| - thumb|256px|right|VHS Cassette VHS(브이에이치에스)는 Video Home System의 약자로, 카세트를 이용해 동영상을 기록하고 재생할 수 있도록 만들어진 표준 규격이다. JVC사가 1976년 개발해 발표하였고, 현재까지 일반 가정에서 널리 쓰이고 있다. 발표 초기에는 소니사의 베타맥스 규격과 경쟁하였으나, 현재 대부분의 가정에서 VHS 규격만 사용한다. 베타맥스 방식에 비해 테이프의 움직임이 간단하고 기록 시간이 길다는 장점이 있다. VHS를 대체하는 동영상 저장 방식으로는 DVD가 있으며 현재 미국 등 일부 국가에서는 VHS 방식 영화 카세트를 더이상 출시하지 않고 있다.
- [[Datei:VOY VHS 7.11 Kassette.jpg|thumb|Die VHS-Kassette Friendship One – Ein natürliches Gesetz]] Viele der Star Trek-Episoden sind auf VHS erschienen – davon für den deutschen Sprachraum folgende:
- VHS is a videotape storage format. Until the advent of DVD, VHS was the main storage medium for home video. Every season of The X-Files has been released on VHS. There were also releases for Millennium. Due to the date of its release, The Lone Gunmen was only available commercially on DVD.
- Video Home System is a videotape format designed for consumers. My 1st Video Editor supports VHS. Homer and Marge's wedding video was archived on a VHS tape. Tom O'Flanagan owns a VHS recording of the 1979 Galway Hurdle. Springfield Elementary owns a science video on Neptune. It also records its surveillance footage on VHS.
- VHS is a kind of assault rifle in CrossFire.
- The Video Home System, better known by its abbreviation VHS, is a video tape recording standard developed during the 1970s.
- The VHS was developed in 1971 in Japan by Yuma Shiraishi and Shizuo Takano, who worked for JVC. However, the VHS was not actually released in the U.S. until 1976. Currently, most of the VHS tapes produced are blank tapes meant for recording.
- VHS är en form av media med rörliga bilder kan lagras. Under 2004 när Överste Jonathan J. O'Neill försökte få sitt team att se Mr Burns i The Simpsons som en Goa'uld. Då berättade han hade tänkt ge hans samling av The Simpsons videokassetter till någon av dem men det skulle att gå till Sylvester Siler. (SG1: "Lost City, Part 2")
- VHS stands for Video Home System. From 1981 to 1997, VHS was the standard for commercial media being released to the public. DVD became the standard in 1998. In 2015, VHS videocassettes of films were relegated to being sold at antique shops such as Blast from the Past.
- This is a listing of 24 VHS sets. They were originally sold in the United Kingdom.
- Many market experts predict VHS tapes and players will be worth more than gold or printer ink once the VHS market hits its peak. I myself have a VHS copy of King Kong vs. Godzilla and have already applied for a loan to buy a yacht. Despite their growing popularity, many consumers aren't ready for it as very few have started switching to VHS and getting rid of their inevitably obsolete DVDs and Blu-rays. Wake up sheeple, and stop listening to the lies of Big Blu!
- All the different VHS Tapes of the movies released around the world.
- VHS (Video Home System) is an old-fashioned source of watching movies and recorded tapes. It was used by Pixar Animation Studios up until the final canceling of VHS production in 2006.
- VHS — хорватский автомат, выполненный по схеме булл-пап.
- In the United States, various independent distributors released Star Trek videos, including Columbia House. Columbia House's releases were usually two episode tapes, excepting the two-hour episodes, and the first three part arc of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. These releases were usually single episode tapes. Paramount Home Entertainment eventually took over all VHS releases in major markets in 1999 - the studio deciding to take distribution in-house. CIC Video was dissolved.
- 🐬🐬🐬 (which stands for Very Hated Stuff) is a type of moving playing device. It was invented in 1804, and was common for centuries after that. However, in 1999, the DVD was invented, and in 2001, people started calling VHS "primitive" and "for cavemen". The VHS can still be found today in museums, in garbage piles, and in REALLY old and/or pathetic people's houses. If you are interested in owning a VHS, then contact a mental doctor, because you obviously need your head checked out. In fact, go slam it into the wall a few times! GO! RIGHT NOW!
- Video Home System, better known by its abbreviation VHS, is a video tape recording standard developed during the 1970s. It was released to the public during the latter half of the decade. During the late part of the 1970s and the early 1980s it formed one-half of the VHS vs Betamax war, which it would eventually go on to win. VHS' properties include longer playing time, faster rewinding and fast-forwarding, and a less complex tape transport mechanism. The open standard used for VHS technology allowed mass production without licensing costs. VHS would eventually come out as the winning video tape format, surpassing other home tape formats by the 1990s.
- You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=VHS/preload editintro=VHS/editintro width=25 The Video Home System (VHS) is a standard for consumer-level use of analog recording on videotape cassettes. It was developed by Victor Company of Japan (JVC) in the 1970s. In the 1980s and 1990s, at the peak of VHS's popularity, there were videotape format wars in the home video industry. Two of the formats, VHS and Betamax, received the most media exposure. VHS eventually won the war, succeeding as the dominant home video format throughout the tape media period.
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- Negli Stati Uniti, vari distributori indipendenti hanno prodotto le videocassette di Star Trek, tra i quali la Columbia House. Le videocassette della Columbia House erano generalmente constituite da due episodi, eccezion fatta per gli episodi di due ore, e per il primo plesso in tre parti di Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Questi nastri contenevano solitamente un solo episodio. La Paramount Home Entertainment, alla fine, subentrò per quel che concerneva tutte le cassette su VHS sui mercati più importanti nel 1999. CIC Video cessò di esistere.