Intellect is the 56th chapter of Sora no Otoshimono manga.
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| - Intellect antaa hahmolle lisää maksimimanaa ja spell critical changea. Ensimmäiset 2 intellect-pistettä antavat 1 manan, ja sitä eteenpäin 15 manaa/piste. Shamaanit saavat jokaisesta intellect-pisteestä 1 attack power pisteen. Intellectiä tarvitsevat vain classit, jotka loitsivat. Esim. Rogueilla ja warrioreilla ei ole manaa. Tosin intellect kasvattaa todennäköisyyttä saada Weapon Skilliä. Jos haluat kasvattaa asetaitojasi, kannattaa hankkia intellect buffi/scrolli.
- Intellect is the 56th chapter of Sora no Otoshimono manga.
- Intellect (formerly the "Computer Software and Services Association") is the trade association of the U.K.-based information technology, telecommunications and electronics industries. It provides a voice for its members (800 companies ranging from SMEs to multinationals) in both government and business to create a commercial environment. It works in both markets and policy fields including the Data Breach Notification Working Group, the Defense and Security Commercial Council, the Digital Communications Market Group, the Identity Management Working Group, the Security and Privacy Group, and the Security and Resilience Group.
- Intellect is one of three main stats in Torment: Tides of Numenera. Is measures a characters reasoning and learning ability. This stat is vital for nanos, since it determines how easily they can cast esoteries or interact with numenera, the ancient technology left behind by prior civilizations. Every 2 points in Intellect also increases Willpower by 5%.
- General intelligence. Helps with everything from first aid to smarts and security.
- The Intellect is a specialized strain of Overseer which fills the societal niche of a scientist.
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| - Intellect antaa hahmolle lisää maksimimanaa ja spell critical changea. Ensimmäiset 2 intellect-pistettä antavat 1 manan, ja sitä eteenpäin 15 manaa/piste. Shamaanit saavat jokaisesta intellect-pisteestä 1 attack power pisteen. Intellectiä tarvitsevat vain classit, jotka loitsivat. Esim. Rogueilla ja warrioreilla ei ole manaa. Tosin intellect kasvattaa todennäköisyyttä saada Weapon Skilliä. Jos haluat kasvattaa asetaitojasi, kannattaa hankkia intellect buffi/scrolli.
- Intellect is the 56th chapter of Sora no Otoshimono manga.
- Intellect (formerly the "Computer Software and Services Association") is the trade association of the U.K.-based information technology, telecommunications and electronics industries. It provides a voice for its members (800 companies ranging from SMEs to multinationals) in both government and business to create a commercial environment. It works in both markets and policy fields including the Data Breach Notification Working Group, the Defense and Security Commercial Council, the Digital Communications Market Group, the Identity Management Working Group, the Security and Privacy Group, and the Security and Resilience Group.
- Intellect is one of three main stats in Torment: Tides of Numenera. Is measures a characters reasoning and learning ability. This stat is vital for nanos, since it determines how easily they can cast esoteries or interact with numenera, the ancient technology left behind by prior civilizations. Every 2 points in Intellect also increases Willpower by 5%.
- General intelligence. Helps with everything from first aid to smarts and security.
- The Intellect is a specialized strain of Overseer which fills the societal niche of a scientist.
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