- Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses * Visit Ascending & Leveling Troops for more information
- Behemoth, the Legendary Titan of Body, wields more pure physical strength than any other Titan commonly known to Seekers. The one-ton stone globe that Behemoth carries on his back is used as both a weapon and to intimidate his enemies.
- Behemoth is one of Dr. Blakk's lead enforcers. He resembles a Ghouled version of a Cave Troll. he is voiced by brain dummond
- Behemoths (also known as dinosaurs or thunderers) were a group of ancient reptilian creatures found on Toril.
- The Behemoth is the sixth and final boss in Double Edged. He is fought at the end of the stage.
- Behemoths are a space-borne species. Immense and docile creatures and bearing resemblance to manta rays, behemoths travel through space, even between star systems, using their own energy. Behemoths have been referred to as "the largest space faring creatures in the charted galaxy, though within the Zerg Swarm, their size is surpassed by the leviathan.
- The Behemoth is an animal from Impossible Creatures. It is the strongest of the 15 animals within the Insect Invasion expansion.
- The Behemoth is a huge, formless demon that is semi-corporeal and considerably difficult to kill.
- A Behemoth is a Raid Boss which can be fought in Unchained X. Behemoths can be encountered if a Raid Boss is triggered while playing Missions 1 through 34, or Missions 140 through 162. A popular method for spawning Behemoths is to play Mission 10 several times, due to the large number of Heartless available in that mission. Rare Behemoths can be encountered on Mission 151 and 160.
- The strongest Behemoth, a level 114 Blizzard Belgazas, is the second strongest monster in the entire Xenoblade Chronicles world. They seem to be related to the Mammut family with a lot of the same attacks or similar ones. Behemoths include:
- The Behemoth (Alligator gigas) resembles a bumpy hippopotamus, but is actually the Awakened form of the common alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). It stands 3 meters tall and is 5 meters long on average. Behemoths are aggressive carnivores and are heavily armored with overlapping scales. It typically resides in subtropical swamps and waterways near the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean League.
- Behemoth was one of the two moons on the planet Maynus. It was relatively small, but it was larger than the other moon. It was given the name because of how large it looked to the people of Maynus.
- Behemoth(ベヘモットBehemotto) is the Crimson Lord who resides in the bracelet Khamsin wears. His true name is "Steadfast Sharp Peak"(不抜の尖嶺Fubatsu no Senrei).
- Behemoth är en nanite Hive-mind utvecklat av De gamla i en alternativ verklighet där dem hade hade blivit erövrare själva. Dem förslavande soldater inklusive Ronon "Behemoth" i sina soldater att avskräcka och eliminera uppror. (ATL: "Stargate Atlantis: Mirror Mirror")kategori:De gamla teknologi
- Behemoths are a class of super vehicles formally introduced in Battlefield 1.
- The Behemoth is a weapon under the classification of axe. It can be won from the Earth Cell in the Dwarf Tunnels. It can only be fought on the Fairy Path, when Dyvad asks you for the Shiny Ore.
- Behemoths (ベヘモス Behemosu) are enemies that are only encountered in the Egg Corridor.
- The Behemoth is a in Horizon Zero Dawn. The Behemoth is a huge, rugged transport-class machine that uses antigravity technology to transfer precious cargo from smaller acquisition-class machines into its stomach container. When provoked, it may charge at the enemy or use its anti-gravity unit to hurl heavy objects. It is also equipped with a set of grinding drills that allow it to grind and propel rocks as projectiles.
- Le Behemoth est un Sans-cœur puissant apparaissant dans Kingdom Hearts, inspiré par les ennemis du même nom dans la série Final Fantasy. Il est l’un des Sans-cœur relâchés avec la fermeture de la Serrure à la Forteresse Oubliée (les deux autres étant le Fantôme et Kurt Zisa). Apparaissant pour la première fois à la Forteresse Oubliée, d’autres Behemoths peuvent être trouvés au Colisée de l’Olympe et à la Fin du Monde.
- The Behemoth was a ship which the infamous pirate Bashkar bought during the Arawn Losstarot War. He named the ship after his wife. According to the seller it used to be a naval ship, and it was equipped with cannons. He also claimed it had three floors, 40 rooms, 5 toilets, 2 saunas, a heated pool, rumpus room, detatchable kitchen, movie theatre, twin-garage, air conditioning and front and rear spoilers.
