| - Raquel was a Claymore of unknown rank from Clare's generation. She was asigned to the Mount Zakol Hunt, along with Jean, Katea and another Claymore.
- Raquel ist eine Rumserin, die 2281 in der Nellis Air Force Basis lebt. Man findet sie normalerweise sitzend auf einigen Containern nördlich des Haupteingangs. Zusätzlich trifft man sie, wenn man Nellis das erste Mal betritt.
- Raquel has blue fur in different shades, and two droopy dog-like ears. There are deep blue diamond markings on the tips of his ears. His eyes are deep blue, with eyelash-like markings which are seen to be more curly at the top of the markings. His tail is round and bushy. He wears a ribbon collar with 2 ribbon tails on the front. He also wears a large blue ribbon on his head, decorated with stripes and a silver heart medallion.
- Raquel is a Boomer living at the Nellis Air Force Base in 2281.
- Raquel appears in Red Hair and Silver Tape. She is a colleague and friend of the murder victim Melanie O'Keefe.
- Raquel - boomerka strzegąca bramy do BSP Nellis.
- Raquel is an employee at Cinnabon.
- Raquel was a student at the Raccoon City College.
- En construcción. Categoría:Humanos Categoría:Lider de gimnasio
- Gabriela Castrovinci (Curitiba) é uma lutadora de wrestling profissional brasileira, trabalhou para a Total Nonstop Action Wrestling onde era conhecida pelo nome de ringue Raquel.
- Raquel (ラケル Rakeru?) is a dog-like fairy mascot, one of the four main mascots in Doki Doki! Pretty Cure. He is very reliable, much like his partner, Cure Diamond. He ends his sentences with "~quel". When Commune Raquel helps Rikka transform, he begins by saying "Yo, check it, Raquel!"
- Raquel in Live Action Character On April 15 2016 Voice Madeleine Favreau
- Being a girl skate-boarder is tough and being in the Bangers is certainly no easy ride. But being a girl skater with the Bangers is frankly attempting the impossible! But Raquel has developed a special fighting technique with her skateboard that she can switch from a means of transport to a lethal weapon and in doing so, has finally earned the respect she deserves.
- Raquel es una Boomer que vivie en la Base Aérea de Nellis en 2281.
- Raquel (ラケル Rakeru) is a playable character from TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga. She is a hunter who lives in a small village located north of the Gram Forest. Her unparalleled skill with the bow has earned her the title of the Child of Bridget. She has made a vow to never kill another person. She is also the older sister of Ruka.
- Youngest daughter of Laban and Jacob's favorite wife. Fue madre de José y Benjamín. Jacob encontró a su prima Raquel junto a un pozo en la tierra de Harán y, enamorado de la joven, accedió a servir a Labán siete años por ella. Jacob fue engañado por Labán. Éste le entregó primero a su hija mayor Lea. Para casarse también con Raquel pocos días después, Jacob tuvo que prometer otros siete años de servicio (Gn 29.1–30). Por muchos años Raquel fue estéril, mientras que su hermana, Lea, tuvo cuatro hijos. Sin embargo, Raquel provocó la ira de su padre al hurtar los ídolos de este (Terafín).