| - Stella ist nach dem NRW-Nachwuchscup alarmiert. Sie bemüht sich zwar um Abstand zu Lars, trotzdem gibt Jenny keine Ruhe. Als sich Stella und Lars jedoch in einem Gespräch näher kommen, scheint Lars plötzlich gar nicht mehr so unerreichbar und aus einem spontanen Impuls heraus küsst Stella ihn. Nina hat ein schlechtes Gewissen, dass sie Marc benutzt, um Axel eifersüchtig zu machen. Trotzdem scheint ihr Plan aufzugehen, denn es kommt zu einer Annäherung. Doch Axel führt wieder einmal 'nur' geschäftliche Interessen an. Juli ist schockiert von ihrem eigenen Verhalten. Sie hat Angst, wie ihr Vater zu werden. Währenddessen verfolgt Simone einen perfiden Plan, sich Juli doch noch gefügig zu machen...
- El seiscientos treinta (630) es el número natural que sigue al 629 y precede al 631. Categoría:Números
- Barnabas and Nicholas discuss the repeat of the experiment. Barnabas points out that Eve has been dead a long time (626) and getting a new life force may be a problem. Nicholas says he already has a new life force ready.
| - Stella ist nach dem NRW-Nachwuchscup alarmiert. Sie bemüht sich zwar um Abstand zu Lars, trotzdem gibt Jenny keine Ruhe. Als sich Stella und Lars jedoch in einem Gespräch näher kommen, scheint Lars plötzlich gar nicht mehr so unerreichbar und aus einem spontanen Impuls heraus küsst Stella ihn. Nina hat ein schlechtes Gewissen, dass sie Marc benutzt, um Axel eifersüchtig zu machen. Trotzdem scheint ihr Plan aufzugehen, denn es kommt zu einer Annäherung. Doch Axel führt wieder einmal 'nur' geschäftliche Interessen an. Juli ist schockiert von ihrem eigenen Verhalten. Sie hat Angst, wie ihr Vater zu werden. Währenddessen verfolgt Simone einen perfiden Plan, sich Juli doch noch gefügig zu machen...
- El seiscientos treinta (630) es el número natural que sigue al 629 y precede al 631. Categoría:Números
- Barnabas and Nicholas discuss the repeat of the experiment. Barnabas points out that Eve has been dead a long time (626) and getting a new life force may be a problem. Nicholas says he already has a new life force ready. Barnabas says he will not continue the experiment if Nicholas is just planning on summoning up another Danielle Roget from Hell (594). Nicholas responds that this time he does not plan to use such a trick and that Barnabas' reward for doing his part will be his continued existence. Nicholas drones on and on about how powerful he is, but concedes that if he did not have his powers Barnabas would, indeed, be a formidable foe. At 8pm that evening, Maggie arrives just as Nicholas is pouring himself a brandy. Maggie admires his nick-nacks, in particular one old-looking cup. Nicholas tells her it is was once owned by Cleopatra's favorite seer and he fortold her death and could be used to divine the future. He offers to show Maggie by filling the cup with brandy and having her add an opal (which she thought were known for bringing bad luck) and having her drink from the cup while reciting an incantation. He then tells her she will have a long, happy future, as long as she is with him. He tells her he is leaving Collinsport and does not plan on returning unless she agrees to marry him. He asks her to tell him she will marry him, but she hesitates. In Victoria's bedroom, Maggie tells Victoria she is planning to marry Nicholas. Victoria tells her flat out that she does not like or trust Nicholas and he is an evil man. Maggie leaves in a huff and Victoria calls Nicholas on the telephone. Next we see Victoria arriving at Nicholas' house as Nicholas is pouring himself another brandy. He offers her a brandy, but she refuses. She tells Nicholas he cannot marry Maggie because "Maggie does not know what you are". Nicholas seems surprised, but Victoria tells him he is not human. She knows this because his sister, Cassandra was really the witch, Angelique who she met when she time-traveled to 1795 and she threatens to tell Maggie if he does not call off the engagement. Nicholas advances on her menacingly. Nicholas tries to convince Victoria that she is wrong and he is a good guy. He reasons that if he were a warlock he would just wave his hands and she would disappear. He almost seems to have her convinced, but she tells him she will give him time to break off the engagement before she says anything to Maggie. He escorts her to the front door, trying to convince her to reconsider. She leaves without changing her mind. He goes back into the drawing room and throws the glass towards the fireplace, shattering it. He tries to think about what to do to convince Vicky of his sincerity. Then he realizes he can get someone else to help him. He goes to the basement, counts off some tiles, and begins to dig up the floor. Victoria returns to Collinwood and starts turning off the lights in the foyer when the front door bursts open, startling her. It turns out to be Barnabas. She tells Barnabas she has missed seeing him and asks if he will join her for dinner tomorrow night. Barnabas accepts, but looks concerned since he knows the repeat of the experiment is scheduled for tomorrow evening. Back at Nicholas' house, Nicholas removes a coffin from the floor with the remains of Tom Jennings. Nicholas pulls the stake from Tom's heart and he wakes up, telling Tom to wake up and he is Tom's new master. Back in her bedroom, Victoria goes to bed and begins to drift off as Tom crawls through her window. Tom moves towards the bed, baring his fangs.