| - Susan Kent attends Mary Batson's high school graduation. While the two young heroines are walking a noose is thrown around Susan's neck from a second-story window. Susan is pulled into the window by her old enemy Dr. Riddle and his new ally, the son of the Weeper! Mary says her magic world, transforming into Mary Marvel, and flies through the window, stopping the Weeper from stabbing Susan. Riddle fires at her, but finds she is bullet-proof. However Susan is still caught in the noose and the villains escape while Mary frees her. Susan changes to Bulletgirl, and the heroines find Doctor Riddle has left a riddle on a post. They deduce the answer is an asylum, but can't find the villains at the local asylum. However they realise the riddle refers to an abandoned asylum on the outskirts of town. However they suspect a trap, and Bulletgirl decides to go in first, while Mary waits outside. Mary decides to change back so she can pretends to be just a girl picking flowers. The Weeper sees Bulletgirl outside, but Riddle said that was part of his plan. The Weeper goes went into another room with a straitjacket while Riddle waits for Bulletgirl. Bulletgirl enters and knocks Riddle over, not noticing the Weeper moving towards her from behind. She decides to look for him, but the straitjacket is placed over her from behind. With Riddle's help she is tied to a chair and gagged. The villains tell Bulletgirl they know that Mary is here, and Bulletgirl wishes she could yell and warn Mary. Mary is worried about Bulletgirl's long delay and enters the asylum. She sees the villains and Bulletgirl, but the Weeper stops her speaking with a hose. She is gagged and while he ties her up the Weeper says he weeps for Mary. The two villains carry the two heroines into a cell which they seal, hoping the girls will suffocate. However Bulletgirl is able to remove Mary's gag with her helmet. Mary transforms into Mary Marvel, frees Bulletgirl and breaks out of the cell. The two superheroines find another riddle in the asylum and decipher it. They realise the Weeper and Riddle plan to rob a plane carrying gold bullion, one waiting on the ground for the gold. Mary Marvel flies after the plane. Riddle hides on the plane and knocks out the two pilots. Mary gets to the plan though Doctor Riddle drops the gold and parachutes down, while Mary saves the plane. Bulletgirl encounters the Weeper but is knocked out when Riddle lands on her. However Mary flies down and defeats Riddle, while Bulletgirl gets Weeper. The villainous duo are jailed.