| - Mopatop opens the episode by offering a birds nest, a treasure chest or a Ziggity Zest getting dressed, who however whispers that he are not getting dressed but having a rest, but that it's a secret. Lammont arrives with a delivery, Puppyduck are sure it must be the rocket she has ordered, but i turns out to be a box of pockets. Manny and his little sister Minnie enters the shop. Manny says that his sister can't keep a secret, she defends her self by saying that she don't have any place to put the secret so they would like some help to a solution to the problem. Manny starts to sing about the problem. Puppyduck quickly finds a nice bag where Minnie can keep her secrets, however Moosey Mouse thinks that a safe would be better, and he puts his own secret into that. Minnie likes the bag, Mann
| - Mopatop opens the episode by offering a birds nest, a treasure chest or a Ziggity Zest getting dressed, who however whispers that he are not getting dressed but having a rest, but that it's a secret. Lammont arrives with a delivery, Puppyduck are sure it must be the rocket she has ordered, but i turns out to be a box of pockets. Manny and his little sister Minnie enters the shop. Manny says that his sister can't keep a secret, she defends her self by saying that she don't have any place to put the secret so they would like some help to a solution to the problem. Manny starts to sing about the problem. Puppyduck quickly finds a nice bag where Minnie can keep her secrets, however Moosey Mouse thinks that a safe would be better, and he puts his own secret into that. Minnie likes the bag, Manny suggest that they should test it with a little secret. Mopatop tells Minnie a little secret, and she retells into the bag. However shortly after she tells the secret to everyone, Mopatop starts to look for something better. He finds the safe that Moosey was referring to earlier, as he opens it Moosey's secret is let out, it turns out to be that he has hidden a piece of cheese behind the birds nest and now he has to hide it again. Minnie notice the box of pockets, Manny thinks that a pocket would be the perfect place for a secret, Moosey also thinks that a pocket would be a good place to keep his cheese. Puppyduck attached a pocket to Minnie's cloths and Manny tells her a secret about what they are gonna do when they leave the shop. Minnie puts it into the pocket and Manny asks her what they are doing, Minne replays that she can't say because it's a secret. After they leave Lamont returns with a rocket, he says that he got it from two bunnies that have made it themselves.