| - Hunger is a game-mechanic that was added in Update 0.12.1. Hunger introduces a new bar which degenerates over time, and needs to be continuously replenished by eating Food.
- Hunger is the former Fourth Seat of the 12th Division, but he was exiled for extremely unethical experiments.
- Hunger, to mini-przygoda będąca częścią gry fabularnej Star Wars: Roleplaying Game (WoTC) wydawanej przez Wizards of the Coast. Przygodę wydano w 2003 roku. Jej autorem jest Morrie Mullins. Hunger wydano on-line na stronie wydawnictwa (Wizards.com). Wizards of the Coast wydało więcej podobnych mini-przygód (także on-line) i wszystkie określano wspólnie jako tzw. Web Adventures.
- When the hunger bar is empty, your character will not use his tools. He will only use one OP in stead of the quantety that your tool gives. You will also gain less resaurces when your hunger bar is empty. To refill your hunger bar, you can buy food at any tavern by talking to the barkeeper and choosing: something to eat please. He will offer you to eat the bread from your warehouse for free or you can buy food from him. The cost off his food depends on your level. Every hour between 30 and 45 there is a community action bonus, where you can go eat in a restaurant. It will refill your food bar a little.
- Hunger auch als HUN angezeigt, ist eine sekundäre Statistik im Hardcore-Modus von Fallout: New Vegas.
- Renaissanssouci (Diskussion) 17:59, 11. Mär. 2014 (UTC)renaissanssouci Kategorie:Artikel ohne Bilder Kategorie:Mittellang
- The Hunger is the demon half of a White Court vampire.
- Hunger is an entry into the series of comics based on Silent Hill. It appears exclusively on The Silent Hill Experience. It is essentially an hour-long video comic with no voice acting. The story of Hunger was written by Scott Ciencin is a post-Team Silent work. Its canonicity is debatable and it is often merged into the "Silent Hill comic" universe. A small cameo to James Sunderland and Mary Shepherd-Sunderland of Silent Hill 2 appear, however.
- "HUNGER!!!!" ... dies ist ein Satz den die Uli Mama stündlich zu hören bekommt. Meist von einem noch im Bett liegenden Sohn. Gute Ausdrucksform um etwas zu Essen zu verlangen. Uli-Schreibweise: Hunder...!!!
- Hunger is a Druid skill in Diablo II.
- Hunger is one of the four essential needs.
- The article for the 2008 film known as Hunger can be found here. The article for the Prototype fanfic of the same name can be found here.
- Hunger is a mini adventure for any era, published on the Wizards of the Coast website. It was written by Morrie Mullins and published on June 19, 2003.
- There are very few beings that can truly claim to be pure, unadulterated, evil. Few beings can be readily written off as base, savage, and incapable of becoming something more. Those few creatures cower in fear of the monster known only as, Hunger.
- Hunger is the second book of the Gone series. It is set three months after Gone.
- ursache: seit langem (seit 5 bis 12 stunden) nichts gegessen beschreibung: mein magen tut etwas weh und macht grummelnde geräusche. ich möchte etwas essen. wunsch: etwas zu essen, zeit für nahrungsaufnahme
- Hunger film irlandais réalisé par le Britannique Steve McQueen, sorti en 2008.
- Hunger, The Greatest Motivator Ever!, as we know it has been eliminated from America! God Bless George W. Bush and all the Republicans. In a report from the Department of Agriculture, hunger in America has been eradicated, while something called "very low food security" levels have been seen, however.
- Dilbert makes a new food product to end world hunger but is rejected because of its taste.
- Hunger is no match for beings such as The Living Tribunal,Cosmic Cube beings, and such as the Beyonders
- The Hunger is the drive of the Horror that is part of a Beast.
- Hunger is an obese, devil-like humanoid Greater Demon that devours everything he encounters. Its body is covered in hard, bony scales and a variety of chomping fanged mouths.
- A character's hunger is measured by hunger points. Hunger is probably a misnomer, since the points measure how full someone is. Whenever a player eats, their hunger points increase by 1 up to a maximum of 12. The hunger points decrease by 1 every 8 hours (Real time) and once they reach 0, HP damage starts to occur. A fully fed player can thus survive without food and without injury for up to 4 days. Once a player's hunger reaches 0, they will automatically eat any food in their inventory to stay alive. This will continue until the food runs out.
- Hunger was the last of the Five Swords of Legend forged by Togashi Nyoko.
- A rune associated with Krarsht and Vivamort
* It is probably a manifestation of the Chaos Rune Source: Lords of Terror
- Hunger refers to the food status of your Character. You can replenish your hunger by eating various food. If you keeps your character at Starving, they will not gain Successes in any skill until they refill their Hunger. The hunger status appears in the Statistics window. There are six possible values, in order they are 1.
