solid matter of various shapes that are smaller than planets. Asteroids are chunks of solid matter of various shapes that are smaller than planets.
- Asteroids can be mined and sold to Mining Stations, which are present in most systems. To mine Asteroids, you need to have a ship equipped with at least one Mining Laser, and a Cargo Hold. The Y8 Mining Vessel is a large ship designed specifically for mining, which requires the Master Pilot Certification, and can be received through a quest. There are several different types of Asteroid Resources, and are generally used in the construction of ships and ship components.
- An asteroid is any of many minor C Bs composed of metal and rock that orbit the Sun (mostly between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars)
- An asteroid (or roid) is a chunk of rock floating in space, usually within an asteroid belt. Often these asteroids contain valuable ore which can be mined to be refined or sold. Different asteroids contain different types of ore, and their size reflects the amount they contain. The types of asteroids, and where they can be found can be seen herehttp://www.eve-wiki.net/index.php?title=Ore
- Asteroids are large objects in space made of rock and various elements that can sometimes be found in asteroid belts. Often, asteroids are created as the result of ancient collisions between planets.
- An Asteroid is made up of rubble which resulted from a battle and is presented as a smaller planet hovering above the affected planet. It has the same coordinates as the planet that it formed at. The maximum amount of field an asteroid can have is 50.
- Als Asteroiden (von griechisch ἀστήρ, astēr „Stern“ und der Endung -eides „ähnlich“, auch Kleinplaneten oder Planetoiden), werden kleine Objekte bezeichnet, die sich auf Umlaufbahnen um die Sonne bewegen. Sie sind größer als Meteoroiden, aber kleiner als Zwergplaneten.
- Asteroids are obstacles that appear in several games in the series. They are large pieces of rock that float aimlessly through space and deal damage to Arwings upon contact. Asteroids can be found in several sizes, some as big as an Arwing or even bigger than the Great Fox.
- An asteroid, also known as a minor planet, is an irregularly shaped rock that orbits the Sun mainly between Mars and Jupiter in the Asteroid Belt. Some moons are captured asteroids (like Phobos and Deimos). Planets and moons sometimes get impacted by asteroids, forming huge impact craters on their surfaces.
- Asteroids are chunks of rock, metal, or ice flying through space. Large asteroids are particularly useful in combat, as enemy guided missiles will often lock onto an asteroid instead of their target ship.
- Unlike Asteroid Belts, asteroids may contain a colony. Colonies built on asteroids are generally smaller then those found on planets, however an asteroid can be useful for storing research facilities. No species has any interest in developing or improving colonies upon these rocks and they are just used as mining colonies, with a meager taxable population. Asteroids can only contain up to three extractors so it will either be one metal and two crystal extractors. Or two metal and one crystal extractor.
- Asteroid is a Robot Destruction beta map, released in the July 8, 2014 patch. The map is set between two space stations. The goal of the map is to be the first team to obtain a total of 300 points which can be collected through two methods: destroying robots wandering in the opposing team's space station or stealing the opposing team's reactor core (similar to the Capture the Flag gamemode). The opposing team's reactor core holds all the points gathered by that team and can be brought back to a base to steal a certain amount of points. The total amount of points tied to the reactor core increases the longer the player stands on the spawn point of the opposing team's reactor core, needing 25 power cores minimum to actually be able to steal anything. good for scout engi spy
- An Asteroid is a Celestial Object made up of stone. They naturally exist in the Cosmos and are sometimes summoned by skilled Space elementalists for means of attacking.
- An asteroid was a chunk of rock in space, large compared to many things such as flora and fauna but small compared to planets and stars. They were similar to, but not to be confused with, comets, planetoids and dwarf planets, and were usually located in asteroid belts.
- The Asteroid (通常弾 (アステロイド) Asuteroido?, lit. Normal Bullets) is a Normal Trigger. It has no special attributes, but has high bullet power. By combining two Asteroids, one can create the Gimlet, which has increased bullet power, as shown by Kōhei Izumi.
- The Asteroid was were Prime Evil stranded three Alien visitors who were on their way to Earth after he took over their Alien Spaceship in the year 2340. Eventually, the Ghostbusters and Futura took control of the spaceship and managed to locate Zorgon, Nexor and the third, Unidentified Alien before they ran out of oxygen.
- Asteroizii, numiți și mici planete sau planetoizi, sunt corpuri cerești mai mici decât planetele, dar mai mari decât meteoroizii (care pot avea diametrul de până la circa 10 metri), și nu sunt comete.
- thumb|Ratchet, Clank und Imperator Percival Tachyon in der unbekannten Asteroiden DimensionAsteroiden waren astronomische Objekte Objekte, welche kleiner waren als ein Planet oder Mond. Ein einzelner Asteroid war meistens Hunderte von Kilocubits groß. Die meisten von ihnen konnte man in einem Asteroidengürtel finden. Es gab viele kleine Asteroiden, welche beim Eintritt in eine Atmsphäre verglüten und als Sternschnuppen über den Himmel zogen. Es gab allerdings auch große, welche auf Planeten aufprallten und dort schwere Schäden anrichten konnten. Der Planet Kalidon hatte eine so niedrige Atmosphäre und geringe Schwerkraft, das die Asteroiden knapp über der Planetenoberfläche ihre Bahnen zogen. Einige Asteroiden waren so groß, das sie eine eigene Atmosphäre hatten.
- Humans and other races have converted larger asteroids into habitats by mining their interiors and building with their hollow shells. Project Genesis is a notable example of an asteroid being utilized in this way. (TOS movie: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) There were many asteroids around Bajor. The Bajoran Resistance used to land their ships on asteroids and ride them undetected through the B'hava'el system. In 2370, Kira Nerys used the same tactic with a Starfleet runabout in the Davon system to sneak the vessel close to a moon to rescue a kidnapped Horta. (DS9 novel: Devil in the Sky)
- Spock once made the distinction between a planetoid and asteroid while describing Gamma Canaris N as "more than an asteroid," "like a small planetoid." (TOS: "Metamorphosis" ) An asteroid hit the Terra Nova colony in the 2080s. (ENT: "Terra Nova") In an alternate timeline, Commander Charles Tucker III and Sub-Commander T'Pol had their honeymoon in cargo bay 3 of the Enterprise NX-01, which Tucker filled with sand they dug up from a passing asteroid. (ENT: "E²") In 2365, while on approach to Bringloid V, the USS Enterprise-D passed an asteroid. (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder" )
- Asteroids are recurring objects within the Metroid series of games. One asteroid was constructed into a lair for Mother Brain and named Metroid, during the events of the Nintendo Comics System and Captain N: The Game Master. SR388 has a nearby asteroid belt that claimed Samus Aran's Gunship and nearly killed its owner. A space station in the same system, the Biologic Space Laboratories research station, appears to have been a hollowed out asteroid, and it was set by Samus to collide with SR388, decimating all life on the planet. The Ceres Space Colony also has a nearby asteroid belt, and some asteroids can be seen in Metroid: Other M cutscenes. In the Metroid Prime room Exterior Docking Hangar, asteroids float around in the air, and can be shot and destroyed. In Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
- In 2002, Anubis sent a Naquadah asteroid to Earth, which was large enough to destroy the planet. (SG1: "Fail Safe") In 2007. when Atlantis was under attack from an Asuran Stargate satellite, Lt. Colonel John Sheppard came up with a plan to use one of the several asteroids in the Lantean system to temporarily intercept the weapon's beam in order to take the strain off of Atlantis' shield so the city could power up its star drive and leave the planet. (SGA: "First Strike")
- thumb|Interierungslager 371 auf einem Asteroiden. Asteroid oder Planetoid ist die allgemeine Bezeichnung für einen kleinen Himmelskörper, der sich auf einer bestimmten Umlaufbahn um einen Stern befindet und wird normalerweise der planetarischen Klassifikationskategorie D zugewiesen. Es gibt verschiedene Klassen von Asteroiden. 2154 zerstört die Enterprise (NX-01) eine Überwachungsstation der Xindi auf einem Planetoiden im Azati Prime-System. (ENT: ) 2270 durchfliegt die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) einen Asteroidengürtel, um ein Piratenraumschiff aufzuspüren. (TAS: )
- Asteroids are, generally speaking, rocks in space. Although most asteroids are barren and airless, they can be very large and have their own significant gravity. Some are big enough to be classified as minor planets or planetoids, and a small number even have a breathable atmosphere.
