| - Ryder is the protagonist of the Nick Jr. series PAW Patrol. As of season four, he has been voiced by three Canadian actors and debuted in the show's first episode, "Pups Make a Splash."
- Ryder - місія в грі Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas .
- Ryder was a being manifested from Piper Halliwell's dreams. He is a character from one of her favorite soap operas. According to Piper, he was the perfect man for any girl. During her pregnancy, she began dreaming of him.
- My favorite word is "creative" because, you can just think of things that would be creative. I have (indistinct) about spy books, and, those are really my favorite types of books. I have made a guy with eight arms and four legs.
- During the Lucian Alliance invasion of Destiny, she used the Long-range communication device to switch bodies with Dr. Timan in order to treat the wounded. (SGU: "Intervention")
- Lance Wilson, soprannominato "Ryder", è un personaggio del Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas ed era un membro importante delle Grove Street Families. E molto irritabile ed è sempre sotto l'effetto di qualche droga. E' il chiaccherone del gruppo ( probabilmente a causa della droga) e gli piace commentare la guida delle persone. Sostiene che è stato cacciato da scuola perché era troppo intelligente.
- Later in het spel stap hij over naar de Loco Syndicate en wordt hij een vijand van de Grove Street Families. Nadat Sweet is gearresteerd vlucht hij naar San Fierro waar CJ hem uiteindelijk vermoord. Ryder is gebasseerd op rapper Eazy-E.
- Ryder is a member of the Organization.
- Ryder est un lieutenant de la Navy de l'UNSC sur l'UNSC Infinity.
- Ryder is a character and antagonist in Wander Over Yonder who made his first appearance in the season finale, "The Rider". He was Sylvia's old partner before she met Wander.
- Lance "Ryder" Wilson oli hahmo gta: San Andreasissa joka esiintyi yhtenä päähahmoista ja yhtenä pahiksena kun hän pettää GSF Grand Theft Auto: San Andreasissa (sijoittuu vuoteen 1992).
- Ryder är en kvinnlig Tau'ri som var stationerad på Icarus Base. Under 2009 var hon och ungefär 80 personer tvingades evakuera Icarus Base under en attack mot basen av tre Ha'tak skepp. Hon hamnade strandsatta med de andra på Destiny, en De gamla rymdskepp ligger flera miljarder ljusår från jorden. Under Lucian Alliansen invasion av Destiny, använde hon lång räckvidd kommunikationsenhet att byta kropp med Dr Timan för att behandla de sårade. (SGU: "Intervention")kategori:Destiny Expeditionen medlemkategori:En-gång Universe karaktär
- Ryder is a character in the Commonwealth in 2287. He can be found held out in the basement of Gunners plaza along with a large amount of Gunners and a few turrets. He resides in one of the upper offices of the basement near the middle of the area.
- Ryder is a minor character in the second season of The 100. He is portrayed by Glenn Ennis and debuts in Remember Me.
- Ryder was a purpose-made pop group led by Maynard Williams whose primary purpose was to represent the United Kingdom in the Eurovision Song Contest 1986 in Bergen, Norway, performing the song Runner in the Night which finished in 7th place. They were criticised in the media for being a particularly weak and unsuitable entry. Williams, the son of actor Bill Maynard, had previously reached the final 24 of the UK heat in 1985.
- Ryder, though unable to fit in any of the Patrol's vehicles, was the one who instructed each puppy to drive a specific vehicle. This was proven in "Pup Pup Boogie," especially when Ryder trained Chase to operate Rubble's digger. In the North American version, Ryder is voiced by Owen Mason who will eventually be replaced by a younger actor. It is not officially know, but it is said that Ryder just goes by his last name; his first name is Zack and his suffix is Jr., as he is named after his father.
- Lance "Ryder" Wilson (? - 1992) es un personaje de la saga GTA que aparece en Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, amigo de Carl Johnson antes de que lo traicionara. Vive en Grove Street y es miembro de la banda local Grove Street Families. Anteriormente es un personaje principal hasta que se vuelve uno de los antagonistas del juego.