* Very Full 2.
* Full 3.
* A bit Hungry 4.
* Hungry 5.
* Very Hungry 6.
* Starving Each character's hunger will gradually worsen while the character is in the game. A logged-out character's hunger status does not change.
- Hunger is an rp-focused guild, which also enjoys a little light raiding. Currently membership tally is at about 20 individual players and a little short of 40 different characters.
- The Hunger Meter shows the person playing in Webkinz World if their Pet needs food or not by the numbers showing.
- Hunger (Hambre) es una entrada en la serie de cómics basados en Silent Hill. Al parecer, exclusivamente en el disco UMD The Silent Hill Experience.
- Hunger is a legendary emblem. It can also be transferred to other characters through the vault.
- Hunger is a debuff with three states: Satiated, Hungry and Starving.
- Hunger is a measure of your hunger.
* While your hunger is satisfied, you will slowly regain health.
* If your hunger is not satisfied, you will starve and slowly lose health and skill reduction.
- *Highest value in column will be colored red and bolded, lowest value colored blue and bolded **This is the value for a full cake, not the individual slice.
- Hunger is a derived statistic in Fallout 4 that activates in Survival mode.
- Hunger ist ein Gefühl des Verlangens nach Essen. 2254 stellt Captain Christopher Pike fest, dass die Talosianer ihm zwar alle möglichen Illusionen, aber keinen Hunger suggerieren können. (TOS: ) In den Flüchtlingslagern auf Bajor bekommt jeder nur eine von den Cardassianern zugeteilte Ration pro Tag zu Essen. Da diese sehr gering berechnet wird, leiden die Bajoraner ständig an Hunger. 2377 berichtet Dysek dem Doktor, dass die Dinaali verhungerten, bevor die Jye ihnen halfen, ihr Gesundheitswesen zu reformieren. (VOY: )
- Hunger is a complex intrinsic internal bodily response associated with the nervous system in response to an absence of food and a necessity for metabolic precursors to sustain metabolism and subsequent life. The stomach is connected to the brain by the vagus and splenic nerves. When it is too full and is overly stretched, it sends the brain signals that one has eaten too much and is sated. When glucose, a byproduct of sufficient metabolism, is detected in the duodenum, axons alert the hypothalamus that one is sated and should no longer eat.
- Mir ist so kalt. Nichts hilft gegen diese unbarmherzige Kälte. So kalt. Wir wollten den Himalaya überqueren, oder einen Teil davon. Wir sind in eine Spalte gestürzt, mein Begleiter und ich. Er hat sich den rechten Arm und das rechte Bein beim Aufschlag gebrochen, aber ich bekam nur ein paar Kratzer ab. Wo der dritte aus unserer Gruppe ist, weiß ich nicht, aber ich glaube nicht, dass er noch lebt. Sonst wäre doch schon Hilfe da, oder? 11 Tage ist es her, dass das passiert ist. Das Essen ist uns lange ausgegangen, und der Hunger bohrt sich wie ein Haufen Maden in meinen Bauch. Ich werde verhungern, wenn ich nicht bald was zu Essen finde. Aber in dieser verdammten Spalte ist nichts, nur Eis und Geröll. Ich habe so einen Hunger. Ich würde alles für etwas zu Essen tun, auch wenn es nur ein Stüc
- Hunger is the biological drive to eat food. Creatures instinctively seek out food to sate their hunger - in the later games, they can use their sense of smell to aid them in their search. Some foods, like honey, provide a false sense of satiety, having a disproportionately large amount of Hunger-- in contrast to the amount of nutrition they provide. In C3/DS, the digestive system became more complex, and three distinct kinds of hunger were recognised by creatures:
- Hunger is a being who has consumed countless universes. He first noticed the 616 dimension after he got done consuming an entire reality. What caught his attention was the Infinity Gauntlet and the power it gave off during the Infinity Gauntlet affair. He soon lost the energy signal it let off as it was taken away from Thanos. Hunger knew 616 was there, but he didn’t know its exact location. Eventually when Magus used it, Hunger found 616 again although he soon found out he couldn’t get it because this universe was “spherical”. This meant that it had to be open from both ways, inside and out. Hunger could open the out, while he needed a pawn to open the inside of this particular dimension. So Hunger tricked Galactus into thinking the vibration patterns of the Infinity Gems were the same as
- The High Elf Ranger resisted her tug for a moment, holding back. "Silandra?" He began. "Are you sure about this? Something... something seems wrong here. Something I can't put my finger on. Maybe we shouldn't be just charging into this." "Come on!" She continued. "There's nothing to worry about, Telris! Look around us, see what's here! We are home, at last!" He wanted to agree with her, really. All around him was unparalleled natural beauty; brilliant, lush forests that spoke of peace and tranquility. The place was teeming with life, an embodiment of the great civilization that had risen there.