- An asteroid is a piece of celestial debris that varies in size. They are located in a solar system that usually orbits a larger planetary body. Asteroids are usually clustered in a large belt with thousands of others. Asteroids are usually extremely rich in metals are ore, as they are usually formed by the destruction of a planet as the result of a catastrophic impact or other destructive phenomenon. They are invaluable to spacefaring species because they are a free and abundant source of resources, and most spaceships, especially military vessels, are dependent upon them, as they grab asteroids and send out swarms of nanomites to mine the rock for materials that are used in numerous ways; such as weaponry, repairs, and other uses. Several Asteroids have been hollowed out for use as homes,
- 250px|thumb|right|En Asteroid. En asteroid är en liten himlakropp som består av sten och metall som kan variera mycket i storlek. Det finns en stor asteroid bälte i solsystemet mellan planeterna Mars och Jupiter. Under 2002 skickade Anubis en naquadah-rik asteroid till Jorden, som var stor nog att förstöra planeten. (SG1: "Fail Safe")
- "Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1!" -C3PO Asteroids are a type of . When a ship executes a maneuver, if its base or maneuver template overlaps an asteroid token, it executes its maneuver as normal but suffers an effect.
- thumb|Asteroid pri svojej obľúbenej činnosti Asteroid alebo kozmický šuter (niekedy sa používa aj slovenský názov planétôčka) je kus skaly, ktorý lieta. Asteroidy predstavujú tie úlomky hornín, ktoré pri formovaní planét nijaká planéta nechcela. Z tohto dôvodu majú asteroidy hlboko zakorenený komplex menejcennosti a sú veľmi agresívne. Nemajú na práci nič iné, než lietať po slnečnej sústave a hľadať niečo, do čoho by narazili. Z dlhodobých štatistických pozorovaní, ktoré robili Holywoodski režiséri vyplynulo, že teleso, ktoré sa stáva najčastejšou obeťou útoku asteroidov je Zem.
- An Asteroid is defined as any of numerous small celestial bodies that revolve around the sun, with orbits lying particularly between Mars and Jupiter and characteristic diameters between a few and several hundred kilometers. They are generally described as large chunks of rock that may have broken off from other larger Asteroids, or possibly from a moon. The majority of Asteroids are found in the Asteroid Belt. There are also asteroids that could potentially harm Earth. The total mass of all asteroids is less than the mass of Earth's Moon. The largest asteroid by far is 1 Ceres. It is 933 km in diameter and makes up about 25% of the mass of all the asteroids combined. The next largest are 2 Pallas, 4 Vesta and 10 Hygiea which are between 400 and 525 kilometers in diameter. All other known
- Traditionally, small bodies orbiting the Sun were classified as asteroids, comets or meteoroids, with anything smaller than ten metres across being called a meteoroid. The term "asteroid" is somewhat ill-defined. It never had a formal definition, with the broader term minor planet being preferred by the International Astronomical Union until 2006, when the term "small Solar System body" was introduced to cover both minor planets and comets. Other languages prefer "planetoid" (Greek for "planet-like"), and this term is occasionally used in English for the larger asteroids. The word "planetesimal" has a similar meaning, but refers specifically to the small building blocks of the planets that existed at the time the Solar System was forming. The term "planetule" was coined by the geologist Wi
- An asteroid is an object in space smaller than a planet and can range in size, diameter and orbit. They can also be called minor planets or planetoids. A group of asteroids in orbit of a star are called an asteroid belt or an asteroid field. Earth Starfleet and the Denobulans constructed Cold Station 12 on an asteroid sometime in the early 22nd century. (ENT: "Borderland", "Cold Station 12", "The Augments"). This facility was still in use by the 24th century. (Star Trek: Remington) Pandora Station was constructed on an asteroid in the Typhon Expanse. (Star Trek: Pandora Station)