| - Bangs befinden sich in der "Haunt of Nyangnyang" nördlich des "River of Weeping" oder südlich vom "Mars Mine Dungeon".
- “Err, which one is the gas pedal?”—Bang, Banjo-Tooie Bang is a Twinkly Muncher and one of the top competitors in the Dodgem Dome in Witchyworld. He, along with Crash and Whallop, compete against Banjo and Kazooie to collect the most Twinklies in the Dodgem Challenge mini-game. Bang is distinguishable from the other Twinkly Munchers by the yellow helmet that he wears. In addition, he drives a black Dodgem Dome bumper cart.
- "Bang" is the third episode of Season 4 of The Shield. It was originally broadcast on March 29, 2005.
- The Gang frequently uses the word "bang" to refer to sex.
- Bang (イオ Io) est un sort offensif qui provoque une petite explosion sur tous les ennemis. Il fait partie de l'élément Explosion. Il en existe trois améliorations : Superbang, Mégabang et Gigabang. Ce sort, tout comme ses améliorations, ainsi que le sort Mégabanga et le sort Explosion magique, expulse ses adversaires de la zone d'action. Catégorie:Sort
- Bang is a song from F.E.A.R. 3. The song is track 8 on the unofficial soundtrack and was composed by Jason Graves. This tune plays, when Point Man and Paxton Fettel face the cyborg of Armacham Forces.
- Bang is the first episode of the second season of the Netflix exclusive television series Daredevil.
- Bangs' attacks were once Area of Effect, and this gained them some infamy, as a malicious high-level player could gather a large number of Bangs and use their splash damage to kill lower-level players. The Bang's quest item is the Golden Wing.
- Bang is a slang for the exclamation point (!).
- Bang is a spell in the Dragon Quest game series.
- Bang is the Chikai Star in Suikoden IV.
- Bang was a Greek duo made up of Thanos Kalliris and Vasilis Dertilis. Many Eurovision fans have noticed an uncanny resemblance to the British duo Wham! They represented Greece at the Eurovision Song Contest 1987 with the song Stop, finishing in the top 10 in 10th place. After the contest, the duo broke up in 1991 and Thanos embarked on a solo career.
- Bang (バング) also known as Silver Fang ( シルバーファング,Shirubā Fangu) is an S-Class, rank 3, superhero for the Heroes Association, settled in Z-City. Bang owns a dojo passed down from generations, and uses the fighting style, the Rock-Smashing Water Stream Fist. He has an older brother named Bomb, who is the master of Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist. He is also Garou's former mentor.
- Un Bang es una criatura no usada en Super Metroid. Se menciona como un enemigo "de tipo poseedor".
- Bang (バング, Bangu) also known as Silver Fang (シルバーファング, Shirubā Fangu) is a S-Class, rank 3, superhero for the Hero Association, settled in Z-City. Bang owns a dojo passed down from generations, and uses the fighting style, the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist. He has an older brother named Bomb, who is the master of the Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist.
- "Bang" is the 54th episode of Desperate Housewives.
- It bears a resemblance to Metroid Prime's nucleus from the end of the first Prime game. It also resembles the Phaazoid species seen in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, and the Yameba in Metroid Fusion, the latter possibly being an infected and/or X-mimicked version of the Bang. : Non-canonical information ends here.
- A baby is found abandoned outside of a children's gym, and Benson and Stabler are charged with figuring out the baby's identity. The baby (Jasper) is the adopted son of a well-to-do woman, Dede Aston. The baby's nanny, Imelda, is in tears when the detectives speak with her, worrying over the empty crib. A neighbor, Wade, claims that he heard screams coming from the apartment the night the baby went missing. A used condom is found in the trash and the nanny confesses that while Dede was away on a business trip, Imelda invited her boyfriend, prominent attorney Ken Turner, over.
- Bang war eine Kreuzung aus Oger und Troll. Mit etwas Fantasie hätte man ihn für einen Verwandten von Mikita halten können, denn wie dieser war er über zwei Meter groß, hatte keinen Hals, roch nach Bisam und seine unteren Zähne standen wie Hauer hervor. Bang hatte einen eiförmigen Schädel mit schwarz behaartem Gesicht, kleine Schweinsaugen und spitze, behaarte Ohren. Sein Atem roch nach Mist, Knoblauch und altem Fisch. Der alte Ortolan hatte die beiden Ogertrolle Bang und Bue zum Töten erschaffen, und so dienten sie dem Zauberer Sorel Degerlund als Leibwächter und Mordmaschinen. Es hieß, Bang könne ein Kind zerreißen, als wäre es ein Brathähnchen. Außerdem konnte er gut mit dem Breitschwert umgehen. Bang starb in einer Höhle des Berges Cremora. Er und Bue kämpften gegen den Hexer Geralt,
- Es una gran mentira creer que las historietas de superhéroes son solo cosas de niños, adolescentes o jóvenes adultos. Sí,por supuesto, las historias y los personajes quizás sí sean para el restringido grupo de edad anterior mencionado, ¿pero quieren saber algo interesante? Está bien comprobado que no hay edad en el que el ser humano nunca se pregunte cómo sería la vida teniendo súperpoderes. Seguro, cuando estamos niños queremos simplemente saltar por el balcón y volar, o lanzar energía con las manos. Pero conforme vamos madurando, nosotros no abandonamos esos pensamientos, empezamos a pensar cómo sería la vida si pudiéramos leer la mente. Empezamos a imaginarnos lo bueno que sería si pudiéramos causar algún daño a distancia, y pocos son los que tienen el corazón para contemplar cómo sería