| - Years later, Xena proved that she had changed for the Greater Good and reunited with Bodecia to defend Britannia against Julius Caesar. She was played by Jennifer Ward-Lealand.
- Boudica (or Boudicca) is a Celtic leader in some of the Civilization games.
- When you think of a fighting British Queen, who do you think of? Queen Elizabeth? Queen Victoria? Prince Charles? No. You think of Boudica. Or Boadicea. Or Boudicca. Or Boo-DICK-ca. Or BoBawitdabadabangadangdiggydiggydiggysaidtheboogysaidupjumptheboogy!. Or Bo Derek, even, if you're silly. No one really knows for sure, and there sure as hell isn't a person from the 1st century one could talk to to figure out who she was or how her name was spelled. There may be some historical sources, but you don't see anyone at Uncyclopedia "reading" them for "facts."
- Boudica is the warrior-daughter of King Oswald of Briton and a supporting antagonist in Ryse: Son of Rome, however, unlike Nero and his sons she is an example of a more tragic villain who was driven to extremism in order to avenge the oppression of her people and Commodus' murder of her father (whom he stabbed in front of her eyes during a "peace treaty").
- Boudica (; alternative spelling: Boudicca), also known as Boadicea , and known in Welsh as Buddug (d. AD 60 or 61) was queen of the British Iceni tribe, a Celtic tribe who led an uprising against the occupying forces of the Roman Empire. The crisis caused the Emperor Nero to consider withdrawing all Roman forces from Britain, but Suetonius' eventual victory over Boudica confirmed Roman control of the province. Boudica then either killed herself so she would not be captured, or fell ill and died. The extant sources, Tacitus and Cassius Dio, differ.
- When some Romans later raped the Iceni women, Boudica's response was swift and bloody. She ordered that the agents be, according to the Seventh Doctor pretending to be John Smith, "skinned alive and impaled on posts with their intestines...in their mouths." (PROSE: Human Nature) Iris Wildthyme also claimed to have met Boudicca at the siege of Colchester. She also appeared as an extra in a silent film about her. (AUDIO: The Elixir of Doom) Despite the tragic end history books told of her, she was a heroine of Queen Victoria. (PROSE: Human Nature)