| - Thor (Jane Foster) is a character that is playable in LEGO Marvel's Avengers.
- Tier: 10-B, 10-C with cancer | 4-B Name: Jane Foster, Thor Origin: Marvel Comics (Journey into Mystery #84) Gender: Female Classification: Human | God of Thunder Age: Possibly in her 30s. Powers and Abilities: Abilities of an average woman. Nursing Skills. | Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Energy Projection, Regeneration (at least low), Weather Manipulation, Thor can call Mjolnir to her by thought, Immortality (type 1), can survive in the vacuum of space Attack Potency: Human level, Below Average Human level with cancer | Solar System level (Almost equal to Thor) Range: Normal | Planetary
| - Thor (Jane Foster) is a character that is playable in LEGO Marvel's Avengers.
- Tier: 10-B, 10-C with cancer | 4-B Name: Jane Foster, Thor Origin: Marvel Comics (Journey into Mystery #84) Gender: Female Classification: Human | God of Thunder Age: Possibly in her 30s. Powers and Abilities: Abilities of an average woman. Nursing Skills. | Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Energy Projection, Regeneration (at least low), Weather Manipulation, Thor can call Mjolnir to her by thought, Immortality (type 1), can survive in the vacuum of space Attack Potency: Human level, Below Average Human level with cancer | Solar System level (Almost equal to Thor) Speed: Average Human level, Below Average Human level with cancer | Massively FTL+ Lifting Strength: Regular Human, Below Average with cancer | Class Y+ Striking Strength: Human Class, Below Average Class with cancer | Solar System Class Durability: Human level, Below Average Human level with cancer | Solar System level Stamina: Average, Below Average with cancer | Godlike Range: Normal | Planetary
* Mjolnir: The magic hammer that grants her many of Thor's powers and abilities. Forged from the mystical ore Uru, Mjolnir can only be wielded by those who are deemed "worthy". Intelligence: Above average. Has considerable fighting knowledge granted by Mjolnir. Weaknesses: Normal weaknesses of a human woman. Weakened from cancer. | Thor can still be knocked out, will return to her weakened form without her hammer. Key: Human | Thor The above statistics are dependent upon explicit statements that Jane Foster has the exact same power level as Thor himself. However, she has thus far not explicitly demonstrated anything remotely approaching his greatest feats, so the profile might have to be taken with a grain of salt. Before making any changes to this page, please read and follow the Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics.