| - Whizzer is a steel sppedracer roller coaster located in Hometown Square. Along with Demon it was one of two roller coasters that opened with the park in 1976.
- Whizzer was an aging Twi'lek with ties to Jabba the Hutt's cartel on Tatooine.
- Whizzer is one of the three Soda Poppers. He has extreme bathroom issues, and has his famous line, "Time Out For Number One!" He is Brainwashed by Brady Culture in his evil plot to...get more fans.
- Robert Frank, also known as Whizzer, is a member of the Six American Warriors and superhero during World War II.
- Whizzer (or Wizzer) is one of Pongo and Perdita's puppies in the 101 Dalmatians franchise. His most commonly given trait is a weak bladder, meaning he will have frequent accidents every so often. He appears in the live-action 101 Dalmatians movie and 101 Dalmatians: The Series.
- Prawdziwe imię i nazwisko: Robert L. Frank Inne pseudonimy: Bob Frank, Jack Robinson Aktualny status: Nie żyje Uniwersum: 616 Klasa: Nadczłowiek Narodowość: Amerykanin Debiut: USA #1 [1941] Ostatnie pojawienie się: Vision and the Scarlet Witch #2 [1982] Powiązania z grupami: All-Winers Squad, Avengers, Invaders, Liberty Legion, V-Battalion
- Whizzer is a Blue Yakey Bird and Odette and Derek's New Friend