Wake Up the Gypsy in Me is a 1933 black-and-white Merrie Melodies cartoon short, based on the title song written by Lew Lehr, Harry Miller and Lew Pollack and directed by Rudolf Ising. The music score was a work of Frank Marsales.
Wake Up the Gypsy in Me is a 1933 black-and-white Merrie Melodies cartoon short, based on the title song written by Lew Lehr, Harry Miller and Lew Pollack and directed by Rudolf Ising. The music score was a work of Frank Marsales.
Wake Up the Gypsy in Me is a 1933 Merrie Melodies short, based on the title song written by Lew Lehr, Harry Miller and Lew Pollack and directed by Rudolf Ising.
Wake Up the Gypsy in Me is a 1933 black-and-white Merrie Melodies cartoon short, based on the title song written by Lew Lehr, Harry Miller and Lew Pollack and directed by Rudolf Ising. The music score was a work of Frank Marsales.
Wake Up the Gypsy in Me is a 1933 Merrie Melodies short, based on the title song written by Lew Lehr, Harry Miller and Lew Pollack and directed by Rudolf Ising.