| - The D-REAPER is the final antagonist of the Digimon Tamers anime series. It was originally a simple but effective program that deleted programs if they exceeded their original parameters, essentially a very archaic anti-virus, but somehow it mutated into something far more dangerous.
- D-Reaper ist ein Programm aus Digimon Tamers, das geschrieben wurde um Daten (allem voran Digimon) zu löschen. Irgendwann geriet es außer Kontrolle und begann, die Digiwelt zu zerstören und als die Digiritter in die reale Welt flohen, folgte es ihnen. Es griff die Stadt, in der die Digiritter lebten, an und war durch nichts zu stoppen. Es entführte Jen und Calumon und schuf mehrere Agenten, die alle Teil des Reapers waren, aber die Tamers aufhalten sollten. Einer dieser Agenten war nach Jens Abbild geschaffen.
- The D-Reaper, also known as the "True Enemy", is a digital lifeform which appears as the central antagonist in Digimon Tamers. It is referred to as "Matador" (Por: Killer) in Brazilian Digimon Tamers materials. Despite being a fictional character, the D-Reaper's backstory is linked with real-life events and organizations, such as the outbreak of the "Creeper" virus, one of the first computer worms to spread significantly, and ECHELON, a real, highly secretive worldwide intelligence-gathering network. __TOC__
- thumb|Die Hauptmasse von D-Reaper D-Reaper ist ein digitales Lebewesen, aber kein Digimon. Es ist ein Programm, das dazu dient Daten zu löschen, doch es machte sich selbstständig, tauchte dann erst in der Digiwelt und dann auch in der realen Welt auf und fing dort an Daten zu speichern und Materie zu vernichten. Um Informationen über die Menschen zu sammeln, entführte es nach dem Sieg über Beelzemon Jen, die nach dem Tod von Leomon noch sehr traurig war. Diese Trauer stärkte D-Reaper, was es Takato und den anderen nicht leichter machte sie zu retten. Erst nachdem Calumon in das Innere von D-Reaper gelangt und Jen neuen Mut machte gelang es den Digirittern D-Reaper Stück für Stück zu besiegen. Dieser Kampf fand nicht zwischen den Digimon und der Hauptmasse von D-Reaper statt, sondern gegen
- "The D-Reaper has already won, foolish Digimon. The being called Jeri has taught the D-Reaper everything it needs to know about humans. Nothing they can have beaten the D-Reaper. Nothing!"—The D-Reaper answering CalumonThe D-Reaper is the true antagonist in Digimon Tamers. He is a very powerful digital lifeform that absorbs data from anything it touches, including the Real World (slower than in the Digital World, where it's far quicker). It can also absorb negative energy produced from humans. The D-Reaper was first fought in the Digital World by the Tamers, who actually managed to halt his actions for a short time. However, once the children returned to their world, the Reaper followed them and started to consume the whole area of Shinjuku, Tokyo, beginning by the Tokyo Metropolitan Gover
- The D-Reaper, also known as the "True Enemy", is a digital lifeform which appears in Digimon Tamers. Unlike most inhabitants of the Digital World in Tamers, it is not a Digimon; while Digimon descend from the virtual wildlife system created by "Monster Makers", the D-Reaper was allegedly created in the late 1970s by the United States Department of Defense, as a security program for their "ECHELON" project. It is possible it is only a descendant of this program, though, which was then known as the "Reaper". The D-Reaper's only purpose is to purge the Digital World once the number of lifeforms within it surpasses a certain number, and it pursues this goal with deadly efficiency. It is in hibernation deep beneath the Digital World as Tamers begins, but it is reawakened and begins to ravage th
- The D-Reaper is the true antagonist in Digimon Tamers. It is a very powerful digital life-form that absorbs data from anything it touches, including the Real World (slower than in the Digital World, where it's far quicker). It can also absorb negative energy produced from humans.
- thumb D-Reaper (Delipa en Hispanoamérica, debido a la pronunciación japonesa De-rīpā ) es una forma de vida digital antagonista en Digimon Tamers. A diferencia de los demás habitantes del Digimundo, D-Reaper no es un Digimon; mientras que éstos descienden de las formas de vida creadas por la Pandilla Salvaje, D-Reaper fue originalmente un programa de seguridad de origen desconocido, inicialmente conocido como Reaper. Su propósito fue el de eliminar a los Digimon cuando éstos sobrepasan cierto número, pero con el tiempo sufrió algún tipo de mutación, lo que lo convirtió en lo que aparece en la serie. Aunque al principio de la serie se hallaba en hibernación, D-Reaper despertó e invadió el Mundo Digital para borrarlo; sin embargo, al estar conectado con el mundo real, extendió su radio de ac