Attributes | Values |
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| - A ginger she-cat with green eyes. She's kind, caring, and slightly hyper. She also thinks she's a squirrel... she has a friend who's a squirrel... his name's Squirrely! xD Lol, they're supposebly cousins and both from some wierd Squirrel Clan.
- Squirrelflight is a slutty she-cat who can't shut up about her mate, Brambleclaw. She is also a patient of dementia and addicted to coffee. She loves coffee almost as much as Bluestar loves Vodka. When she was a kit she was super emo like Leafpool. She cut herself and Leafpool. Then she tryed to rape some apprentice but then got flicked off thier tail. She also likes stalking her sister's kits. She thinks about butt f*ucking them.
- Squirrelflight is a dark flame-colored she-cat with brilliant, forest-green eyes. She has one white paw, short legs, a torn ear tip, glossy fur, and a long, squirrel-like, bushy tail.
| - Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Squirrelpaw, from this moment you will be known as Squirrelflight. StarClan honors your courage and determination, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan.
- I, Firestar, leader of ThunderClan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn. Squirrelpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?
- Will you be my deputy, Squirrelflight? There is no cat I trust more. Everything you do is for the best of reasons. I understand that now.
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| - Mate:Daughters:Sons:Father:Mother:Sister:Foster Sons:Foster Daughter:
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| - Kit:Apprentice:Warrior:Senior Warrior:Queen:Deputy:
speaker a
| - Bramblestar
- Squirrelflight
- Brambleclaw
- Leafpool
speaker b
| - Squirrelflight
- Dovewing
- Brambleclaw
- Ashfur
speaker c
| - Bramblestar
- Squirrelflight
| - BramblestarSparkpelt, DandelionkitAlderheart, JuniperkitFirestarSandstormLeafpoolLionblaze, JayfeatherHollyleaf
quote a
| - What's going on?
- Brambleclaw, I'm sorry. You have to understand I never intended to hurt you. I loved you, and was proud to raise these kits with you. You were a wonderful father.
- Will you be my deputy, Squirrelflight?
- Will you fight beside me?
- Enough, Ashfur. Your quarrel is with me. These young cats have done nothing to hurt you. Do what you like with me, but let them out of the fire.
»more» |
| - Squirrelflight
- SquirrelkitSquirrelpawSquirrelflight
quote b
| - Why?
- Really?
- ... Always.
- But I wasn't their father!
- Sorreltail is dead.
»more» |
quote c
| - I had to! She's my sister!
- But... but she was fine. She didn't say anything about being hurt. Didn't anyone notice she’d been injured?
- Kill them, then. You won't hurt me that way. If you really want to hurt me, you'll have to find a better way than that. They are not my kits.
- There is no cat I trust more. Everything you do is for the best of reasons. I understand that now.
- Yes, you were! Don't throw away everything just because you are angry with me!
| - Firestar's Quest, A Clan in Need, The Heart of a Warrior, Midnight, Moonrise, Dawn, Starlight, Twilight, Sunset, Leafpool's Wish, The Sight, Dark River, Outcast, Eclipse, Long Shadows, Sunrise, Hollyleaf's Story, The Fourth Apprentice, Fading Echoes, Mistystar's Omen, Night Whispers, Sign of the Moon, The Forgotten Warrior, The Last Hope, Dovewing's Silence, Bramblestar's Storm, The Apprentice's Quest, Thunder and Shadow, Shattered Sky, Tigerheart's Shadow, Secrets of the Clans, Code of the Clans, Cats of the Clans, Battles of the Clans, The Ultimate Guide
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