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- The neck is a part of the body on most mammals and other creatures which attaches the head to the body. It contains a portion of the spine and digestive system, as well as several important arteries and veins and stuff that are part of the respiratory system. The neck was first discovered in 1812 by renowned physicist Justus McCreedy. In his thesis paper titled "Da Mutha Fuckin' Neck" he explains the function of this part of the body is used essentially as on off switch. By breaking the neck like a glow-stick you can successfully snuff out the life of anyone who disagrees with you. (His research was furthered by the invention of murder, detailing how knives and ice-picks could also be used on the neck for great victory.)
- Once Batman tossed a batline that he had fashioned into a lasso around Wonder Dog's neck, thinking he was a yeti, due to being misinformed by Doctor Shamon.
- The neck is the body part that connects the head to the body. It holds part of the esophagus and is vital for carrying oxygen. It is one of the most vital parts of the body and all animals have one.
- Neck items are items which can be worn on the two neck slots. They are are capable of conferring bonuses to DB, PB, and MVs, but have no Abs%. Some neck items can sheath various weapon typesWhich?.
- The Neck is the name given to the narrowest point of the Westeros continent, where the North meets the northern edge of the Riverlands and the Bite comes closest to Ironman's Bay. It is a region of thick swamps and marshlands and is controlled by the reclusive House Reed from their moving fortress of Greywater Watch. The people of the Neck tend to be a dimunitive but still-human folk who favour tridents and nets in combat and are known as the crannogmen, or more disaparagingly as 'frog-eaters'.
- Neck is a slot for equipping items to a character.
- A necklace was a jewelry accessory worn on the neck. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; TNG: "Too Short a Season" , "Qpid" ; DS9: "Q-Less", "Battle Lines", "The Forsaken", "The Siege of AR-558") The Hunters of the Gamma Quadrant used a neck manacle on the Tosk to humiliate them if they were ever captured alive and brought back to their homeworld. (DS9: "Captive Pursuit")
- The neck is an anatomical structure between the head and the thorax . It's structure is built on the upper spine and contains the trachea, the carotid artery and the jugular vein.
- The neck is one of the nonvisible equipment slots available to characters in EverQuest. It is typically occupied by a necklace, choker, gorget, or other such item. In equipment from the Secrets of Faydwer expansion and newer, the neck slot normally carries the improved healing and improved parry or block focus effects.
- Caster level: 18th Price: 51,000 hl Construction: Craft wondrous item, Perform 15 ranks, Song of Discord, Greater Shout, Creator must be a demon This necklace of black pearls radiates a dark energy. The pearls hold a supernatural beauty, and the faint sound of singing can be heard when you touch it. The Demoncursed Necklace is a powerful item that can only be properly utilized by a demon. Any creature that does not possess the Demon type or subtype that wears the Necklace takes 1 negative level and must make a will save DC: 24 or be unable to remove it, nor want to. A demon wearing the necklace, specifically a demon with bardic performances, can utilize the Necklace to it's full effect. While wearing the Necklace, you gain a +2 Deflection bonus to armor class that stacks with all other def
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| - Diccionario de cerámica Inglés/Español: Índice adicional
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| - Neck
- The neck is a part of the body on most mammals and other creatures which attaches the head to the body. It contains a portion of the spine and digestive system, as well as several important arteries and veins and stuff that are part of the respiratory system. The neck was first discovered in 1812 by renowned physicist Justus McCreedy. In his thesis paper titled "Da Mutha Fuckin' Neck" he explains the function of this part of the body is used essentially as on off switch. By breaking the neck like a glow-stick you can successfully snuff out the life of anyone who disagrees with you. (His research was furthered by the invention of murder, detailing how knives and ice-picks could also be used on the neck for great victory.)
- Caster level: 18th Price: 51,000 hl Construction: Craft wondrous item, Perform 15 ranks, Song of Discord, Greater Shout, Creator must be a demon This necklace of black pearls radiates a dark energy. The pearls hold a supernatural beauty, and the faint sound of singing can be heard when you touch it. The Demoncursed Necklace is a powerful item that can only be properly utilized by a demon. Any creature that does not possess the Demon type or subtype that wears the Necklace takes 1 negative level and must make a will save DC: 24 or be unable to remove it, nor want to. A demon wearing the necklace, specifically a demon with bardic performances, can utilize the Necklace to it's full effect. While wearing the Necklace, you gain a +2 Deflection bonus to armor class that stacks with all other deflection bonuses, and you deal an additional 1d4 sonic damage on all of your attacks. The Demoncursed Necklace increases the save DC's of all bardic performances by +2, and saving throws vs Enchantment spells are also increased by that amount. There are 10 pearls on the necklace, and each can be used once a day. Each of them do different effects. 2 pearls: Spell Compel Hostility DC: 17 2 pearls: Ear Piercing Scream DC: 17 3 Pearls: Shout DC:20 2 Pearls: Song of Discord DC: 21 1 Pearl: Greater Shout DC: 22 Caster level: 12th Price: 30,000 hl Construction: Craft wondrous item, Moment of Greatness, Shield, +3 price modifier This red scarf is always flowing in the wind and looks quite heroic no matter who it's worn on. This item takes the shoulders item slot when worn. The Scarf of the hero has three unique abilities it possesses and grants to the wearer. The Scarf of the hero grants a +2 deflection bonus to armor class when worn, and a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls. * The controller of the Scarf of the Hero can transform the scarf into a +2 Vicious Long Spear, while in spear form, the scarf no longer grants an armor bonus. *While the scarf is equipped, your first evility is considered nullified. While you cannot access the first evility, you can place another overtop of it. Whenever the scarf is removed, the evilities go back to normal. * The wearer of the scarf is always under the effects of a moment of greatness spell. This can be discharged at any time to double any one morale bonus the creature is effected by for 1 round. After it is discharged, the scarf recovers the use of moment of greatness after 24 hours.
- Once Batman tossed a batline that he had fashioned into a lasso around Wonder Dog's neck, thinking he was a yeti, due to being misinformed by Doctor Shamon.
- The neck is the body part that connects the head to the body. It holds part of the esophagus and is vital for carrying oxygen. It is one of the most vital parts of the body and all animals have one.
- Neck items are items which can be worn on the two neck slots. They are are capable of conferring bonuses to DB, PB, and MVs, but have no Abs%. Some neck items can sheath various weapon typesWhich?.
- The Neck is the name given to the narrowest point of the Westeros continent, where the North meets the northern edge of the Riverlands and the Bite comes closest to Ironman's Bay. It is a region of thick swamps and marshlands and is controlled by the reclusive House Reed from their moving fortress of Greywater Watch. The people of the Neck tend to be a dimunitive but still-human folk who favour tridents and nets in combat and are known as the crannogmen, or more disaparagingly as 'frog-eaters'.
- Neck is a slot for equipping items to a character.
- A necklace was a jewelry accessory worn on the neck. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; TNG: "Too Short a Season" , "Qpid" ; DS9: "Q-Less", "Battle Lines", "The Forsaken", "The Siege of AR-558") The Hunters of the Gamma Quadrant used a neck manacle on the Tosk to humiliate them if they were ever captured alive and brought back to their homeworld. (DS9: "Captive Pursuit")
- The neck is an anatomical structure between the head and the thorax . It's structure is built on the upper spine and contains the trachea, the carotid artery and the jugular vein.
- The neck is one of the nonvisible equipment slots available to characters in EverQuest. It is typically occupied by a necklace, choker, gorget, or other such item. In equipment from the Secrets of Faydwer expansion and newer, the neck slot normally carries the improved healing and improved parry or block focus effects.