- The Behemoth is a hypercoaster built by Bolliger and Mabillard (B&M). It was their first hypercoaster (Roller coaster over 200 feet tall) they ever built. It is located in the Action Zone at Wonderland.
- A Behemoth is a monstrous creature comprised of red lyrium. They are often seen fighting alongside Red Templars.
- [[Archivo:Codex Behemoth.png|thumb|235x235px|Un demonio Behemoth, ilustrado en el Códice de los Cazadores de Sombras.]] El Behemoth es un enorme y amorfo demonio; siendo sumamente difícil matarlo debido a su forma semi corpórea.
- Behemoth (ベヘモット, Behemotto lit. Beasts)
- Behemoth is a Deluxe Earth Skylander
- Behemoth is a Rogues Gallery Perk. __NoToC__
- Behemoth is monster #4 from the Series 1 figures.
- Behemoth was the name of a Vahrall Demon.
- Table of Contents: Quick Stat & Upgrades | Strategy (+/-) The Behemoth is a Champion unit. It can not be targeted by minion units and has a 10 morale cost. __TOC__
- Behemoth - polska grupa muzyczna, powstała w październiku 1991 roku w Gdańsku, występująca do 1992 roku pod nazwą Baphomet. Na początku prezentowała styl muzyczny zaliczany do black metalu, później, od 1994 roku, zbliżony do pagan metalu, szeroko wykorzystując w nagraniach gitarę akustyczną. Następnie zespół zaczął wykonywać muzykę z rodzaju death metalu, porzucając tematykę pogańską na rzecz szeroko rozumianego okultyzmu oraz mitologii Bliskiego Wschodu. W początkowym okresie działalności za sprawą gościnnej współpracy z Robertem Fudalim (Graveland) grupa była błędnie wiązana z nurtem NSBM. Obecnie Behemoth jest muzycznie kategoryzowany tak jak zespoły Nile oraz Morbid Angel. Kategoria:Polskie zespoły Kategoria:Zespoły metalowe
- A type of demon similar to the Mancubus, but somewhat weaker. Like the Mancubus, the Behemoth is equipped with two fireball launchers, mounted directly into its appendages.
- File:Behemoth thumb.gif Write the text of your article here!
- The Behemoth is an enemy that appears in Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland and Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland.
- Behemoth (ベヒモス, Behimosu?) is a high ranked mercenary player in the VRMMO, Gun Gale Online, who is usually hired as a bodyguard for player groups with money but no perseverance. Behemoth uses a heavy «GE M134 Minigun» as his weapon of choice.
- Behemoth is a mancubus class monster first encountered in Sector 3 in Doom RPG.
- The Behemoth is a weapon in Saints Row: The Third.
- The Behemoth is an Atlantean Heroic Age siege Myth Unit in Age of Mythology: The Titans available through the worship of Rheia.
- Behemoths are huge. Seeing their size, you might think they're difficult to defeat though. This is actually far from the truth. You may be able to take them down in a single turn by using three Windas, and Combo with Seth and Kaim. Don't confuse the fact that they are easily defeated with them being weak though. They can do massive damage if you don't end the fight quickly. Their Blizzard attack does 150-200 damage to your back-row party members, and 500-550 to the front row members. In addition, their Rage ability will boost their physical attack damage into the 600s.
- Behemoths (a.k.a. Burrowers) are a class of monster, i.e. a species in the bestiary of Guild Wars. They are huge beasts that live mainly underground, with only a claw-armed head on a serpent-like body above the surface. The actual shape and size of their bodies is unknown. Usually they will be found waiting dormant, with the neck retracted and the head resting on the ground on a collar of spiky rocks, only springing to life when prey comes within range of their powerful ranged attack. This appearance makes them look almost like harmless piles of rocks from a distance.
- Behemoth, originally Jakra, is a loyal, powerful Dark Hunter who was once a Matoran courier.
