| - Justin is a warhero that fought against Mecha Donald during WW3, helping the mexicans to escape the border. There was many blud and killing which traumatized Justin, and he eventually just stayed at home until he and Lance both decided to street fight for muns due to them being really poor. He's also a martial arts competitor, competing in many tournaments and winning in them nearly every single time, as people call him the "Bruce Lee" of 2017 or the "Chuck Norris" They both stomped until Justin fought Bananna George, which he kept flipping the damage and landing some of his own hits until when George got tired, Justin let his guard down and George dealt a devestating blow to his head, leaving it stuck in the floor. Lance nearly got the same treatment, but luckily Lance started weaving just in time. Justin trained alot during his recovery, starting off from pushing trucks to shattering punching bags to running across the world, and then finally knocked three sumo wrestlers into the clouds and back. Then he trained even more, then he became nearly equal to Lance after training for many months. They went on many adventures after they both ended their career having about a million dollars now.