- Ryder had been working for Ood Operations for ten years to try and stop the Ood slave trade. He succeeded in his plans to destroy the firm. After he allowed the Ood to rebel, he went into Warehouse 15 and he saw his boss Klineman Halpen place detonaters around the Ood Brain. He revealed his plan to release the Ood but was killed by Halpen, who threw him into the Ood Brain. The brain absorbed and suffocated him. (TV: Planet of the Ood)
- COMPANY: Global Wrestling Coalition CHAMPIONSHIPS: GWC United States Champion (4/18/07-6/25/07) GIMMICK: Unpredictable. Fearless. Master of the mind games. Ryder is the Global Wrestling Coalition's resident egomaniac. This man is a loyal staple of the company, despite his distaste for his fellow superstars. He cares about nothing but gold, glory, and himself. His dark past only furthers the mystery surrounding his true nature. Ryder walks with the elite and accepts nothing less. Remember, it's HIS kingdom come, HIS will be done. And God help anyone who dares to tread on HIS Path to Hell.
- Nhân vật Lance Wilsonthumb Xuất hiện: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Tên đầy đủ: Lance Wilson Tình trạng: qua đời Giới tính: Nam Năm sinh: 1967 Nơi sinh: Los Santos , San Andreas Năm mất: 1992 (25 tuổi) Nhà: nhà Ryder tại Ganton , Los Santos Quốc tịch: Mỹ đen Liên kết chính: Grove Street Families Sean Johnson Carl Johnson Big smoke OG Loc B Dup C.R.A.S.H Ballas Los Santos Vagos Russian Mafia Loco Syndicate San Fierro Triads Xe: Picador màu nâu Boxville màu đen Mule Sadler màu nâu (trong phần quảng cáo) Nghề nghiệp: Buôn thuốc Trộm cắp Lồng tiếng bởi: MC Eiht
- Lance "Ryder" Wilson, better known as Ryder, is the supporting protagonist-turned-tertiary antagonist in the video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Strongly resembling the late Eazy E by wearing a baseball hat and jheri curl, is a senior member of the Grove Street Families, who lives in a home neighboring the Johnson House and smokes large quantities of marijuana laced with PCP. In an effort to supply the GSF with new firearms and weapons, Ryder calls in CJ to help steal some weaponry from several locations, including the home of a heavily-armed war veteran (Colonel Fuhrberger), a forcibly stopped ammunition train and a National Guard weapons depot.
- Ryder (właśc. Lance Wilson) – bohater gry GTA San Andreas, ziom CJ-a i innych z Grove Street Families (w każdym razie tak myśleli). Kiedyś pozostawał pod protekcją skorumpowanych psów – wydziału C.R.A.S.H. Zawsze był na haju, nigdy nie rozstawał się ze swoimi frajerskimi okularami i jointem. Żył z rabowania chat i miejsc pełnych broni (wciągnął w to również Carla). Uważał, że jest zbyt inteligentny i sprytny na szkołę, do której zbyt wiele czasu nie uczęszczał – w wieku 10 lat spuścił wpierdol nauczycielowi za noszenie barw Ballas, potem już handlował koksem i myślał, że jest koksem.
- Ryder ist der vom Spieler gesteuerte Protagonist in Mass Effect: Andromeda. Er ist Teil der Crew des Raumschiffs Tempest, mit dem die Andromeda-Galaxie erkundet wird. Wie bei Commander Shepard sind auch bei Ryder sowohl Vorname, Geschlecht als auch der Hintergrund wählbar. Nachdem mit Alan Shepard der erste Amerikaner im Weltall als Namenspate für den Helden der ersten drei Mass Effect Games stand, ist es für Ryder die erste Amerikanerin im Weltall, Sally Ride.
- Lance Wilson, mieux connu sous le nom de Ryder, était un membre de longue date des Familles de Groove Street, gang dans Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Il est accusé de toujours être le fauteur de troubles avec CJ, et il est également dit d'aller sur les saccages, de tenter l'impossible, et il est toujours sous l'influence d'une sorte de drogue. Au cours de la plupart des missions, il a vu la tenue d'une roulée marihuana commune. Il est également le bavard du groupe, et il aime faire des commentaires sur la conduite des gens. Dans une mission, CJ a révélé que Ryder a été expulsé du lycée parce qu'il frappait son professeur qui portait les couleurs des Ballas. Ryder fait valoir que c'était parce qu'il était trop intelligent pour l'école.
- Ryder (ライダー) is the first and seems to be only the female Okama, originally a Kuja herself but has left the tribe. Taking service into The Hakuri Pirates, working in Tousen’s division. She is a very heartless and cruel warrior, who wishes to fight to her hearts content. Ryder was once sided with the Taichibukai but defected when both Amber D. Nobu and Lord Nobu defected from Kojiro’s forces.
- Lance Wilson, more commonly known as Ryder, is a character in the Grand Theft Auto series who appears as a main character and the tertiary antagonist after he betrays the Grove Street Families in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (set in 1992).