- The Behemoth is a kett unit type, the result of kett experimentation on captive krogan. It is protected by armor. The Behemoth first appears in the mission Hunting the Archon. Pathfinder Ryder can choose to rescue salarian Pathfinder Zevin Raeka and her team from the kett or a group of krogan colonists being held prisoner. If the krogan are saved, the kett will be deprived of krogan for exaltation, Zevin will die and be replaced by Lumont Hayjer, and a number of salarians will fight alongside the kett from then on. If Zevin is saved, she will remain Pathfinder, but the kett will use their krogan prisoners to produce more Behemoths.
- Dragon noir, Behemoth était aux ordres d’Ulti/Sariel et avait été envoyé pour affronter Zahikel, lequel vainc sans problème le dragon avant que son âme ne soit absorbée dans son gantelet. A la disparition de Zahikel, il est redevenu un dragon élémental de Ténèbres.
- Behemoth ist eine Multiplayermap aus Call of Duty: Ghosts, die mit dem Devastation-DLC erschien. thumb|Behemoth
- Behemoth est un chiot Saint-Bernard de l'univers de Donald Duck.
- Behemoth is a program in the video game TRON: Evolution.
- thumb|der apokalyptische Kampf zwischen Behemoth und LeviathanDas Behemoth ist ein gigantisches Tier, das in der Bibel erwähnt wird. Je nach Quelle erinnert es an einen Elefanten, einen Ochsen, ein Nilpferd oder ein Mischwesen aus diesen Tieren.
- There are three of them in existence, until the player destroys them all in the mission "Destroy the Behemoth".
- Behemoth ist eine Black Death Metal-Band aus Danzig, Polen, die seit 1994 Alben veröffentlicht (vorher allerdings schon vier Demos im harten Underground). Behemoth wurde 1991 als Baphomet gegründet. Der Boss ist Adam Michał „Nergal“ Darski. 2014 ist ihr zehntes Album The Satanist bei Nuclear Blast Records erschienen. → Siehe auch Aeternus, Arroganz, Necrophobic
- Behemoth is a Digital Lifeform. It is the gigantic motorcycle-type machine which Beelzemon rides on. __TOC__
- According to the concept art, the Behemoth's has some attacks consisting of jumping and smashing onto the ground, uppercutting with their claw, spitting hazardous material, and breathing fire.
- Behemoth (ベヒモス, Behimosu) is a hobgoblin. He is the familiar of Amaimon. Whenever Amaimon is not fighting, Behemoth is usually seen with him.
- frame|FF1:en taideteos.Behemothit (ベヒーモス Behīmosu) ovat vihollisia, jotka esiintyvät useissa Final Fantasy -peleissä. Niitä kuvaillaan yleensä suuriksi, violeteiksi eläimiksi, joilla on kaksi sarvea. Useimmissa Final Fantasy -peleissä Behemothit käyttävät vastahyökkäyksenä jotain erittäin voimakasta taikaa. Behemothin ensiesiintyminen oli Final Fantasy II:ssa.
- The Behemoth was a brutish knight who was defeated by Prince James in battle, thus proving that the latter is worthy of slaying the dragon that plagues King Midas' kingdom in exchange for a multitude of gold. Once the deal is struck, Behemoth stabs Prince James in the chest with his spear, killing him.
- Behemoth – zespół reprezentujący black-like-satans-ass-metal. Założony w 1991 przez Adama Darskiego pod nazwą Baphomet. Rok później, z uwagi na komercyjną klapę, nazwa została zmieniona na obecną.
- A very large creature from another dimension (possibly Todash space), with six legs. Other than the legs, with hundreds of the aforementioned small flying creatures attached to them, this creature is unseen. Although the creature's exact size is never specified, David gets the impression that its size would make a blue whale resemble a trout if both were posed together, and its weight is sufficient to leave six-foot-deep footprints the size of a large SUV in solid concrete.
- "Behemoths" and "ancient behemoths" are the names of monsters that have appeared in many different RPGs such as Dungeons & Dragons, Final Fantasy, etc. The physical appearance of behemoths depends on the series. In some series they appear beast-like and in others dragon-like. All are based on the biblical Behemoth.
- The Behemoth deserves its name. With an enormous cargo space of 315t, this giant of giants is miles ahead of any other Standard trade ship. But it comes at the costs of big size, limited gun mounts and an extremely hideous look.