- Ich arbeitete in einer Süßigkeitenfabrik. Wir stellen Torten, Schokoriegel und Karamellpudding her. Davor hatte ich auch ganz gerne mal Süßigkeiten gegessen, doch wenn man sieht, wie diese in Massen produziert werden, vergeht einem der Appetit. Die einzelnen Zutaten wurden in riesigen, rostroten Tankwagen angeliefert. Wenn wir den Maissirup in Fässer füllten, drang der furchtbar süße Geruch vermischt mit dem Muff des Lagerraums in meine Nase. Der Geruch frass sich in meine Kleidung und Haare. Egal wie viel Deo ich benutzte oder wie oft ich meine Kleidung wusch, er lies sich nach ein paar Monaten Arbeit in der Fabrik nicht mehr vertreiben.
- For obvious reasons, a Sim cannot survive for very long without food. As long as a refrigerator is available, a Sim can have a snack, a frozen heat-and-eat meal, or a regular meal. A Sim can also serve a group meal (which is the same as a regular meal except one Sim prepares several servings). The Sims 2 and The Sims 3 added several cold foods, such as cereal, sandwiches, ice cream, and instant meals-in-a-can.
- Hunger ist ein Bedürfnis der Sims. Sollte ein Sim Hunger haben,wäre es besser wenn er etwas isst. Wenn er eine Weile nichts gegessen hat, bekommt er irgendwann die Stimmung "Hungrig"(keine Auswirkung auf Laune), die, wenn sie abläuft, zu "Sehr Hungrig" (-Laune)wechselt.Wenn diese Stimmung abläuft, wechselt sie zu "Verhungert"(-Laune). Nun solltet ihr aufpassen: Nach dieser Stimmung folgt nähmlich ein Besuch des Todes! Also solltet ihr wenn ihr nicht wollt dass euer Sim fortan als Lila leuchtender Geist Nachts auf dem Friedhof sein Unwesen treibt, solltet ihr immer auf die Stimmungen eurer Sims achten und ihn gegebenenfalls "füttern" Ob Snack oder eine richtige "Mahlzeit" ist dabei egal, wobei eine richtige Malzeit ein weiteres Auftreten der Stimmung Hungrig natürlich vorbeugt.
- Hunger is when the leader's belly stat begins to drop in the Mystery Dungeon series. As the team goes through a dungeon, the belly stat will slowly go down. Certain scarves and actions will affect how fast the leader's Belly goes down. A normal Pokémon has 100 Belly on entering the dungeon, and shiny Pokémon have 200. Once it gets below 20, the message "Getting hungry..." will appear. At below 10, "Getting dizzy from hunger..." will appear. If the player's Belly is empty, the leader will lose HP every turn until a food item has been eaten.
- "Come on!" Silandra called out, pulling on Telris' arm. "We're almost there. I can feel it!" The High Elf Ranger resisted her tug for a moment, holding back. "Silandra?" He began. "Are you sure about this? Something... something seems wrong here. Something I can't put my finger on. Maybe we shouldn't be just charging into this." "Come on!" She continued. "There's nothing to worry about, Telris! Look around us, see what's here! We are home, at last!" "Come on." She insisted, pulling on his arm with all her strength. "We need to go now. Please, Telris! Please!" "But-" ‘’And then I will be whole.’’
- The hunger bar depletes slowly over time. When a player's food bar is 90% full or higher, the health bar will slowly refill. The player's food bar will not decrease in "peaceful" mode. In Creative Mode, players do not have a hunger bar. If the player has the Saturation Potion effect (via commands), their hunger will never run out until the potion effect stops. When the hunger bar is empty, a player's health decreases by half a heart every few seconds.
- Hunger is the feeling when the lack of food has taken over. Your stomach and intestines perceive that there are no calories in them, that they're full of water, air, and freshly processed poop from the food that you ate the last time you were hungry. You only came to this page because you are hungry. Please enjoy the picture of these chicken wings. They were REALLY tasty by the way. This is obviously not a delightful experience, and may cause slight pain in the stomach. This feeling is to note the brain that it needs food. Unless this need is filled, a person may die. Starvation is an incredibly horrible way to die, worse than being strangled by your telephone cord while talking for three hours about mitosis with your child's biology teacher.