Surtur is Marvel Comics character and supervillain. He is the lord of the Fire Demons from the extra-dimensional planes of Muspelheim. The Marvel Comics version of the mythological Surtur was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
Surtur is Marvel Comics character and supervillain. He is the lord of the Fire Demons from the extra-dimensional planes of Muspelheim. The Marvel Comics version of the mythological Surtur was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
Surtur is the demigod Lord of Fire Giants of the Asgardian Pantheon. He was first seen destroying a village while Thor, who was intending to fight him, was hassled by Durkon Thundershield for spells. While he was distracted, Surtur ate the inhabitants of the village. At the Godsmoot, Surtur's High Priest appeared as a proxy to vote on the destruction of the world after the High Priest of Balder managed to attract their attention due to the disappearance of the ushers. Possibly convinced by the goddess of Death Hel, he voted yes.
Surtur is the ruler of Muspelheim.
Satellites Location: Milky Way / Caleston Rift / Solveig System / First planet Prerequisite: Collector Ship (mission) (Mass Effect 2)
Surtur ist ein kleiner Wüstenplanet mit hoher Dichte in Sonnennähe. Seine Stickstoff/Kohlenmonoxid-Atmosphäre ist bis auf wenige Spuren verbrannt, sodass er heute kühler ist als vergleichbare Planeten in anderen Systemen. Robo-Abbau hat sich als lukrativ erwiesen, da es signifikante Beryllium- und Palladium-Vorkommen gibt.