- He's with the Young Turks when they stage the sneak attack on Fey, Generator, Chaka and Bladedancer. He's with the Young Turks when Team Kimba destroys them in the revenge match.
- It is the year 2579 and humanity has brought onto itself wars from alien races. Scientists from Earth and the planet's many allies are planning on constructing the ultimate war machine - CHIMERA. However, something backfired during the AI coding for CHIMERA and now the machine has destroyed most of Earth and allied planets. They then started Project: BEHEMOTH- the ultimate soldier. BEHEMOTH turned out to be a success. BEHEMOTH is now Earth's only hope to salvage what is left of civilization.
- Behemoth is possibly the oldest robot that has competed in Roaming Robots competitions, starting in Series 2 of Robot Wars, and continuing all the way to the end of the show's run. Behemoth has a pnematic scoop which can sometimes be capable of lifting other robots out of the arena and self righting 'arms' on each side. The robot was also armed with a small axe, but this was removed shortly before its first Roaming Robots appearance. Behemoth managed to win the 2006 Winter Tour after defeating Iron Awe 3 in the final, and also finished 3rd in the 2005 Winter Tour. It has also competed in more recent competitions, but with less success.
- fight it as the Mercenary class to finish the b-b-b-behemoth quest
* Giant Tail
* Monster Meat
* Bounty (Behemoth)
* Reward: 5000 Dosh
* Bounty drops:
* Giant Tail
* Rockcrusher Hammer
- (ベヒーモス, Behīmosu) was a Class-D Storm Rider team and a subsidiary of Genesis. Although they had the strength of an A-Class team, they remained in D-Class by not winning the three wins required to advance. Their stated reason was so that they could prey on other Storm Rider teams, but in reality, Simca had requested that they eliminate teams not truly prepared for the Parts War to avoid needless bloodshed in the upcoming conflict with Sleeping Forest. Udou Akira led the team, and the four strongest members were known as the "Shiseijyū" (四聖獣, four mythical beasts, the Four Titans of Behemoth in the Del Rey translation); according to Noyamano Ringo, all of the four are King-class riders.
- File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: File:FireIcon.png Fire: File:WaterIcon.png Water: Galaxy Serpent File:WoodIcon.png Wood: File:LightIcon.png Light: File:DarkIcon.png Dark: File:Scroll.png Tower: File:S++.png Temple: Water (Time) | Wood (Time)
- Archaic Jewish name for hippopotamus, from the Hebrew behema. In Jewish mythology, it is an apocalyptic beast who represents the largest and most powerful of all land-dwelling beasts, was herbivorous, and dwelled in swamps. The Behemoth is the primal power of the land, as the Leviathan is the primal monster of the sea, and the Ziz the monster of the sky. Legend says that at the end of the world the Behemoth and Leviathan will kill each other, providing apocalyptic feasts for men.
- Monsters of the Behemoth class are closely related to Leviathans, having a similar body structure while the only difference being the fact that Behemoths roam terrestrial surfaces instead of aquatic domains. Some behemoths are capable of 'swimming' through terrain, while others can fly. Results vary from Monster to Monster.
- When the trio of trick-or-treaters come back with the Easter Bunny, Behemoth loudly points out, "Bunny!" Scared, the Bunny hops back into the bag, and is subsequently (with some rather heavy persuasion from Jack), taken back to its own holiday world. He is voiced by Randy Crenshaw.
- Behemoths are recurring enemies of the Final Fantasy video game series, initially appearing in the Famicom video game Final Fantasy II. They occasionally appear in spin-offs and are even sometimes summons that fight for you, though you might have to battle them before they join your party. Their appearance is altered in each game. He was also in Mario Sports Mix for Wii as a boss.
- The Behemoth(Gigantus pilosus.) dwells in the remotest parts of Siberia, Canada and Greenland. They are so large that to hide they have to conceal themselves behind mountains.
- Behemoth, a great place for quiet and exploring. Behemoth region was one of the first TG resident sims on the grid which is named after Malarthi Behemoth. In Behemoth region you can find a Dog House with Snoopy outside, a simple tent and lots of trees.
- Behemoth is the Subterra Guardian Bakugan of Ewok and the Legendry God Bakugan of Subterra.