| - Destablizer's tend to work at low-heights with Flat Performance Tips for an attacking pattern and decent Stamina. They also use Stamina-Type Fusion Wheels designed with slopes to knock the opposing Bey off-balance and outspin it. Low and ultra-low Stamina-Types counter this, unfortunately. Flame is considered the best Fusion Wheel for Destablizer's due to it's performance which grinds against the opposing Bey until it's Stamina is lost, although Inferno, Scythe, and Flash are decent alternatives if you don't have Flame. Performance Tips like F, SF, WF, XF, WB, RS, and HF are also great for use. They are great against Defense-Types that aren't very much higher than them. Other useful Fusion wheels are Spiral, Phantom (Stamina mode), Omega, and Night. By using slanted launches with the Zero-G Launchers (preferably the string launcher), you can help the Beyblade take on patterns that can slide down the stadium's slope and increase attack and contact.