| - A special darkness magic of Atyar
* It emanates a darkness by which Atyari and related cults can see by.
* For others it appears a violet flame that sheds no light. Source: Cult Compendium
- Darklight is a crew that sails the Hunter Ocean.
- The Darklight was an Imperious-class Star Destroyer that served Darth Krayt's Sith Empire during the Second Imperial Civil War.
- File:Dark Light Teen Titans 47 BB2.gif Write the text of your article here!
- If a player loses Darklight, it can be retrieved by talking to Gideon Bede in the church north of the Varrock museum. It may be necessary to start the reworked version of Demon Slayer before Darklight will be offered.
- Both Silverlight and Darklight can be mounted on the wall of a Quest Hall in a player-owned house at 42 Construction. If lost, Darklight can be repurchased from Sir Prysin in Varrock Palace for 1,000 coins.
- Darklight on maaginen miekka, jonka saa Shadow of the Storm-tehtävässä, kun tuhoat Agrith-Naar demonin Silverlightillä ja demonin veri imeytyy miekkaan. Miekan voi laittaa tehtävähallin seinälle, pelaajan talossa. Taistellessa demoneita vastaan miekka vastaa Dragon Longswordia. Jos menetät miekan, voit ostaa sen sir Prysiniltä 1 000 kultarahalla, Darklightillä on erikoishyökkäys , Weaken joka alentaa vastustajan voimaa, hyökkäystä ja puolustusta 5%, jos vastustaja on demoni niin 10%. 1.
- Darklight is a Decepticon assassin who wields an energy sword.
- Darklight is a Legendary flail for the Crusader in Diablo III. It requires character level 31 to drop. The unique affix casts are free and fully benefit from all runes and enhancements. It works no matter how close the target is to the player. With Retribution rune, causes it to fire twice at no extra cost, with a brief delay.
- Agustin Looper nació en Pierre, Dakota del sur, donde vivio toda su infancia. Cuando el tenia 8 años muere su madre por un accidente de auto y al poco tiempo su padre fallece de tristeza, quedando solo, su primer encuentro con sus poderes mutantes fue un par de semanas de la muerte de sus padres, manifestando todo su dolor y destruyendo s propia casa por el mal control de su poder, el control de la oscuridad fue mejorando pasando los años, Al cumplir 12 Agustin es adoptado, con tanta felicidad por conocer a su nueva familia despues de muchos años libera un de si mismo una rafaga de luz, donde se da cuenta que no solo podia controlar la oscuridad, sino tambien la luz. Vivio con su nueva familia 5 años, donde lo ayudaron mucho a mejorar sus habilidades, al cumplir 17 Agustin decide ir a la E
- When Darklight first saw BZP, he went straight to the Comics forum. There, he saw Hypernuva's comics and started to hang around them. He was inspired by these comics to make his own comics too, so he did. The feedback for the comics was mostly constructive criticism, such as telling him that he should improve the backgrounds and jokes. He ended up leaving the topic to die and asking Hypernuva for help. Hypernuva helped him, and Darklight started his topic again. Darklight has ceased comic making and possibly, will not return to make more.
- Su ordine di Coruscant, il Darklight fu inviato verso Falleen per bombardare la popolazione fino a sottometterla alle richieste imperiali e Sith. Tuttavia la nave imperiale venne attaccata da una forza d'attacco composta dalla Squadriglia Rogue e dalla Mynock. La nave contrabbandiera scivolò furtivamente oltre le difese dello Star Destroyer, scaricando due Jedi, Cade Skywalker e il suo vecchio maestro Lupo Sazen, in uno dei suoi hangar per poi allontanarsi sempre di nascosto. I due si diressero verso il nocciolo del reattore della nave, portandosi dietro dell'esplosivo, per fare in seguito marcia indietro di nuovo verso l'hangar per rubare due caccia stellari classe Predator. All'esplosione della nave il suo scafo in fiamme precipitò schiantandosi su una montagna del pianeta.
- the onboard clock displayed ten thirty pm, but that meant nothing to Bot. In space, time loses its meaning. his sense of time had changed, since he first entered a spacecraft. It stretched, like a stocking but it still retained a purpose, similar to a ruler. The stars shimmered past the bridge window in front of him. If it wasn’t for the tremors pulsing through the ship, he would of thought it was an animation being played on a movie screen. Whoever done this must be out of their mind, he thought, obviously not from the Martian colonies.
- left|150px Darklight, in het Nederlands Donkerlicht, is een magisch zwaard. Wanneer speler de Darklight gebruiken tijdens het vechten tegen een Lesser, Greater of een Abyssal demon of Bloodvelds, zal de maximale hit van de speler vergelijkbaar zijn met die van een Dragon longsword, hoewel de gerichtheid van het zwaard gelijk blijft met dat van een Silverlight. De Darklight kan ook gebruikt worden om het vuur schild van de Tormented Demon te verwijderen, wat hun defence verlaagt.
- Na rozkaz z Coruscant, byl Darklight poslán k planetě Falleen bombardovat zdejší obyvatelstvo za účelem podrobení se sithsko imperiálním požadavkům. Avšak, imperiální loď byla napadena útočnou skupinou složenou z eskadry Rogue a Mynocku. Pašerácká loď se proplížila kolem obrany hvězdného destruktoru a v jednom z jeho hangárů vysadila dva Jedie, Cadea Skywalkera a jeho starého mistra Wolfa Sazena. Oba Jediové vybavení výbušninami se vydali na cestu k jádru reaktoru lodi, kde je uložili. Poté se vrátili zpět do hangáru a ukradli dvě stíhačky třídy Predator. Když loď explodovala, dopadl její hořící trup do hor na planetě.